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1664 Bosses from all sides

"If he doesn't reach prehistoric times, where will he go?"

The sixth son of Miluo Palace, Zhan Ji, who was also the goddess who returned to the ruins in the 14th century, expressed confusion.

The Seventh Young Master rubbed his eyebrows in confusion. There were some situations in the Seventeenth Century that were difficult to explain to the Sixth Young Master in detail.

"Could it be that Cao Yatianzun wants to start from the beginning and try to resolve the ultimate coldness?"

The Seventh Young Master made a confused guess and couldn't figure out what Cao Ya was thinking, so he could only keep paying attention.

He is not worried about Cao Ya's safety.

He can control all eras. Even if a few young masters attack, they still have trump cards to resist. Cao Ya is stronger. If the third young master Ling Xiao or the fourth young master Zi Xiao dares to take action, they are seeking death!

Moreover, the Seventh Young Master Huan Chao thought carefully and felt that the final disaster originated from the beginning, so there seemed to be no problem.

The two youngest boys and girls of the Miluo Palace were in the Chaos Palace, staring at the boundless river.

Watch every move of Cao Ya Tianzun!

I don’t pay much attention to the actions of those experts outside.

Enlightened people from all walks of life cannot threaten Cao Ya Tianzun!

However, at the end of the 16th century, the entire Miluo Palace, including the masters of the World Tree camp, were gearing up and eager to try.

"The Yankang Heavenly Court of the seventeenth century has blocked us for so long, so it's time to charge some interest!"

"As the saying goes: 'Two fists are hard to beat with four hands.' No matter how strong Cao Ya Tianzun is, we will still leave him in the past universe after we unite!"

"At that time, even if Cao Ya Tianzun does not die, he will have to face the calamity of life and death when the era changes, just like us!"

"Haha, will Yankang Heavenly Court not allow Cao Ya Tianzun to return to the Seventeenth Century?"

The image of people who are as close as a family turning against each other is always exciting.

Moreover, this is still based on the fact that Cao Ya Tianzun can protect himself from the attacks of many powerful people. Otherwise, if they all die directly, what is there to do?

Without Cao Yatianzun, the danger of Yankang Heavenly Court has been significantly reduced.

For example, Emperor Kaihuang, Yun Tianzun, Yue Tianzun, etc., although they are also powerful, but to be honest, they basically can't stand up to the great figures in prehistory. That is, Mu Tianzun, who has some abilities.

The heroes believed that they could not defeat the masters of the Seventeenth Century one on one, but a few young masters and old man Wuya took action... Then everything would be fine!

No one will miss this opportunity!

If they don't kill Cao Ya Tianzun, there will always be big problems during their smuggling trip!

"Cao Ya, you are too arrogant." Under the World Tree, Old Man Wuya raised his head and made a majestic voice.

Around him, all kinds of enlightened beings stood in the void, guarding the World Tree.

The World Tree supports the sky and the earth, and corresponds to the Guixu that engulfed the world. It is also a strange place that connects seventeen eras.

Initially, the owner of Miluo Palace became enlightened under the World Tree.

Affected by this, the World Tree gave birth to Lingzhi, and became the Wuya Old Man.

Controlling the passage of time, Old Man Wuya's status is extraordinary.

Although his camp is not as good as Miluo Palace, and in some eras, it is inferior to Tiandu City, but overall, it is still an extremely powerful force.

After all, old man Wuya also needs the help of enlightened people to fight against the young masters of Miluo Palace and the Kaitian people in Tiandu City.

Furthermore, the Tao realm system and the practice of others can often lead to the improvement of Wuya's cultivation.

The so-called Tao tree built in the thirty-seventh level of Tao realm was born from the World Tree.

Of course, enlightened people with good connections can avoid this influence and prevent their own insights from becoming the material of the boundless old man.

Obviously, there are not many such enlightened people.

Therefore, whether it was for the future of cultivating the road or fearing the catastrophe of life and death, the strong desire for survival made the enlightened people seek refuge with Old Man Wuya one after another.

As for the old man Wuya who can boost the growth of mana, he will naturally accept anyone who comes.

Over hundreds of millions of years, the prehistoric enlightened beings who attacked the ancestral world of the 17th century were most likely from the Yggdrasil camp.

Unlike previous generations, in this life, the delay in sneaking across has also led to the old man Wuya and the enlightened people under his command to deeply hate the Yankang Heavenly Court!

"Let's do it..." Some experts suggested, looking at Cao Ya Tianzun on the river with murderous intent.

Old Man Wuya thought for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "There's no rush."

"Let's see Milo Palace's reaction first."

His general said in an approving tone: "That's right! The schemes of Ling Xiao, the third son of Miluo Palace, have all been shattered. When it comes to hatred, this one is the one with the greatest hatred!"

"When he takes the lead, and we wait for the opportunity to move, we can avoid suffering the first fatal blow from Cao Ya Tianzun!"

Old Man Wuya smiled slightly, approvingly.

He asked himself, his magical power was unparalleled in ancient and modern times, even the master of Miluo Palace could not match it!

But in terms of Daoxing's understanding, he was a little bit behind, resulting in his strength declining, and he could only fight with the young masters.

