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188 Lu Mingze

Looking at the group of students sitting at attention below, no one was talking nonsense. Those from the news department stopped their movements, as if they were... working on a manuscript?

"..." Cao Ya was speechless and pretended not to see him. Looking around, all those familiar faces appeared.

When Lu Mingfei saw Cao Ya glance over, he showed a standard doggy smile, leaving Cao Ya speechless, and Fingel beside Lu Mingfei was not much better.

These two guys are the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks of Kassel College, which makes sense from every angle.

Cao Ya coughed, knocked on the desk, and said:

"Okay, I don't need to say much. We all know each other. This is my first class, and it may be my last class. I will rarely teach in the future."

"I believe you are more familiar with the purpose and teaching tasks of Kassel College than I am..."

Having said this, he paused for a moment, but it was still quiet underneath, as if he didn't think it was a joke.

Cao Ya was a little embarrassed, but he didn't show it on his face. He was very calm and continued:

"Since everyone is gathered here to slay the dragon, then how to improve oneself and enhance combat effectiveness is the first goal, and everything else must be put in the back row."

"I am quite dissatisfied with the fact that Kassel Academy does not have a multi-hour combat class. I will make changes in the future."

"A dragon slayer, without the baptism of battle, is not a dragon slayer."

After hearing this, some students could not help but retort:

"Principal, we have practical classes and go out on missions directly. That is the best combat class."

Hearing this, many students nodded in agreement.

Going on missions with the Executive Department is a way to adapt to life after graduation in advance. It is also a way to adapt to the cruel battlefield and adjust your mental state.

The tasks given by students are generally not difficult.

The college does not want these students to die, but to train them.

Cao Ya did not refute this, nodded and said:

"Practice classes are great, indeed, but they are too direct. Practice is the best teacher, but wouldn't it be better if you can adapt in advance and then make fine-tuning through practice?"

"Moreover, if you encounter various incidents in real life and haven't experienced them two or three times, do you know what to do? How to choose the best one? I'm not sure. The combat class is to help you understand and become familiar with combat.

, to the point of loving fighting.”

"Of course, the last one is the war maniac."

Cao Ya did not continue on this topic. After all, it was not the focus of his teaching. This kind of curriculum adjustment was mainly discussed and finally decided by the school leaders.

Students, just go to class.

"well, let's get back to business."

Cao Ya knocked on the desk:

"We still start the lecture. I think you are all very curious these days. What will I talk about? Some people may even question me. I am less than twenty years old and younger than some of you. What qualifications do I have to stand on this topic?

Podium? What qualifications do you have to be a principal?"

Caesar said:

"Principal, you have misunderstood. It is impossible for us to question you. Someone who can seal the Dragon King? Who is qualified to question you?"

Caesar has a very direct personality, and he often shows respect and applause to capable people.

Obviously, among the team of dragon slayers, those who can really kill dragons are powerful enough, and those who can defeat the Dragon King are the strongest in ancient and modern times.

Cao Ya became the principal. Frankly speaking, although some people in Kassel College felt that Angers did not need to abdicate, no one would think that Cao Ya was unqualified because of this.

It doesn't matter what a strong man who can seal the Dragon King wants to do. He has the qualifications and the strength.

Cao Ya was dumbfounded. Seeing that the students below were all the same and had the same opinion as Caesar, he laughed instead. No one jumped out to question it, which established his authority.

Well, I forgot how high the Dragon King's intimidation is to mixed-race species...

Cao Ya himself is not a mixed race and does not have dragon blood.

And the reason why he took the initiative to spread the news was to scare the dragon clan and some guys who were lurking in the dark. If they really jumped out, he would be even happier.

Without his intervention, the seal that suppressed the King of Bronze and Fire could only be violently destroyed even if the Black King was resurrected. In the process, the King of Bronze and Fire inside the seal would definitely be destroyed.


Cao Ya noticed something. A special field began to spread. His face moved slightly, but he did not stop it.

A second later, the surroundings changed drastically.

It was no longer a multimedia classroom full of students and brightly lit, but a vast and boundless place with dark clouds in the sky and the roaring sea below. Standing in the middle, he felt the pull of gravity and was about to fall rapidly into the sea.

Cao Ya's body shook, and he got rid of the gravity, and also broke away from the spiritual power that affected him.

But Cao Ya did not choose to directly destroy this spiritual world and escape.

"Wise choice."

With a compliment, a young man appeared. He looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. He had a pair of light golden eyes. He was wearing a black suit, a white silk scarf, and white square leather shoes.

, is a very handsome and handsome young man.

Cao Ya looked around, seemingly looking for something.

The young man raised his eyebrows:

"What are you looking for?"

Cao Ya replied:

"Your brother Lu Mingfei, don't you only appear in Lu Mingfei's vision?"

That handsome young man was Lu Mingze. He always appeared in Lu Mingfei's visions and called Lu Mingfei his brother. He was an old monster who had lived for at least a few thousand years. He had countless speech spirits and a very high bloodline.

, still above the first generation species.

Cao Ya is not sure whether this guy is the Black King, the White King, or another mysterious character that has never appeared in the history of the Dragon Clan?

Sitting on the throne are twins. The four great monarchs are like this, so it makes sense that the Black King and the White King are also like this.

And Lu Mingze also has another identity, that is, Zero (Sanwu Girl), Su Enxi, Jiude Mai's boss, has been secretly guiding the outbreak of many major events, and it is not clear what he wants to do.

Lu Mingze's face sank and he hummed:

"How did you know?"

He wanted to ask how Cao Ya knew that he appeared in Lu Mingfei's vision and called Lu Mingfei his brother.

Logically speaking, that was a secret that only he and Lu Mingfei knew, and it was absolutely impossible for outsiders to know.

And Lu Mingfei never mentioned his existence to outsiders.

"Don't worry about it." Cao Ya waved his hand, thinking that he could still say that I knew it from reading. You must not be blinded on the spot, thinking that I am fooling you.

He looked at Lu Mingze, with golden light surging in his eyes, observing the details of Lu Mingze. As such a powerful person, a taboo-like existence in the [Dragon Clan] world, Lu Mingze is very mysterious, but it is unlikely that he is one of the four members of the Dragon Clan.

One of the great monarchs may be one of the black king and the white king. Perhaps Lu Mingfei is the other twin?

Just like Old Tang, before Norton's consciousness awakened, if Old Tang's memory had not been washed away, he would not have considered himself a Dragon King at all.

And under the impact of the Dragon King's long memory that lasts for thousands or tens of thousands of years, how can a human's short-term memory hold on?

This chapter has been completed!
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