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1087 Imperfect Heaven

In the ancient times, the Creator was the most powerful. Except for the Ancient God born from eggs and the Ancient God born from Tao, various other ancient gods were sacrificed to the Creator and were born one after another.

Such as Tiangong, Tubo, the four ancient gods, Zhou Tianxing Dou ancient gods, etc.

At that time, the Tai Emperor was the most powerful, ruling the entire universe, and his spiritual consciousness was enlightened, and his power was boundless.

Under the Tai Emperor, there were three divine kings, namely Boyang, Gongyun, and Shujun in order.

Now, Boyang is dead, Gong Jun has become Gong Tianzun, and Shu Jun is still a big-headed baby who has not grown up yet, not as good as the peak in ancient times, but still belongs to Yankang.

However, due to the end of the ancient times, God King Shujun led the Creators to attack the ancient gods and was ultimately defeated, which could almost be said to have ruined the Creator clan. Therefore, although God King Shujun was resurrected, he was ignored by the surviving Creators.

Neither respectful nor hostile like the Emperor.

It's almost an attitude of indifference.

The new Creator God King is Lang Juan, who leads the remaining Creators. In order to survive, they are forced to form an alliance with Wuyou Township and Yankang to fight against the Heavenly Court.

She is also at the Tianzun level.

"I will not betray my allies." God King Lang Kuan said calmly, thinking that the current Creator can no longer afford any setbacks and can only go to the dark side.

What's more, with the Kaihuang of Wuyou Township, Mu Tianzun, Cao Ya Tianzun, Yue Tianzun, You Tianzun, etc. of Yankang, God King Langkuan believed that his side did not have no chance of winning.

"Tiangong is in Xuandu, blessed by the way of heaven, and has obvious geographical advantages. It is equivalent to the existence of the Great Heavenly Court. If you attack from Heaven, I am afraid that it will be difficult to break through Xuandu and kill Tiangong!" God King Lang Kuan said, with his spiritual consciousness splashing out, imagining all kinds of things.

Divine power, shining in the sky, turbulence in the Milky Way, confronting Concubine Yan Tian.

"Chi la~~"

Concubine Yantian did not use the divine weapon Yu Tianzun. The power of this deity, the law of returning to ruins is terrifying, dissolving all things, and even the great road will be shattered. If it is activated, it is enough to deal with God King Langzhuan.

"You can't understand the power of Heavenly Court, God King Langzhuan. The army is pressing down on the territory. The ten guards of Heavenly Court are all top-notch troops. The worst soldiers are all from Yujing. The more powerful ones are Lingxiao and Emperor.

Under the command of these masters, together we can defeat Tianzun!" Concubine Yan Tian said with a smile.

The Ten Guards of Heaven, the huge Xuandu, can only be resisted by Tiangong. Other troops may be able to defend in the short term, but they are destined to be difficult to resist in the long term.

But can the power of God be able to stop the remaining Heavenly Lords...

Concubine Yan Tian felt very confused!

Tianzun has many trump cards. Even in Xuandu, with the blessing of Heaven and the power of Heaven, if many Tianzuns are dispatched and the divine weapon Yu Tianzun is revived...

God's fate is also destined to death.

Furthermore, Haotianzun and others may have surpassed the limit of Tianzun that people know and have initially reached the Great Heavenly Court, but they have not been able to complete the thirty-six heavenly palaces and seventy-two treasure palaces.

The Thirty-six Heavenly Palaces are the Great Heavenly Court, but this is not perfect yet. If there are seventy-two treasure palaces guarding it and reflecting the glory of the Thirty-six Heavenly Palaces, then it will be the most perfect Great Heavenly Palace!

The former is a five-star high level, and the latter is a five-star peak level.

Converting the Tao realm system, that is the difference between the 36th heaven of the Tao realm and the 40th level of the Tao realm.

In the Tao realm system, in the thirty-sixth heaven, even if one becomes Tao, he can enter the ultimate void. After that, in the thirty-seventh heaven, Tao trees can grow, in the thirty-eighth heaven, Tao flowers bloom, and in the thirty-ninth heaven, Tao fruits are born.

