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1316 Mingguang Daojun

Cao Ya's Dao Xing is already a second-step master. In the [Wild Era] universe, he is definitely not weak!

"If it were in the Three Realms, it would be even more invincible!" Cao Ya whispered and suddenly sighed.

It's a pity that the place he traveled to was in another chaotic world in the Flame Dragon Realm, not in the Three Realms!

Such a seven-star universe has an extremely vast world view. Between heaven and earth, it may be a natural birth, or it may be a chaotic world created by great power. The diameter is often tens of billions of miles, which is very large, but it is quite small in this world.

geographical unit!

Generally speaking, more than 100,000 chaotic worlds, plus boundless nothingness, will form a territory, and the integration of countless territories will form a very vast territory!

The Yanlong Realm is where the Three Realms are located. However, after Ji Ning left the Three Realms, he arrived at one of the Yanlong Realm's territories - the Great Mo Realm!

Cao Ya is located in the Mingguang Realm, which is very far away from the Da Mo Realm. Even Dao Lord, without special means, would have a hard time crossing such a long distance in millions of years!

"The three realms are just the world of chaos, the realm below transcendence, acquired beings, innate beings, monks from the Purple Mansion, real people from Wanxiang, Taoist Yuan Shen, immortals returning to the void, gods from heaven, true gods and true immortals, and ancestor gods and ancestors!"

"And this corresponds to one to four stars."

"After that, there will be a world that transcends the ultimate world of chaos. Chaos Immortals are all five-stars!"

In this world, there are various divisions of cultivation paths, such as Qi refining, body refining with gods and demons, etc. Those who have achieved Qi refining all the way to a level that transcends the world of chaos are Chaos Immortals, and body refining is the World God.

As for Cao Ya, the Taoist Lord of Life and Death who has reached the second stage is one level stronger than the World God and Chaos Immortal!

The former is a five-star elementary and intermediate level, and the latter, the Dao Lord of Life and Death, is a five-star advanced and peak level!

Of course, this is not all the case. In the perverted world realm, it is not impossible to kill the Dao Lord of Life and Death in one or two steps!

Similarly, the peak Dao Lord can also kill the Eternal Emperor, but this is a six-star level!

"The world realm means that the understanding of the great road between heaven and earth has reached its end."

"Following up, if you want to make progress, no matter what genre you are in, you must create something out of nothing and create your own path!"

"The Tao Lord of Life and Death...the word 'Tao Lord' lies here, and the way to create a Tao must be perfectly suitable for oneself. All the ways of the world and other people's ways can only be learned from, not copied, but there are many difficulties. A little bit

If there is a hidden danger, the fate of life and death will disappear. It can be said that 'one step leads to death'!"

"Starting from the first step, if you can successfully reach the fourth step, your own path is extremely strong and strong. If you have cultivated to the later stage of the Four Steps, which is the edge of the combined path, you can try to achieve it.


Cao Ya sighed lightly, the breakthrough of the Dao of Life and Death is the Eternal Emperor. This kind of existence, the Dao of the Self, can already exist forever, and it is a truly free and powerful power!

Of course, there are differences in the levels of strength among different levels of Dao after becoming an emperor.

Generally, there are ordinary ways, stronger ways, one strongest way, and two or more strongest ways.

Like the Four-Way-Way Lord with the strongest path, the Eternal Emperor whose combat power is completely comparable to the breakthrough of the ordinary path, has great hope of counterattack and achieve his own fame with the emperor's bones!

What Cao Ya opened up was the strongest path, which he called the "Mingguang Path"!

This Mingguang Realm, in fact, is his territory. It was not called this name in the past. After his rise and invincibility in all directions, this territory began to be called the "Mingguang Realm" one after another.

Of course, the Mingguang Domain is very small. Compared with most territories in the Yanlong Domain, both the area and the number of chaotic worlds are much inferior!

Because of this, there are not many masters in this field, and Cao Ya, a second-step master, can become the king and dominate.

Although the fighting power of a second-step master of the strongest path is not bad, it is not impossible to kill a fourth-step master of an ordinary path or a third-step master of a stronger path, even if it is difficult, it is not impossible.


In fact, any Dao Lord, even a one-step Dao Lord of the ordinary way, is the number one figure even in a larger territory!

However, it is indeed not easy to dominate a territory and convince heroes from all directions.

It should be noted that the World Realm under Dao Lord can transcend the Chaos World and travel across the boundless territory. Moreover, not every Chaos World can give birth to the World Realm!

On average, only one World God or Chaos Immortal will appear in ten Chaos Worlds!

And even in ten thousand world realms, one Taoist Lord of Life and Death may not be born!

