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162 The True Meaning of Spirit Transformation Realm

Cao Ya also praised:

"Shi Hao, your qualifications and understanding are one of the top people I have ever seen. You have extraordinary talent, so the key character...that Taoist heart must be polished, tempered and washed away from the dust."

Shi Hao couldn't help but smile after being taught. It was not easy to get Cao Ya's approval.

He wanted to ask a few other people with the same level of understanding as him, who they were, and whether he had heard of them, but an idea came to his mind and he gave up.

At this time, it’s better to calm down and listen to the teachings attentively. Don’t think about those things that are there or not. What’s the use of knowing them?

It has nothing to do with him.

Shi Hao's qualifications, talents, and understanding really amazed Cao Ya. He was only eleven years old, and he had already broken into the spirit transformation realm, and he entered it with the ten caves, which made Cao Ya ashamed.

He was almost twenty years old when Jiudongtian broke through to the spirit transformation realm.

Fortunately, I have a plug-in... Ah, bah! What a plug-in, I rely on myself, okay... The selves in other worlds are not myself...

A bunch of thoughts went through Cao Ya's mind, but it was not obvious on his face that he believed that those people with the same level of understanding as Shi Hao were actually not living beings in the universe of "Perfect World", but other worlds.

That's why he didn't elaborate on the names of these people.

"After breaking through the spirit transformation realm, Shi Hao, you need to consolidate the Dao Fruit and deeply understand the mysteries of the spirit transformation realm."

Cao Ya pointed out:

"In the realm of spiritual transformation, the single word 'transformation' clarifies the true meaning of it. Evolution, reshaping, and reconstruction are a very critical realm on the road of spiritual practice."

"Everything has animism, every grass, every tree, every dust and every sand, all have spirituality. Buddhism once said, 'One sand, one world, one flower, one heaven', that's pretty much what it means."

"The realm of spiritual transformation is to transform all kinds of spirituality, shape the true spirit, recreate the true self, and make yourself the strongest."

Cao Ya taught Shi Hao that Emperor Huang Tian, ​​who would open up the world's practice method of "Shading the Sky" in the future, was still a little boy and had only set foot in the practice record not long ago.

This kind of opportunity to serve as the emperor's master is really rare, and Cao Ya can't help but feel a little special.

Of course, it's not very profound. After all, he once taught Shi Cun, and Shi Hao was also one of the students he taught at that time.

Cao Ya explained in detail:

"The Cave Heaven Realm is the foundation and cannot be shaken. The more caves you open, the more potential you have. You have opened ten caves. This is the peak state."

Shi Hao said "Hmm" and suddenly wanted to ask, how many caves have opened for Sanren to advance?

Cao Ya glanced at Shi Hao with a half-smile, and he smiled. The question came to his lips, but he still didn't ask it.

"It doesn't matter what I said. I opened nine caves to break through the spirit transformation realm." Cao Ya said.

"Nine-mouth Cave Heaven? That's very strong." Shi Hao exclaimed. Although he was a Ten-Dong Heaven, he did not think that the Nine-Dong Heaven and Eight-Dong Heaven realms were weak because of this.

Cao Ya rolled his eyes. From Shi Hao's position, he felt something was wrong when he said this.

He coughed and said:

"The Cave Heaven Realm contains potential, and the Spiritual Transformation Realm evolves and reshapes on this basis, giving wings to the 'true self' to soar."

Shi Hao couldn't help it anymore and interjected:

"Sanren, those birds already have wings, so there's no need to add another pair, right?"

Cao Ya glared:

"Why are you poor? Just concentrate!"

Shi Hao shrank his head.

"Creating oneself and integrating spirituality into one body is not only about the physical body, but also involves the soul. If the understanding is thorough, the whole person will be sublimated, and one's own nirvana will become the divine fetus."

Cao Ya solemnly said:

"Anyone who has achieved great success in this realm will reshape their body. Some people have evolved in several large caves and raised spiritual gods, and their combat power is not inferior to their real bodies."

"If this realm reaches its extreme, there will be various special changes and benefits, but I have not reached that extreme level."

He knocked on Shi Hao and warned:

"Shi Hao, what you have to do is to transform the runes in your body and activate all kinds of spirituality. As a result, every piece of Shenxi will become spiritual, far better than before."

"Now you need to further transform, not only to activate your spirituality, but also to shape it so that every rune is like life, spontaneously nourishing your body and soul, and recreating your true self."

Shi Hao began to try. During this process, Shi Hao's ten caves appeared. Some of them gushed out auspicious energy, and special ancient alien species appeared. Their divine power was revealed, and they transformed in the spirit transformation realm.

This is just the beginning, some of the mysteries and mysteries of the spirit transformation realm have already begun to unfold.

Shi Hao put aside everything, forgot about the disputes, and his mind was extremely peaceful. He only had a kind of realization, wandering in a wonderful state of enlightenment.

With Cao Ya accompanying him, Shi Hao was not worried about others disturbing his cultivation and enlightenment.

Cao Ya's eyes were strange, but he immediately shook his head and laughed.

No wonder Shi Hao was able to create the method of covering the sky later. This understanding... was even more terrifying than he thought!

After hearing him talk about some key points of the spirit transformation realm, I completely adjusted myself and immersed myself in it.

If it were him, there's a high probability that he wouldn't be able to do it.

Shi Hao was practicing, so he took the broken sword and activated the ghost ship.

The ability of the ghost ship cannot be ignored by the Venerable Realm. The Broken Sword is also the weapon of Gui Ye, the founder of Butian Pavilion and the outstanding successor of Butian Sect, a great sect in the upper world.

Its realm is naturally more than the realm of the Venerable.

Shi Hao sat there cross-legged, his forehead bones glowing, his consciousness fluctuating, and his body crystal clear, like glass and divine gold.

Cultivation is essentially a process of transformation.

Cao Ya did not seize this little time to practice. After all, it is difficult to make progress in the cultivation of the Venerable Realm in a short period of time. Moreover, he is neither the first to enter the Venerable Realm nor the peak of the Venerable Realm.

On the ghost ship, wisps of rays of light were lingering. Shi Hao breathed in the rays of light and auspicious energy, and dragon-shaped air pillars went in and out between his mouth and nose. His breathing had a special rhythm, neither fast nor slow, and always followed a pattern.

Neither too fast nor too slow would work. This was his own rhythm. After the dragon-shaped air column flew out, it circled around his body and actually lifted him up.

While Shi Hao was practicing, Cao Ya was driving the boat and helping him protect the passage. As long as it didn't get in the way, Cao Ya didn't mind.

After all, we had known each other before, and we had watched Shi Hao grow up.

As they moved forward, Cao Ya sensed that when he looked around, whenever races with hatred met in this sea area, they would definitely fight to the death and fight madly.

Most of them are strong races, and ordinary weak races don't want to come here.

The number of casual cultivators is relatively small. They all think that the opportunity is extraordinary, want to try their luck, and have trump cards.

Of course, there is no doubt that the creatures in the sea account for almost 89% and have an absolute dominance. After all, this is their home field. As long as one species appears, there will soon be tens of thousands of them, talking endlessly.


But they all avoided the ghost ship.

Occasionally, there would be an unsightly attack, and Cao Ya would lightly swing his sword. The lightning was like a sword, piercing and striking, killing everyone in an instant.

He showed no mercy.

This chapter has been completed!
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