The forty-level heaven is the Taoist palace level.

Corresponding to the ordinary Great Heaven, the seventy-two treasure palaces gradually appear, reaching the most perfect peak of the Great Heaven!

"My path is to return to the ruins, but it is also to the Great Heaven. If I cultivate it successfully, I can also achieve it with my power and mark the ultimate void!"

"In today's era, the stronger the better!"

"Although I am a Heavenly Lord, I am still inferior to Hao Tianzun, Kaihuang and the others."

Concubine Yan Tian's heart was heavy, but her actions were decisive and decisive. With a buzz, the Law of Return to Ruins annihilated the divine consciousness of God King Lang Kuan, and the magic power penetrated it, destroying all the magical powers of visualization.

However, it is not easy for God King Langzhuan to visualize a world and press down.

A God-King of Creators and a Goddess who returned to the ruins were engaged in a fierce battle on the Tianhe River. The divine power was rioting, and the Tianhe River shook three times.

But the heavenly army, which stretches for an unknown number of miles, continues to march towards Xuandu in a mighty manner!

The flags are fluttering, there are countless gods, all the heavens passing by are surrendered, and no one dares to move rashly, otherwise the world will be destroyed!

Yue Tianzun, God King Langjuan, and Kaihuang cannot really stop Ten Tianzun.

In terms of the number of strong men at all levels, Tianting has a clear advantage.

And Youtianzun, who has lived in Youdu for a long time and transformed into a billion-year-old old man who travels through all the heavens and realms to attract souls, also appeared here and took Xutianzun away.

"Hey, one is Tu Bo's personal benevolent saint king, and the other is Tu Bo's daughter. This battle is quite interesting." The Ancestral God King said with a smile.

However, Youtianzun is one of the Nine Heavenly Lords of Longhan. In terms of cultivation realm, he has made great contributions to the heavens. In this regard, Xutianzun is not as good as Youtianzun.

"You Tianzun, you are trapped in Youdu and have fallen behind a long time ago. Even if you are Longhan Jiutianzun, you are not as good as me." Xutianzun said, as the daughter of Tu Bo, you stand in the camp of heaven, just like the ancestor god king, the son of God.

, eager to kill his father and gain control of his father's power.

Everyone knows that after Xuandu and Tiangong, it is the turn of Youdu and Tubo.

Youtianzun is not good at words. He did not reply to Xutianzun and exchanged words with him. He just silently recovered billions of incarnations and the supreme soul, blooming with brilliance and illuminating all worlds!

"Huh?" Xu Tianzun's heart was shocked. You Tianzun's Yuan Shen was actually extremely powerful. He was simply the strongest Yuan Shen in history!

Xu Tianzun felt troubled and had to call the artifact Yu Tianzun.

"Longhan Jiutianzun, they are indeed special." God Emperor Langxuan praised, he felt the Dao Fruit he had obtained, and felt slightly calm.

No matter how powerful You Tianzun's soul is, he still cannot achieve enlightenment.

The Tao Fruit can only be cultivated in the 39th level of Tao Realm.

Although it was not the Dao that he had comprehended by himself, Emperor Langxuan believed that he had controlled that Dao Fruit and his strength had been significantly improved. Among the Heavenly Lords, he was not considered weak, but ranked among the top.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Yue Tianzun, Kaihuang, God King Langfan, and Youtianzun have all appeared, respectively, and were replaced by Huotianzun, Haotianzun, Yantianfei, and Xutianzun.

If you cut it off, it is difficult to intervene in the Xuandu battle. Mu Tianzun and a few people are not enough to affect the battle situation." Hong Tianzun said calmly.

"There is still one Cao Ya, as well as the Tu Bo of Youdu and the Tiangong of Xuandu - Tu Bo is restricted by Youdu Avenue and is basically impossible to appear in Xuandu - in fact, we only need to consider Cao Ya and where he is.