The Third Young Master, Ling Xiao, once influenced the Age of Ancient Gods, the Age of Longhan, etc. in the seventeenth century.

In terms of leveraging the power of all living beings, there is no doubt that the Third Young Master is the number one in the Seventeenth Century!

After the owner of Miluo Palace became a Taoist, the Third Young Master still insisted on the Taoism of Miluo Palace and wanted to use the blood sacrifice of people from the seventeenth century to replace the energy and send Miluo Palace to a new era.

It can be said that the shadow of the Third Young Master was behind all the tragedies and conspiracies in the seventeenth century.

But after Tai Di, Tai Chu, Hao Tianzun and others were all killed, the Third Young Master's advance plan fell short.

Old man Wuya thought to himself that he would never be able to bear such a loss!

Because the World Tree exists in all eras, he does not need to be as thoughtful as the Third Young Master.

The upfront investment cannot be said to be none, but it is minimal.

It's just that the World Tree of the seventeenth century has never been able to wake up, which makes him a little depressed.

"Next, it depends on Miluo Palace's reaction. If it turns out to be a tortoise... Haha, the Kaitian people will be ready to make a move." Old Man Wuya smiled and sat on the mountain to watch the tiger fight.

Tiandu City was established by the Lord of Tiandu, and the concept of Miluo Palace is different.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Even the Lord of Tiandu, as the ancient Tai Chi God of the Third Age, once worshiped the master of Miluo Palace.

After the end of the Sixth Age, the Lord of Tiandu led a group of men to open up the Seventh Age!

Therefore, they claim to be the Celestial Being, act recklessly, and turn the seventh era universe into a smoky mess. It is simply not a human world, and is worse than hell!

The owner of Miluo Palace ignored his repeated attempts to persuade him, so he had no choice but to kill the Lord of Tiandu and banish the people of Kaitian.

In that battle, the master of Miluo Palace showed his astonishing power and completely established his status as the strongest person in the universe in the past!

Even though Old Man Wuya, as a world tree, has a large group of enlightened people in the Tao realm system to support him and promote the depth of his magic power, he understands that he can never defeat the master of Miluo Palace!

However, at the moment, the owner of Miluo Palace has transformed into a Taoist.

The eldest son, the Supreme Prince, was so sad that he ignored worldly affairs. The second son, Wuji, was suppressed at the bottom of Guixu. The fifth, sixth and seventh sons also had little reputation.

After all, in Miluo Palace, which dominated the past universe, only three or four young masters were in charge.

The people in Kaitian, including old man Wuya himself, were all extremely eager and set their sights on Miluo Palace.

It's not the Third Young Master at fault. The Fourth Young Master is strong enough and has been besieged by a group for a long time, breaking the Yujing City and crushing the Miluo Palace!

But Tianzun Cao Ya stepped into the long river of chaos and Miluo Palace. If there was no action, all parties would no longer have any scruples, and they would really swarm...

At the same time, in a strange area, the thirty-five Kaitian people in Tiandu City, led by the strange smiling man, also looked at the Chaos River.

"It's him, Cao Ya Tianzun!"

The smile on the leader's face is very scary.

"I seem to have seen another Master of Miluo Palace!" There were also stiff smiles on the faces of the other Kaitian people, and their tone seemed to be praising, but with that expression, it would inevitably make people shudder.

Fortunately, there are no other people here.

"Throughout the ages, except for the master of Miluo Palace, who we can't defeat, the other masters, even a few young masters, or the lord of Tiandu, Ling, Wuya old man, if we join forces, we can still hope to win, at least we can not win.


"Now, there is another Cao Ya Tianzun."

"But he won't allow us to break into the seventeenth century!"

"Then kill him! Even the master of Miluo Palace will look at our Kaitian magical power. No matter how powerful Cao Ya Tianzun is, it is impossible for him to truly threaten our lives!"

"Besides, Miluo Palace will also take action against Cao Ya Tianzun! This is also our opportunity!"

"Not only can I wait for an opportunity to kill Cao Ya Tianzun, but I can also destroy Miluo Palace in one fell swoop!"

"By then, the World Tree camp will be no more than a disease of mustard moss and will be insignificant."

Thirty-five open heavens, everyone said something to me, and quickly made up their minds.

Once upon a time, a war broke out between Tiandu City and Miluo Palace that lasted for several epochs.

That was what happened in the Seventh Epoch, after the Lord of Tiandu was beaten to death by the Master of Miluo Palace.

It wasn't until Ling Ye was suppressed by the master of Miluo Palace that Tiandu City disappeared, and the Kaitian people had no choice but to hide.

The Miluo Palace and the World Tree are all corrupt old forces in the eyes of the Kaitian public.

Only the Taoism of Tiandu City is the antidote to the universe!

"Moreover, Cao Ya Tianzun was born in the Seventeenth Century. With him as the anchor, we may be able to forcefully break into a new era!"

"That is a prosperous universe, which is suitable for us to do research. Using the common people as experimental subjects and the gods and demons in the sky as containers, we can continue to perfect our magical powers!"