It can be seen from this that it is difficult to join the ranks of Dao Lords. After all, you cannot comprehend the myriad ways of the world. It is necessary to find the direction that suits you best and open up the avenue alone. Isn't this a simple matter?

During the process, it was extremely dangerous, and countless world realms fell halfway and their souls were scattered!

This also includes Dao Lord. In the four steps of life and death and the final level of eternity, ninety-nine percent of people will die. Can they truly complete the four steps of life and death, break through the limit, and successfully break through to eternity?

"Dao Lord" is promoted to "Emperor", only one lucky person among one hundred thousand people!

Most people are even promoted through ordinary ways and stronger ways. The strongest way, even just one, is extremely difficult, and the hope for eternity is very slim.

"However, no matter how difficult it is, most Dao Lords, including those in the world below, are still eager to use the strongest way to achieve eternity!"

"Ordinary emperors of the ordinary way and top emperors of the stronger way are said to be eternal, but that refers to lifespan. Facing external forces, there are still many dangers."

"It's not the same emperor's killing spree, but the fourth step of some of the strongest Dao Lords!"

Cao Ya shook his head, because the road created by Dao Lord was unstable and fog shrouded the front. No one dared to say that the direction he opened would definitely help him achieve eternity. As long as there was a flaw, even one step, two steps, three steps.

If there are no problems in the four steps, but in the time of eternal enlightenment, any tiny flaw will lead to the failure of the work and the death of the body and the disappearance of the Tao!

And because of the power of the road, the eternal difficulty is actually very high.

Therefore, most of the Tao Lords who have the strongest Tao, regardless of whether they have one Tao or a combination of two or three Tao, have no hope of becoming eternal.

Their deadline is one hundred and eighty thousand Chaos Era!

Naturally, for this type of Dao Lord, there is more or less a bit of madness in his heart.

Counterattack and kill ordinary emperors and top emperors to achieve your own fame. Even if you die at the end of your life, at least there will still be related lives spread in the next hundreds of thousands of chaos eras!

Therefore, ordinary emperors seem to be eternal, but in fact they are in a bad situation and are targeted by various fourth-step Taoists!

These emperors either sought refuge with the big shots and received protection, or they stayed anonymous and avoided the Tao Lord, or they stayed away from the realm and went deep into the boundless darkness to explore.

The top emperor is slightly better, but it is not without risks, so you have to be careful.

"Under the emperor, even the fourth step limit, the Taoist ruler on the edge of Hedao, only has a maximum limit of one hundred and eighty thousand chaos eras, and the practitioners below him are naturally as high as the sky, and they are also one hundred and eighty thousand.

Thousand Epochs of Chaos!”

"A Chaos Era is a chaotic world. The age from birth to natural death ranges from trillions to ten trillions of years!"

Cao Ya rubbed his forehead. Seriously speaking, even those in the world realm would have an unimaginable lifespan.

But the emperor is free and eternal, who has no desire to break free from the limits of the hundred and eighty thousand eras of chaos?!

"Alas, eternity is not easy." Cao Ya sighed, feeling heavy when he thought that he had witnessed the failure of a Four-Step Lord's promotion hundreds of millions of years ago.

However, he then thought again that he was not yet an age of Chaos. He had plenty of time to advance and perfect the avenue, but he didn't have to worry so much.

Although it is less than an era of chaos, Cao Ya's birthday has passed a trillion times earlier!

"The most important point is that after traveling through trillions of years, I have attained the title of Second Step King. I finally have a golden finger!"

"There are so many me in the system space, and there are not a few who have enjoyed eternal life, such as those from [Star Transformation], [Coiling Dragon], [Immortal Gourd], and [Prehistoric]."

"Perhaps, even if I am stuck at the Dao Lord level and fail to become an emperor, when the deadline of the Hundred and Eight Thousand Chaos Era comes, I can still continue to live and not die."

Cao Ya pondered, relaxed a little again, and became quite happy.

No matter what, having one more trump card is not only an emotional joy for him, but also a clarity of mind!

"My 'Bright Light Path' is actually the direction of light, a level of the strongest path. Although there is only one path, there is no dark path, fire path or the like. Fusion with it will allow me to reach a higher level of strength.


"But this is already strong enough. Within a small territory, I can dominate!"

"Now, including other extraordinary powers..."

Cao Ya couldn't help but smile slightly. In the late fourth step of the ordinary way and the stronger way, the kind of Tao Lord on the edge of the combined way is only the peak of five stars.

And the edge of the strongest Tao, that is, the Tao Lord of the second level, is the six-star elementary level.