Xuandu, how should we deal with the Heavenly Lord who has control over the Heavenly Dao?" Concubine Qiangtian said with a smile.

"But we still have six Heavenly Lords..." Shi Tianzun said.

"This is because Xiaotianzun is not here, otherwise..." The Ancestral God King sneered, "The power of Heavenly Court, Yankang, Wuyouxiang, Creator, Youdu, Xuandu, these five major forces, even if they are united, are only in front of Heavenly Court.

A mantis blocking a cart with its arms is fragile and doomed to extinction."

"What are the four ancient gods? Suzaku has been killed by Huo Tianzun in the ancestral land. The remaining Xuanwu, White Tiger, and Qinglong are also not to be feared. They are not true Tianzun, at most they are small Tianzun. They don't need our action. Quartet

The four-color emperor is enough to deal with it." God Emperor Langxuan said indifferently.

The Four Ancient God Emperors, Xuanwu, White Tiger, and Qinglong are still there, but Suzaku, who can be reborn in nirvana, is dead. Although his remnant soul has been reincarnated, he still has another life and is unwilling to awaken from his past life and become the Southern Emperor Suzaku.

The Four-Color Emperor, the Blue Emperor of the East, the Red Emperor of the South, the White Emperor of the West, and the Black Emperor of the North are some of the top emperor-level masters conferred by the Heavenly Court. They appeared specifically to deal with the Four Ancient God Emperors. They all have multiple heavenly palaces.

Although he is not as good as other Heavenly Lords, he is still basically qualified to be called a "Little Heavenly Lord".

This is the foundation of Heavenly Court. Tianzun, Emperor's Throne, Lingxiao, Yujing and other realms, from top to bottom, are all the most numerous in the heavens!

The strongest force, dominating all realms, the strength of Heaven is well deserved.

Otherwise, why did Cao Ya and the others in the past have to lie dormant and openly express their submission to the heaven.

Heaven is really too powerful!

"Heavenly army invades Xuandu..."

At the corner of the Tianhe River, Cao Ya appeared out of thin air, observing the battle of several Heavenly Lords, and looking at the six Heavenly Lords in the army from a distance. Their majestic energy rushed into the sky, crushing the eternity, and countless monks from the heavens surrendered one after another, looking in awe.

"Xuandu belongs to the gods. He is high up, overlooking all the worlds. If the acquired race is to rise, not only the demigods should be killed, but the ancient gods must also die!"

"Currently, it is because of the great power of Heaven, that the acquired races and ancient gods have to unite."

To be honest, Cao Ya doesn't have the slightest fondness for ancient gods and demigods.

Although there are conflicts among acquired races, under the threat of ancient gods and demigods, they are still able to unite, deal with the outside world in a unified manner, and maintain their living space.

Moreover, even if they dislike each other, they still recognize each other's existence.

But the ancient gods are different from the demigods. They simply don't think that the acquired races are equal to themselves.

It’s just rations!

Before the rise of demigods, acquired races and demigod races were just food for the ancient gods, enjoying blood sacrifices wantonly, cruel and bloody.

Later, the ancient god Heavenly Emperor was framed and framed. The leaders of the demigods, such as Hao Tianzun, Emperor Langxuan, etc., relied on traitors such as Huo Tianzun to defeat Yun Tianzun and the others, allowing the demigod race to become the new masters and continue to oppress the day after tomorrow.

race, and also suppressed the ancient gods.

Therefore, the acquired race can temporarily put aside their old grudges and join forces with the ancient gods to fight against Heaven together.

But Cao Ya felt that the acquired race must defeat the demigod race and the ancient gods in order to truly gain enough living space and abundant resources.

This is a fight for survival, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, it only depends on the position.

Cao Ya is a human being and a member of the acquired race, so his position is very clear.

Demigods and ancient gods are all enemies!

Therefore, when Heaven attacked Xuandu, he was happy to see the gods of Xuandu and Heaven's army fighting each other to death in large numbers.

Basically, it can be said that each of these gods is stained with the blood of the acquired race.

