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141 A few things about the abolition of the nobility

As soon as Cao Ya finished speaking, a large number of Jōnin jumped out and loudly reprimanded him for this decision.

"The military, political, and economic control of Ninja Village belongs to the daimyo and nobles. This is an iron law set by the first generation when Ninja Village was established. The second, third, and fourth generations will follow it. It will be the same when you first take charge of the fifth generation.

Is it inherited? Why should we change it now?"

"The Land of Fire under the rule of the daimyo is the largest country in the ninja world. Without the daimyo and the nobility, the order will be unstable and the society will collapse."

"In a word, the Fifth Generation will either cancel this issue or... hum."

Those people seemed to be threatening. Although they didn't say it explicitly, everyone knew that if the Fifth Generation didn't agree with them, they might leave Konoha and join the Daimyo.

Others secretly scolded and said angrily:

"Without the nobles, do we still need ninjas? I think you all should go home and don't go out on any missions."

"Ninjas are the same as samurai. Although their paths are different, they both serve the daimyo and nobles."

"Gentlemen, how can we abandon our professional ethics?"

"Some people can ignore morality for their own selfish desires, but how can we follow their example?"

Those people were heartbroken, as if Cao Ya's plan to abolish the daimyo and end the aristocratic system was reversing the course of history and dragging the Fire Country and Konoha Village into the abyss of death.

Cao Ya was very interested and took note of the guys who spoke.

Regardless of whether these guys are out of their minds or are secretly colluding with the nobles and speaking for them, in short, they can no longer be used.

Find an excuse and send them all away... Forget it, just kill them all... This kind of guy wastes food while he is still alive...

Cao Ya didn't say anything, which seemed to fuel the arrogance of those people, and he uttered all kinds of curses and reprimands.

Even those who are neutral can hardly stand listening to it.

After all, he is the fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, can you show me some respect?

However, the strange and strange meal that turns into a flower will eventually come to an end.

When the venue became quiet again and everyone focused on Cao Ya, he looked cold, tapped his fingers on the table, and said coldly:

"Both ninjas and samurai serve the daimyo and nobles? I just want to ask, why?"

"Without the nobility, there is no need for ninjas? Ninjutsu is the power to change the world, ninjas are the ones who control ninjutsu, and the nobility are the irrelevant group."

"The Ninja Village is loyal to the daimyo, an iron law set by the first generation? I also want to ask, why does the daimyo deserve our allegiance? Are we doing it for the people, or for the few daimyo and nobles?"

"Huh? Who will answer me?"

Cao Ya looked around coldly and said:

"Ninjas should be for the majority of the people, not the tiny minority of nobles."

"Ninjas fight to the death on the battlefield. The people are displaced due to the war, and there are countless war orphans. But what about the nobles? They are living and drinking, drunk and dreaming, trampling on the people wantonly, and looking down on the ninjas. I really want to ask, why?


"Does the development of agriculture and people's livelihood require nobility, or does the development of ninjutsu, taijutsu and illusion require nobility?"

"It's obviously not necessary! Agriculture, handicrafts, etc. are the people's special skills. Ninjutsu, the power to change the ecology of the ninja world, is the ability of our ninjas."

"Tell me, is there any need for nobles in this?"

"Why should the people and ninja be exploited by the nobles?"

"The progress and changes in the world are driven by the people and ninjas, and the nobles and daimyo are the hindrances."

"It's time to say 'no' to this backward and ignorant system. We must stand up and resist! For the benefit of the people! Overthrow the aristocratic system that oppresses the people and ninjas!"

Cao Ya punched heavily:

"This is the voice of hundreds of millions of people!"

The conference room became even quieter, with only Cao Ya's voice echoing.

After a while of silence, a retired old jounin muttered:

"Be loyal to the daimyo and serve the nobles. This has always been the case..."

Cao Ya glanced at it and asked:

"Is it always like this?"

Ignoring the speechless old jounin, he stood up and paced back and forth on the stage.

Cao Ya stretched out his hand and asked:

"Let me ask you, which progress has the nobles contributed to the changes in the world?"

Still silent.

"Everyone is born equal. Why should the nobles be above us, stand on top of the people, and show off their power?"

This time someone retorted:

"Because nobles are descendants of ancient nobles and are born noble."

Cao Ya almost laughed angrily:

"Noble man? Which noble man? Did he do anything beneficial to the world? Even if it is true, the wealth and status left by the noble man before his death are enough for his descendants to stand at a higher starting point. This is not

The reason why the nobles can exploit the people."

"Anyone who exploits deserves to die! His crime deserves death!"

Cao Ya said the last two sentences with gritted teeth and murderous intent.

This seemed to frighten everyone, and no one expected that Cao Ya would have such a cold attitude.

"I agree with the Fifth Generation." Orochimaru was the first to express his stance. He raised a hand and said, "I am a commoner and a noble. Is there anyone who can match my talent?"

It seems that because of Cao Ya, Orochimaru felt a lot and spoke more.

He continued:

"Everyone, it is obvious to all that those projects that have changed people's livelihood have brought great benefits to Konoha. For those projects, the R&D Department takes part of the credit, and the people who actually implement them have greater credit!"

"Nobles only know how to eat and drink, but they don't understand anything else."

Orochimaru also had a contemptuous attitude towards those nobles.

Jiraiya rubbed his eyebrows and raised his hand.

Following that, a large number of powerful figures such as Hinata Hinata, Hatake Kakashi, Metkai, and Yuhi Kurenai raised their hands to express their support for the fifth generation.

Especially the civilian ninjas, without exception, all raised their hands.

Only some ninjas from the ninja clan, especially the older ones, looked lost and muttered words such as "rebellion" and "disloyalty and unrighteousness".

But no one paid attention to them anymore.

It must be said that Cao Ya's preaching was quite contagious. Many ninjas were filled with excitement when they heard it. They wished they could kill those nobles immediately and restore justice and equality to the world.

Who really wants to be someone’s current partner?

Not even in name.

Cao Ya smiled happily and integrated the inside of Konoha Village. He would have enough strength to fight against the ninja world.

He also knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for those big names and nobles to just give up and capture them without mercy.

This is an action to overthrow an oppressive class, and violence must be applied in order to smash the armed machine that maintains that oppressive class and re-establish a set of armed institutions belonging to the oppressed class.

How can this process of breaking and rebuilding be possible without violence?

Suddenly, Cao Ya's expression changed slightly and he looked outside, as if he noticed something.

This chapter has been completed!
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