The edge of the combined path of two or more strongest paths, that is, the peak Dao Lord, is in the late stage of the six-star elementary level. He must be assisted by some secret treasure or practice some heaven-defying secret technique before he can barely break into the six-star middle level.


Therefore, even though he is the second most powerful Dao Lord of the Tao, when competing with the strongest combat power, the top emperor, and the top Dao Lord on the edge of the Hedao, he is completely worthy and can be equal to them!

Looking at the entire Yanlong Domain, this can be regarded as first-rate strength.

Stronger existences, such as the lords and masters of the holy city at the top within the emperor, are few in number and very rare.

As for the Dao Lord level, the one who is stronger than the peak Dao Lord is the ultimate Dao Lord.

But this is rarer than a master! There may be only one Ji Ning as the ultimate Dao Lord in the world, and Ji Ning has to grow up. Otherwise, he will only be in the World Realm, not even out of the Three Realms, not even the World Realm...

Then there is no ultimate Taoist!

"In the past, I had many worries. The Yanlong Realm, the boundless territory, countless Dao Lords, the World Realm, and all kinds of dangerous places, desperate places, full of dangers, long distances, it was too easy to encounter accidents!"

"No matter how small the probability is, as long as the time scale is enlarged to a width of millions or tens of millions of years, anything can happen!"

"So, in the past, I didn't want to stay away from the Mingguang Realm. I would at most stay within the 180 nearby territories."

"The Great Mo Realm where the Three Realms are located is too far away, but it is impossible to go there."

"But now..."

Cao Ya touched his chin, shook his head again, and gave up the idea.

Even if he goes to the Great Mo Territory, how can he accurately locate the coordinates of the Three Realms? But there are natural obstacles!

Even though he is very powerful and there is no need to be afraid of him, it is not easy to find him.

Moreover, if he has already practiced this way, what is the point of going to the Three Realms?

"It's just that I don't know where the development of the Three Realms has reached. Empress Nuwa must have come out a long time ago. She encountered an accident and stayed away from the Yanlong Realm. But Ji Ning..."

Cao Ya smiled slightly. Ji Ning's talent and understanding were excellent. Under the Dao Lord, no matter how evil the world was, it would be difficult for him to make a name for himself in the Flame Dragon Realm. The Mingguang Realm was remote and far away from the Great Mo Realm. He probably couldn't spread anything.

Although he is famous, after Dao Lord, Ji Ning's ability is definitely enough to make him famous throughout the Yanlong Domain!

"But that's Ji Ning's business."

Cao Ya continues to retreat, and his way of light can be deduced based on Cao Ya's law of light in [Pailing Dragon], Cao Ya's way of the great sun in [Holy Ruins], etc.

Although he has learned a lot about the Law of Darkness, the Law of Fire, etc., Cao Ya does not want to be too distracted.

First, perfect the Mingguang Dao, reach the edge of the combined path, and hope for eternity, and then try other paths one by one!

Even, relying on the Way of Mingguang, you can make your own life eternal, and then use your infinite life to create other avenues!

The Eternal Emperor can still practice and become stronger. Although it is difficult, it is not without hope.

During the retreat, Cao Ya would occasionally leave the retreat to inquire about the situation in Mingguang Hall.

Mingguang Palace is the force he founded, and it controls the Mingguang Realm. Although there are only a few people, they are all geniuses. They are also highly respected and desired by countless forces in the Mingguang Realm, tens of thousands of chaotic worlds, and countless creatures.

Join Mingguang Palace!

But Cao Ya doesn't care too much about the development of Mingguang Palace. In such an extraordinary world, as long as the individual is strong enough, there won't be any problems!

He mainly asked about some information collected by Mingguang Palace about the Yanlong Domain.

But there is no news that they are too concerned about. Even if there is a big incident, Cao Ya and Mingguangyu are not even close to each other!

To put it bluntly, in the Yanlong Territory, the Mingguang Territory is a rural place. When Dao Lords travel around the world and seek enlightenment on the Dao, they rarely come here.

However, there are exceptions to everything. To the Eternal Emperor, it doesn't matter whether it is remote or barren.

One day, when Cao Ya came out of seclusion and practiced his skills, he was disturbed. A powerful emperor quietly appeared!

Cao Ya suddenly sensed the emergence of a dark energy, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Who are you?" Cao Ya asked in a deep voice, his whole body very alert.

To this day, he didn't have any prior perception... Apart from anything else, the old man with an old face, deep eyes, and black robes across from him is definitely a powerful Eternal Emperor!

"Which big force does it belong to? Dao Alliance Immortal Palace or Mangya Kingdom?"

This chapter has been completed!
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