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Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan has always been puzzled by the question about "Yue'er". After thinking about it, Ma Xiaoquan decided to go back and have a look...

Modern, underground world, Piaoshui City large warehouse laboratory transmission platform.

There was a "whoosh" sound, and a small wind blew inexplicably on the teleportation platform.

Under the stage, two staff members in white coats heard the sound and looked up.

"Did you find anything?" a staff member wearing glasses asked another person.


"Oh, then why is there suddenly wind on the teleportation platform?"

"Hey, this is the underground world. How can there be any wind? It seems to me that the screws of the skylight on the top are loose."

"Oh, that makes sense. Okay, I'll call the engineering department and ask them to send someone to repair the skylight."


In a dark corner not far from the teleportation platform, Ma Xiaoquan breathed out softly.

Although he lost the support of the Heart of Time and temporarily lost his superpowers, due to the structure and viewing angle of the teleportation platform, Ma Xiaoquan still managed to escape the staff in the audience without any danger.

Ma Xiaoquan planned to return quietly this time.

Off the stage, two staff members were operating the machines around them in an orderly manner. Behind them, Ruan Longfei, a member of the Extreme Team, suddenly appeared.

"Hey" Ruan Longfei lazily shouted to the two staff members.

The two were slightly stunned, turned around and saw Ruan Longfei, and said with a smile: "Ah Fei, why are you here today?"

Ruan Longfei stepped forward, gently put down the tool bag he was carrying, and said with some helplessness: "My brother will accompany his sister-in-law to the hospital for a prenatal check-up today. Why don't I take over his shift for the whole day?"

"Haha, Fei, you haven't done engineering for a long time since you joined the Extreme Team, right?"

Ruan Longfei chuckled: "Who said that, I am also a part-time engineer in the team. Okay, don't talk nonsense. You called just now and said that the screws on the skylight were loose, right? Well, my brother is busy recently, so

I haven't come here yet, so I'll change the screws today." Ruan Longfei said, carrying the tool bag, skillfully grabbing the steel pipe under the stage, gently pushing it up, and then climbed onto the transfer platform.

In the audience, a staff member wearing glasses said: "A Fei has become better and better since he joined the Extreme Team. Oh, by the way, a few days ago, A Fei went to have a discussion with Captain Tomorrow Heart. What was the result?


Another person covered his mouth and snickered: "The result? He must have been completely tortured. Who is the captain? To be honest, even the pony Ma Xiaoquan couldn't last 10 rounds in his hands."

In the dark corner, Ma Xiaoquan shook his head helplessly and murmured in his heart: Damn, I obviously lasted for 1 round last time, okay?

Ruan Longfei climbed onto the teleportation platform, pulled the telescopic ladder beside him, pushed it hard, and the telescopic ladder extended upwards.

Climbing up the telescopic ladder to the top and standing under the skylight, Ruan Longfei narrowed his eyes.

"It's strange? The screws are not loose? Besides, where does the wind come from in Piaoshui City? I see, every time Pony comes back..." At this point, Ruan Longfei suddenly felt


In the dark corner, Ma Xiaoquan felt bad and quickly stretched out his hand to wave to Ruan Longfei on the top of the telescopic ladder.

Ruan Longfei was stunned and immediately reacted.

After jumping off the telescopic ladder, Ruan Longfei naturally carried the tool bag and walked to the edge of the dark corner.

"Xiao Ma, it is indeed you, why did you come back suddenly?" Ruan Longfei asked in a low voice.

"A Fei, hush, I came back this time to investigate something. By the way, where is Ming Yuexin?"

Ruan Longfei frowned and said nothing.

Ma Xiaoquan saw that Ruan Longfei's expression was a little unnatural, and then asked: "A Fei, are you hiding something from me? What happened to Ming Yuexin? I came back several times without meeting her. Before, she would have been here long ago.


"This..." Ruan Longfei was very embarrassed. He discovered that matter accidentally. Except for his girlfriend Yaoyao, no one else knew about it. Moreover, because of that matter

, Ruan Longfei also promised Captain Xin to keep the secret tomorrow.

"A Fei, if we are brothers, tell the truth if we are brothers. Don't you know what the relationship between Ming Yuexin and I is?"

"Hiss" Ruan Longfei scratched his head and glanced at the audience: "Okay, then you have to promise me not to say what I said."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "I understand, tell me quickly where she is now, I want to find her."

Ruan Longfei turned his back, rolled his eyes slightly, and whispered: "It's at the Central Hospital."

"What, in the Central Hospital?" Ma Xiaoquan was stunned, "Okay, I understand, thank you, buddy." After saying that, Ma Xiaoquan ducked away.

Watching Ma Xiaoquan leave, Ruan Longfei immediately stretched out his right hand and turned on the communicator on his right wrist.

"Zizzi" was heard twice, and the small screen on the communicator lit up, followed by the appearance of a beautiful girl.

"A Fei, what's wrong? Didn't you go to repair the skylight?"

"Yao Yao, no... Xiao Ma came back secretly... Hmm... Oops, how do I know what kind of wind he has? But he said he was going to find Mingyue.

My heart... I went to the Central Hospital, ah... Mingyue Xin is at the Central Hospital... No... Didn't I say I wasn't here last time? Oops

, what should we do, okay, okay, I’ll leave this matter to you, remember, don’t tell anyone... That’s it, no more.”


Ma Xiaoquan sneaked into the locker room secretly, changed into cleaning staff's clothes, put on a mask, and then walked cautiously toward the Central Hospital.

Because I was in such a hurry, I didn't bother to ask Ruan Longfei which floor and ward number Mingyue Xin was on.

The central hospital in Piaoshui City is very big. Ma Xiaoquan cannot search for it one by one, but he also can't go to the front desk to ask the nurse. In this case, Ming Yuexin may not be found yet, but he will be found by the members of the Extreme Raiders.

"Damn it." Ma Xiaoquan rubbed his head, "Ming Yue Xin, Ming Yue Xin, where are you?"


"Little Ma...Ma Xiaoquan?" Suddenly, a soft female voice came from behind Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan was startled and thought to himself, how can I be recognized by others even though I'm dressed up like this?

Looking up, Ma Xiaoquan was frightened again: "Yao Yao? You...how did you..."

"Shhh" the other party stepped forward and pulled Ma Xiaoquan into an empty ward, "I heard what you were saying to yourself just now. By the way, why did you come back suddenly?"

This chapter has been completed!
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