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【752】Movement (3)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan gave Liu Yijing an idea, and Liu Yijing adopted it. He dragged Wang An into the cabinet of Qianqing Palace and pulled out the crown prince Zhu Youxiao... However, he was met by Li Xuanshi and his colleagues. The obstruction of minions...

Wei Jinzhong touched the big bump on his head and was very angry. Damn it, I have endured it for so many years, and when I saw hope, the crow turned into a phoenix, where did this little bastard come from?

"You...get down here"

Standing on the palace wall was none other than Ma Xiaoquan.

How Ma Xiaoquan climbed up, no one noticed. At this time, the Qianqing Palace was noisy, who cares about this matter.

Ma Xiaoquan sneered: "You must be Wei Zhongxian, you old guy, you dare to join forces with Li Xuan to prevent the crown prince from ascending the throne. How courageous are you?"

Wei Jinzhong said angrily: "My name is Wei Jinzhong, not Wei Zhongxian. You...you little bastard, you hit the wrong person."

Ma Xiaoquan said: "You hit the wrong person? Whoever beat you is Wei Jinzhong or Wei Zhongxian, who cares?" As he said that, Ma Xiaoquan threw another stone and hit Wei Jinzhong.

This time Wei Jinzhong was on guard and the stone didn't hit him, but it still made him so angry that his lungs almost exploded.

"Get down here you little bastard"

"Come up here, you haven't removed the clean things in your posture." Ahem, this "position" has not been removed cleanly, which means that Wei Zhongxian has not been cleanly cut. There should be a little... something in his crotch. Wei Jinzhong wouldn't show mercy when someone he didn't know exposed him. He would climb the palace wall like a madman without even saying a word.

Without the help of Wei Jinzhong, Li Xuan, a female servant, is definitely no match for Wang An. Although Wang An is a eunuch, don't forget that the man still has the stature and strength.

Wang An unceremoniously imitated Li Xuanshi and pinched her breasts hard. Li Xuanshi let out a grunt and let go of her hands. Wang An snorted coldly and took the opportunity to push Zhu Youxiao out of the cabinet.

Zhu Youxiao was pushed out of the cabinet staggeringly, and happened to bump into Liu Yijing outside the cabinet door of Qianqing Palace.

Liu Yijing was in her sixties. When she saw it was Zhu Youxiao, she was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground. Then, Liu Yijing did an amazing rollover and changed from sitting to kneeling.

"Long live long live, long live long live," Liu Yijing knelt down and shouted.

Liu Yijing yelled like this, and everyone reacted. Facing Zhu Youxiao, who was only sixteen years old, all the ministers knelt on the ground and shouted "Long live, long live, long live, long live".

In the cabinet, when Wei Jinzhong heard someone shouting "long live", he could only stop climbing and knelt on the ground together. Ma Xiaoquan, who was on the palace wall, took this opportunity to escape.


Ma Xiaoquan jumped off the palace wall and rushed out in a hurry. If his actions just now made anyone interested, they might not be able to explain clearly.

At the same time that Ma Xiaoquan ran out, Li Xuanshi and Wei Jinzhong also reacted.

Seeing that Zhu Youxiao hadn't completely run out of Qianqing Palace, they rushed over like a hungry tiger attacking a sheep.

Wei Jinzhong rubbed the big bump on his head with one hand and held a stick tightly with the other. It was not that he wanted to hit anyone with the stick, but holding the stick in his hand made him feel at ease and courageous.

At this time, Yang Lian rushed up and protected Zhu Youxiao with Wang Anyi, while Liu Yijing and British Duke Zhang Weixian were separated, supporting and pushing Zhu Youxiao and ran outside.

Among this group of escorts, except for Yang Lian, who had good physical strength and was relatively young, the others were all "old helpers". Seeing that they were about to leave the Qianqing Palace, they were stopped by Wei Jinzhong and other eunuchs.

Not far away, Ma Xiaoquan was speechless, so he had to change direction and rush towards Zhu Youxiao.

Wei Jinzhong was still rubbing the big bump on his head. While rubbing it, he pointed a stick at the ministers and threatened them to put Zhu Youxiao down.

At present, the number of eunuchs is obviously more than the number of veterans. Although eunuchs are not considered men, at least they used to be, and the strength of eunuchs is not much different from that of men.

Between you pushing and me pushing, Zhu Youxiao became a top in the wind, being pulled here and there by you.

Wei Jinzhong was overjoyed. At this moment, he had already forgotten the pain in his head. Just when his dirty hands grabbed the corner of Zhu Youxiao's clothes and was about to pull back with all his strength, he heard a "thud" sound. There was a loud sound, and Wei Jinzhong was hit on the head with a stone again.

This blow was not heavy, but it disrupted the direction of Wei Jinzhong's force. The force was uneven. Wei Jinzhong tore off a corner of Zhu Youxiao's robe, and he himself immediately fell to the ground with his arms stretched out.

At this time, Yang Lian stepped forward and protected Zhu Youxiao. He glared at Wei Jinzhong who was still crawling on the ground and said sternly: "Don't help the tyrants to do evil or act as villains. Do you think we don't know what Li Xuanshi wants to do?"

Wei Jinzhong got up from the ground angrily, picked up the stick on the ground and was about to hit Yang Lian. But... Before Wei Jinzhong could raise the stick above his head, he was hit hard in the crotch.

Theoretically speaking, a eunuch who has no hair will not have much reaction after being hit hard in the crotch, but... Wei Jinzhong is different, because he... has not been completely cut off .

Wei Jinzhong's face turned red from suppressing the pain, and he endured the severe pain without making a sound. He looked closely and saw that the person who kicked him turned out to be Wang An.

"Wang An, you and I are incompatible with each other!" Wei Jinzhong roared.

Wang An had no time to pay attention to Wei Jinzhong's anger. Wang An knew that the man on the palace wall in the cabinet just now was Ma Xiaoquan, the dandy fourth young master of the Ma family.

Although Wang An disliked Ma Xiaoquan very much, Ma Xiaoquan just casually said that Wei Jinzhong was not "castrated", which made Wang An worry.

As the saying goes, it is better to explore the true knowledge yourself than to keep doubts and wait for others to answer them. With this idea in mind, Wang An took advantage of Wei Jinzhong's lack of concentration and kicked Wei Jinzhong hard in the lower body.

Wang An was very satisfied with the results because he discovered something strange about Wei Jinzhong.

Judging from the experience of someone who has been castrated for decades, Wei Jinzhong is indeed not "castrated" cleanly.

"Hmph" Wang An said with disdain to Wei Jinzhong.

Wei Jinzhong really wanted to fight Wang An, but the pain in his crotch was so painful that even walking was a little difficult.

In this way, with Wei Jinzhong's "attention ceremony", Wang An, Liu Yijing, Yang Lian and others successfully escorted the emperor's eldest son, the next emperor Zhu Youxiao, out of Qianqing Palace.

When Ma Xiaoquan saw it, he chuckled, and then climbed out of the palace wall.

This chapter has been completed!
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