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【882】Women's Corps (22)

Summary of the previous chapter: Nangong Lin wants to roll dice with Ma Xiaoquan. Ma Xiaoquan knows Nangong Lin’s ability and proposes to use a gourd as the dice cup instead...

The more Nangong Lin looked at Ma Xiaoquan, the more he felt that there was something wrong in his mind. As soon as Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, Nangong Lin stretched out his hand again and said, "Bring the gourd back and let me look at it again."

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and handed the gourd in his hand to Nangong Lin.

Nangong Lin was very suspicious. Although he had checked the gourd in his hand three times, he still felt uneasy.

"Senior Nangong, how about this..." Ma Xiaoquan suggested, "How about filling the gourd with oil?"

"Inject oil?" Nangong Lin felt trembling in his heart, thinking that although this method is good, if he uses this method, he may not be able to use his gambling skills.

When Ma Xiaoquan saw Nangong Lin's refusal, he sarcastically said: "What? Senior Nangong, are you afraid? Just start if you are afraid. Hey, you are such a coward."

When Master Zi heard this, he angrily asked, "Ma Xiaoquan, you little brat, who are you calling a coward?"

Ma Xiaoquan retorted: "Okay, Zi Lao San, your seniors all think highly of you, don't act like a little brat. If I beat the three of you, I will be the master in the casino. Why, I dare not accept your proposal."

?If you don’t dare to accept it, just admit defeat!”

"You, you little rabbit..." Before Mr. Zi San could finish his words, he was grabbed by Ximen Yinyi.

Ximen Yin was also very angry, but the rules of the casino were indeed like this. Whoever wins is the boss. This is an unwritten rule in the casino.

"Okay, very good." Mr. Zi San took two deep breaths and nodded, "Ma Xiaoquan, if you dare to claim the title of master, fine, I'll be cruel to you, but don't forget that you will never be able to defeat Old Man Nangong.


Ma Xiaoquan said disdainfully: "Can't win him? Don't be ridiculous. You don't even dare to accept my proposal. If you still want to win me, just dream!"


"That's enough!" Nangong Lin, who had been silent until now, suddenly raised his head and said, "Boy Ma, I accept your proposal and pour oil into the gourd!"

"Old man Nangong?" Zi Sanye and Ximen Yin were stunned at the same time, and then said in unison, "Don't you..."

"Okay, you two, stop talking. This is my bet. I can do whatever I want!" Nangong Lin said with a frown.

Ma Xiaoquan was overjoyed. Previously, he was worried that his provoking method would be ineffective against Nangong Lin, an old fox. Oh, thanks to Zi Laosan and Ximen Yin. If they hadn't interfered, Nangong Lin might have calmed down.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded to Li Qinghan with a serious expression. Li Qinghan understood and left quickly. After a while, Li Qinghan slowly walked towards them holding two bowls of cooking oil.

"Senior Nangong, these are two bowls of cooking oil, please check them!"

Nangong Lin stretched out his hand: "No need, if I doubt this again, I, Nangong Lin, will stop messing around in the future! Come on, pour the oil in!"

Li Qinghan nodded and carefully poured the two bowls of cooking oil in his hands into the two gourds respectively.

The gourd is relatively large, and it will definitely be dissatisfying if cooking oil enters it, but it doesn't matter, Ma Xiaoquan wants this effect.

After pouring the cooking oil, Li Qinghan handed the two gourds to Ma Xiaoquan and Nangong Lin respectively.

Nangong Lin took the gourd and shook it rhythmically, while Ma Xiaoquan shook it casually.

Seeing Nangong Lin shaking the gourd, Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help but think of Cao Hong in the late Han Dynasty.

Nangong Lin's posture of shaking the gourd was very similar to that of Cao Hong in the past. Ma Xiaoquan still remembered what Cao Hong said at that time.

Cao Hong said, "Anyone who is as shaky as me will usually come up with big ideas if they are gambling."

The big ideas Cao Hong talks about are actually ideas like the Leopard Horn.

Nangong Lin knew that there was oil in the gourd and it was impossible to come up with the big idea he wanted, but he still insisted on his own way. It seemed that he was gambling on luck.

Ma Xiaoquan exhaled, waved to a team member, and then handed the gourd in his hand to the other person.

"You come and shake it," Ma Xiaoquan said.

"Monitor, I...I won't..."

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "Nothing will happen, just shake it as you like."


Ma Xiaoquan nodded, crossed his arms, and waited quietly.

After a dozen breaths, Nangong Lin stopped.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded to the team members, who also stopped.

"Come out." Nangong Lin asked.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled and said: "Senior Nangong, I don't understand. You can't hear the dice shaking in the oil gourd, and pouring it out of the oil gourd can't be the idea you want?"

Nangong Lin smiled slightly, he believed that his posture just now could be useful, or at least it might be useful.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded, ordered the team members to open the gourd and poured out the first dice.

Since there is cooking oil in the gourd, when the dice comes out, some of the cooking oil also comes out.

Because of this, even if there is Qigong, it will be ineffective because the dice are contaminated with cooking oil.

"Two." Ma Xiaoquan frowned when he saw the number of his first dice.

Ma Xiaoquan and Nangong Lin were playing a game of competition, and the rules were a little different from their usual games. To put it simply, it was similar to the "golden flower cheat" in modern society.

In the rules of cheating Jinhua, two is the smallest number. Ma Xiaoquan had a bad start and it was a bit difficult to handle.

Nangong Lin looked at it expressionlessly, and slowly poured out his first dice.

"Yi." Nangong Lin looked at it and his eyebrows jumped twice.

"Yi" is the largest number among the dice numbers played by Ma Xiaoquan and Nangong Lin. Ma Xiaoquan just poured out "two" and Nangong Lin's "yi". It can be determined immediately who is bigger and who is smaller.

However... Ma Xiaoquan and Nangong Lin each have three dice in the gourds in their hands. Although Ma Xiaoquan's first dice is smaller than Nangong Lin's, if the next two dice are larger than Nangong Lin's, Ma Xiaoquan still wins.

of hope.

The second one was taken out by Nangong Lin first.

Nangong Lin closed his eyes, shook his right hand slightly, and then... a dice slowly "flowed out" from the mouth of the gourd.

The dice mixed with cooking oil slid into the bowl, swung slightly twice, and then settled on "yi".

"It's yi again!" Nangong Lin took a long breath, and his tone became trembling.

At this time, Ma Xiaoquan's team members also poured out the second dice.

Three...The number of Ma Xiaoquan's second dice is "three".

At this moment, the number of faces between the two of them, Ma Xiaoquan is "two or three", while Nangong Lin's number is "double". Judging from the number of faces, Nangong Lin is still the best.

This chapter has been completed!
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