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152 Newcomers from [Perfect World] and [Mushen]

This was the first time in history that a daimyo was publicly tried and executed.

For the first time, the name of the country of nin spread throughout the ninja world.

Soon, Ame Ninja Village, Kumo Hidden Village, Sand Hidden Village, and Iwagakure Village announced their separation from the original country and joined the Country of Ninja.

Cao Ya recognized their leadership in their respective regions, but asked them to implement the new code of the Land of Ninja and start a trial against the old nobles. If it was not strictly implemented, Cao Ya would personally go there and execute it on their behalf.

After judging the old nobles and releasing resources, the ninja world suddenly discovered that there were so many resources in the ninja world.

Now, no one objects to the trial and purge of the Land of Tolerance.

Various old nobles were executed or imprisoned. Only a few were acquitted and received mental compensation.

The Kingdom of Ninja unified the Ninja world, and only the Kingdom of Water, which was isolated overseas, remained silent.

Until Mei Terumi came to power, she overthrew the Daimyo of the Country of Water, and personally went to the current capital of the Country of Ninja, Konoha Village, to meet with Cao Ya, the leader of the Country of Ninja, and asked to join the Country of Ninja.

For the renovated Kirigakure Village, if you don't join the Ninja Country, you will be secluded from the Ninja World.

Cao Ya naturally agreed and sent people to follow Terumi Mei back to the Kingdom of Water to promote the new system and new laws.

Terumi Mei agreed immediately, and after returning home, she strictly implemented it without any illegal behavior.

This made Cao Ya quite satisfied.

Since then, the ninja world has been unified, the old nobles have been overthrown, a new system of equality has been promoted, and the ninja world has entered a true era of peace.

Although Hei Zetsu and Obito are missing, the scabies disease is of no importance.

The Akatsuki organization was also banned by Nagato and no longer captured tailed beasts.

Itachi was rehabilitated by Cao Ya and soon died of illness, leaving the Mangekyo behind. He asked Cao Ya to give his eyes to Sasuke after Sasuke advanced to the Mangekyo Sharingan.

In addition, there are even two eyes of Fugaku and a kaleidoscope of Shisui.

Cao Ya agreed to Itachi's dying request.

During that time, Sasuke was extremely sad. He activated the three magatama and was officially promoted to Jonin. This made him surpass Naruto and finally made him happier.

In order to train young people, Cao Ya decided to hold a ninja world conference, divided into lower ninja group, middle ninja group and upper ninja group.

The winner will receive top prizes.

Undoubtedly, this gave those young people motivation, and even some big shots were itchy.

After all, he is famous in the ninja world and worshiped by countless people. No one can resist this temptation.

When Cao Ya entered the system space again, he was all smiles.

This time, two newcomers appeared in the system space.

"Huh?" Looking at the two newcomers, a group of Cao Ya were surprised and looked at each other, feeling very weird.

The two new people who appeared were one of them, wearing a blue Taoist robe. Although he didn't look old, he didn't look young anymore. The other one looked old and had a broken arm, leaving only his left leg.


The contrast between these two newcomers was so striking that a group of Cao Ya could not help but become curious.

Which world do they come from? What happened to them?

The two newcomers were stunned for a while. After receiving the message transmitted from the system space, they quickly understood and followed, everyone shared their memories.

[Naruto] Cao Ya opened his eyes and said in surprise:

"It turns out that you are from [Perfect World] and [Mushen]. Now, there are more and more me in super high-level worlds."

[The Honorable One] Cao Ya was almost moved to tears.

[Global High Martial Arts] Cao Ya laughed and said:

"The more high-level worlds there are, the better. There will be no ceiling for us."

He glanced at [The Honorable One] Cao Ya and teased:

"How's it going? This time the person you were looking forward to showed up. Are you happy? Unfortunately, [Prehistoric] I was still in seclusion and didn't show up."

[Mysterious Recovery] Cao Ya sighed softly:

"The only regret is that you two are still at the two-star level and have not entered the qualitative three-star level."

[The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty] Cao Ya rolled his eyes and said:

"Have fun, two more people from high-level worlds have come in. Not to mention anything else, the knowledge system alone has benefited us a lot."

[Dragon Clan] Cao Ya looked at him and said:

"Why, you haven't shattered the void yet?"

[The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty] Cao Ya spread his hands and said:

"I plan to break it after three stars. I always feel that the world after ascension is not good. I guess it is most likely the big world [after ascension]."

[Swordsman] Cao Ya nodded and said:

"It's better to be cautious. Anyway, you can still make progress without breaking the void with force."

At this time, the two newcomers from [Perfect World] and [Mushen] also briefly browsed through their memories, paying special attention to Cao Ya's memory from [Happy Tutoring Street], which made them feel a little excited and flushed.


[Detective Conan] Cao Ya said angrily:

"Go back and watch it slowly. Why are you panicking?"

[Tomb Robbery Notes] couldn't help but smile and said:

"You went back and slowly thought about it, took out the tissues and masturbated all night, right?"

[Detective Conan] There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I shrugged my shoulders to show that you are right. Among the group of Cao Ya, he is the most special. No matter what their experiences, the other Cao Ya always have a positive and enterprising side. Only [Detective Conan]

Conan] Cao Ya, you are just a fucking salted fish, the kind who is too lazy to stand up.

【The Shepherd God】Cao Ya clenched his remaining left hand into a fist, put it against his mouth and coughed twice to calm down his restless mentality.

[One Piece] Cao Ya said curiously:

"That little guy Qin Mu has appeared, what are you going to do?"

[The Story of the Shepherd] Cao Ya's timeline shows that Qin Mugang was just picked up by the villagers of Canlao Village, a baby who didn't understand anything. It's still a long time before the official opening.

At least we have to wait until Qin Mu grows up.

[Entertainment] Cao Ya sighed and said:

"It's a pity that the female corpse holding up Qin Mu..."

In the world of [Mushen Diary], Qin Mu is the protagonist. The future Mu Tianzun, the Seventh Young Master of Miluo Palace, etc. are now just babies who can only suck milk. The female corpse that went down the river and carried Qin Mu along the way,

In fact, he was kind to Qin Mu for saving his life. Even if he died, he still relied on a little obsession to escort Qin Mu to a safe place.

This kind of emotion cannot help but move people.

[The Shepherd God] Cao Ya smiled and said:

"So, after I noticed Qin Mu's appearance, I went out with Mr. Ma and Granny Si. They rescued Qin Mu, and I rescued the female body."

[Lord of Mysteries] Cao Ya did not go through all the memories. After all, there are so many memories of him, and there are quite a lot of memories. He just briefly went through them, so he was a little surprised when he heard this:

"You have a way to revive that female corpse? Well, what's her name?"

He pondered, shook his head, and forgot.

This chapter has been completed!
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