"Since Tiangong seeks death without consulting beforehand... As the leader of Xuandu, Tiangong doesn't care, so why should we care?"

"It's best for both demigods and ancient gods to die!"

When it's time to be cold, Cao Ya can be colder than anyone else.

Although they are allies, since God doesn't care about allies, why should he care about allies?

God doesn’t even care about Xuan anymore!

Before going his own way, it is impossible for God to not know what consequences his actions will bring. The gods of Xuandu will be attacked by the heavenly army, and they will suffer heavy casualties, and may even be extinct!

But without consulting anyone, God took matters into his own hands and implemented his strategy.

Just to get rid of the limitations of the ancient god's body!

Cao Ya secretly thought that if a guy like God could die, it would be best if he could drag one or two Heavenly Lords with him to die together.

"Although my combat power is at the peak of five-star level, almost reaching the peak of five-star level, comparable to that of the complete Great Heaven... However, the word 'nearly' also shows that my situation is not yet the perfect level.

The Heavenly Court is not as good as the Dao Palace of the 40th Heaven, at most it is at the level of the Dao Flowers of the 38th Heaven and the Dao Fruit of the 39th Heaven."

"Tiangong is in Xuandu, the land is blessed, the way of heaven is boiling, fully revived, injected into Tiangong's body, the divine power is majestic... Well, even if there is still a gap between me and me, it is extremely small. It is the thirty-sixth and seventh heavens of the Tao realm, and

The distance of thirty-eight or nine heavens."

"The Heavenly Lords in Heaven basically have nearly thirty-six heavenly palaces, plus many treasure palaces - maybe thirty or fifty treasure palaces!"

"Well, based on this calculation, those Heavenly Lords have almost declared that they have reached a five-star level in terms of mana."

"Even if my Taoist understanding is a little bit worse."

"But with the use of the divine weapon Yu Tianzun, the combination of the two is enough to make up for this shortcoming."

"I'm not afraid of one or two Tianzun. If four or five are sent out together, plus the divine weapon Yu Tianzun... Grandma, if I don't pay attention, I will be dead!"

Due to scruples, Cao Ya did not rush to take action. He watched the heavenly army arrive outside Xuandu, read out the decree, and launched a war.

God himself didn't care about Xuandu's life or death, so Cao Ya was naturally even more calm.

Being able to appear here and be willing to take action is already fulfilling the duty of an ally.

"When God involves many Heavenly Lords...then it will be time for me to appear..." Cao Ya said secretly.

Faced directly with the six Heavenly Lords, it was impossible for him to defeat them.

If you attack rashly, you will only lose your own life.


The God of Heaven has a majestic body, controls the way of heaven, and has surging magic power. He is at the level of the Great Heavenly Court!

"Sure enough, it's a five-star high class..." Cao Ya's eyes moved slightly.

The current Tiangong is equivalent to a five-star high level. Even a single Tianzun cannot defeat him.

But there are still six great deities in heaven!

Including their respective artifacts, Yu Tianzun, their combat power will only be even more terrifying!

It should be noted that the artifact Yu Tianzun is one of the largest crystallizations of Heavenly Court’s millions of years of research!

In addition, the kind-faced and kind-hearted Hong Tianzun is the reincarnation of the soul of God, and his understanding of the way of heaven is the best in the world!

Hong Tianzun took action, striking at the weak point of Heavenly Dao. When the Ancestral God King, the son of God of Heaven, saw it, his eyes twitched, and he guessed Hong Tianzun's true identity.

"Damn it, we can't let that old guy take the lead. Xuandu Tiandao must be mine!"

"Otherwise, why should we compete with Haotianzun and the others?!"

The Ancestral God King became ruthless and used the divine weapon to control the Heavenly Lord. Multiple heavenly palaces appeared, and his magical power was overwhelming, overwhelming the tall and incomparable Heavenly Lord, and the whole Xuandu City was shaking.

The proud gods of Xuandu suddenly became frightened at this moment.

Death, which seemed to have nothing to do with them, seemed to have really come!

This chapter has been completed!
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