Thirty-five Kaitian people are gearing up and waiting for Miluo Palace to take action.

In Yujing City, this is the residence of Miluo Palace. It is a place specially created by the owner of Miluo Palace to fight against the ultimate coldness.

Various palaces have risen from the ground in Yujing City, shining brightly in each era.

The third young master, Ling Xiao, and the fourth young master, Zi Xiao, are discussing whether to take action.

"If you don't kill Tianzun Cao Ya, you will show weakness to the universe, World Tree, and all the Kaitians. They will all appear! Let's target our Miluo Palace together!" Third Young Master Ling Xiao said meaningfully.

In the Zixiao Palace, the Fourth Young Master was playing the piano, with a sentimental expression and aged eyes, as if he was missing something.

After hearing the message from the Third Young Master, the Fourth Young Master shook his head and said, "Tianzun Cao Ya is not easy to deal with."

"Furthermore, there is no fundamental conflict between him and Yu Jingcheng."

The Third Young Master sneered and said: "That's easy to say! Miluo Palace is going to the Seventeenth Century, and the World Tree passage cannot be reached, so we can only sacrifice blood to replace energy!"

"As long as Cao Ya Tianzun exists, we will be stuck here, staying at the end of the sixteenth century. We can neither look back on the past nor get involved in the future. It is like amber, fixed at a node."

The Fourth Young Master whispered: "But I just want to go back to the past!"

The Third Young Master's face darkened. Without the help of the Fourth Young Master, he was really not sure that he could deal with Cao Ya Tianzun alone!

"Like the boss, rotten wood cannot be carved." The third young master was dissatisfied.

The eldest prince, the Grand Prince, was on the verge of death after the master of Miluo Palace disappeared, and would no longer appear in this world.

The fourth son, Zixiao, was heartbroken over the death of his wife. For several epochs, all he could think about was going back to the past, saving his wife, and overcoming the catastrophe of annihilation.

The remaining four young masters, two, five, six and seven, and the third young master are not fellow travelers either.

In this situation, the only ally that Third Young Master Ling Xiao can find is Fourth Young Master Zi Xiao.

"In the entire Miluo Palace, I am the only one who is the successor of the teacher!" The Third Young Master thought to himself.

He must hold high the Jade Capital City, go to the Seventeenth Century, break through the ultimate coldness, and achieve a feat that even his teachers cannot accomplish!

As for the blood sacrifices to the worlds of the 17th century in exchange for energy... that is a necessary sacrifice!

No one can avoid the restrictions imposed by the rules of heaven.

Without extra energy, how could they leave secretly when they came to the past?

"Tianzun Cao Ya, I will find your flaw and kill you!" The third young master looked up and watched Cao Ya's every move.

The long river of chaos gathers all the mysteries and mysteries of the past and present.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The wave pavement is like a seat falling down, which is extremely dangerous.

Especially for Cao Ya Tianzun, the more he advances towards the ancient times, the more obvious the obstacles become.

The Third Young Master doesn’t think that Cao Ya Tianzun can always be calm and calm!

As long as there is a slight loophole, it is his chance!

"No matter what the eldest, fourth, and seventh eldest think, they cannot just sit back and watch while Yujing City is destroyed!"

Without worries, the Third Young Master thought to himself that he could go all out to ambush Cao Ya Tianzun.

Not even the teacher dared to look down upon his sneak attacks!

No matter how powerful Cao Ya Tianzun is, can he still be compared to the teacher?!

In fact, in an earlier era, the owner of Miluo Palace, who had not yet transformed into a Tao, also discovered changes in the future.

"Visitors from the seventeenth century..." the owner of Miluo Palace was very interested.

He couldn't even see through the person's identity?

In the seventeenth century, an enlightened person who was even more powerful than him was actually born?

Although I don’t want to boast, the master of Miluo Palace was born in the First Era, and he was also the only First Age being who lived to the later generations. He was invincible in all sixteen eras!

His strength is unrivaled in all ages and is invincible in the world!

"I want to ask if he has discovered the ultimate coldness of the Seventeenth Century!"

The owner of Miluo Palace said to himself that being able to achieve enlightenment in the seventeenth century shows how extraordinary this person is. Perhaps he has different thoughts on the ultimate loneliness?

In the Seventh Age, the era when Tiandu City was ruled, the Lord of Tiandu opened up the heavens, controlled the avenues, regarded all living beings as ants, and used the universe as a chessboard to conduct various researches.

Many of them are so cruel and inhumane that people cannot bear to look at them.

After falling into the Chaos River, the ancient god Taiyi, who had passed through the changes of time and reached the seventh era, couldn't help but sigh when he saw the scene of this life.

He is the soul of the Lord of Heaven, reincarnated in the seventeenth century.

The whole person's character has changed drastically.

I also have disgust and rejection for what I did in my previous life.

Therefore, he had no intention of informing the Lord of Tiandu and the Master of Miluo Palace that he was about to take action.

"Better dead!"

Tai Yi shook his head, but suddenly became aware of the restlessness in Tiandu City of the Seventh Epoch.

"They want to intercept Cao Ya?"

This chapter has been completed!
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