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325 Martial Arts

However, when Cao Ya sighed, a thought suddenly flashed through his mind, making his body tremble.

"What's wrong with you?" The waiter noticed and turned around, confused.

"Nothing, I thought of some things about cultivation." Cao Ya waved his hand.

"Oh, come with me." The waiter said, leading Cao Ya into the martial arts temple of ancient humans.

In fact, Cao Ya thought of something just now.

The cultivation system of the universe in [After Ascension] has many similarities with the martial arts system in the world of [Jiuding Ji].

Although [Jiuding Ji] is a three-star world, its level is not comparable to the [After Ascension] universe.

But the clarity of its martial arts system is much better than that of the [After Ascension] universe.

If an emperor-level master corresponds to entering the virtual realm...the early and middle stages of the god-level are roughly the cave virtual realm, and the late god-level is the most powerful person...well, [after ascension] the supreme master of the universe, the world of [Jiuding Ji]

Limited, there is no such powerful existence... As for the main god level, it is even worse...

But [Jiudingji] has a clear view of the world's martial arts system, from acquired third-rate, second-rate, first-rate, peak, to innate virtual elixir, real elixir, golden elixir, and then to enter the virtual realm, understand the way of heaven and earth, master the power of heaven and earth, and then

It is the Cave Void Realm. You can create your own world, understand the great road between heaven and earth, perfect your own world, and reach the realm of the strongest. Your own world can be regarded as the prototype of a big world...

The follow-up path, although there is no such existence, is actually very clear... Perfect the prototype of the world, understand the way of heaven and earth, the laws of the universe, the rules of the universe, etc., and make it evolve into a vast world, and even a multiverse... If it is really

The multiverse directly reaches the level of seven-star terror...

[Jiudingji] The world's martial arts system has a high upper limit...

Moreover, it can be almost seamlessly connected with the martial arts system of the universe [After Ascension]...

The reason why the life in the world of [Jiuding Ji] can only reach three-star level at the highest level. The peak appearance is completely limited by the world... [After Ascension] The universe is not like this. Four-star and five-star levels are allowed.

Life forms appear...

Cao Ya was excited. Compared with other cultivation systems, there is no doubt that the [Jiuding Ji] world martial arts system that can be seamlessly connected is more suitable for humans in the [After Ascension] universe.

Of course, we have to innovate and improve the path after becoming the strongest.

However, as long as those beings are given a general outline and a general direction, they can basically practice hard on their own, perfect the prototype world, and improve their cultivation step by step.

Comprehend the laws and rules of the universe to perfect the prototype world.

The extraordinary systems of other universes and worlds will not have much impact if they are implemented in the lower interface. However, they will not easily attract the attention of the angel clan, the demon clan, the Lord of Light and Darkness, and even the law of balance.

But if it is extended to the ancient world, there is no doubt that the angel clan and the demon clan will definitely start a second war between gods and demons.

When the Lord God of Light and Darkness feels threatened, he will also take action to obliterate ancient humans.

If the law of balance comes into play, there is no need to say more.

You must know that there are thirteen main gods of light and darkness, and in addition to the thirteen main gods of light and darkness, fourteen powerful consciousnesses were originally born in the chaos, and that is the king of gods, the strongest

Lord God.

Because it was too strong, the law of balance acted, causing only half of the fourteenth main god to be produced, and then died immediately.

Because of the system space, Cao Ya is not worried about using the power of other universes. Small-scale communication may be fine, but large-scale communication will definitely attract the attention of all parties. Under the law of balance, he is afraid that he will be disgraced on the spot.

Gone gray.

After thinking about it, I found that the world martial arts system of "Jiudingji", which is almost perfectly in line with the extraordinary system of the universe of "After Ascension", is really the most suitable.

If the prototype of the world can really evolve step by step and reach the level of the world, even if the Lord of Light and Darkness destroys the world, or the law of balance destroys the universe, ancient humans and humans in infinite planes will still have a way out.

The worst case scenario is to go live in another world.

Although this process is very difficult, it is better than losing your life.

Cao Ya could hardly contain his excitement and finally calmed down.

The waiter was curious, but didn't ask any more questions.

Inside the huge temple, a long corridor leads straight into the infinite darkness. Both sides of the corridor are separated into countless small spaces by stone walls.

Cao Ya was shocked by the tens of thousands of small rooms. The aura emanating from each small room was like stars, vast and immeasurable.

The temple attendant led Cao Ya into a dark room. He pressed his palm on the wall. With a rumbling sound, the floor split into two pieces and slowly disappeared into the walls on both sides.

Another dark passage was revealed under the floor.

They are all strong men with considerable strength, and the darkness cannot blur their vision.

The temple attendant stood at the entrance of the passage, pointed to the stairs leading to an unknown place, faced Cao Ya and said:

"Go down, there are countless martial arts secrets hidden here. As for whether you can choose advanced martial arts, it depends on your luck."

"Finally, I have a message for you. If you want to become a true master, become the trump card of the human race, and reach the supreme level, you can only create your own martial arts."

"Although there are many martial arts in the temple, most of them are basic martial arts."

"The fact that you can cultivate to the late god level in the lower realm is enough to prove your talent. I hope you will cherish it."

"That's all, you can go."

The temple attendant stepped aside.

Cao Ya handed over his hand and took one step into the dark and unknown depths.

"Having cultivated to the late stage of god-level in the lower realm, this kind of person might be able to become a supreme being in the ancient world, right? The current situation of the human race has become more and more difficult, and the persecution of angels and demons has become more and more obvious."

"The thirteen main gods of light in heaven and the thirteen main gods of darkness in the abyss are reportedly ready to take action for some unknown reason."

"What a troubled time."

The temple attendant sighed, his expression bitter, which was then replaced by perseverance.

No matter what, we humans will never give up!

Even if the bones and flesh melt, the blood dries up, and the soul is lost without return!

Cao Ya stepped into the depths of the temple and could not help but be amazed after just a quick glance.

"The temple attendant said that there are many martial arts secrets in the temple, and this is true."

The martial arts of the temple are engraved on the rock mass on both sides of the passage. All the writings are densely packed and very small. If you don't look carefully, you can't read them at all.

Another point that must be mentioned is that the stone steps do not extend straight to the bottom of the mountain, but constantly circle back and forth inside the mountain. The mountain itself is thousands of feet high. In this way, it can be used to depict martial arts formulas and scriptures.

The space for pictures, sword manuals, and other martial arts is extremely large.

Cao Ya walked slowly and thought, not in a hurry to memorize or ponder these martial arts.

Since I want to graft the martial arts system of the [Jiudingji] world, I must have a deep understanding of the martial arts of the two universes...

[Jiuding Ji] The world I am is the god of war in the realm of virtual reality. I am quite powerful and my understanding is very profound. Moreover, my practice after entering the virtual realm is to understand the way of heaven and earth and create my own world in Niwan Palace.

[After Ascension] I have just ascended to the martial arts of the universe, but I don’t know much about it...

Then start with basic martial arts. Any advanced martial arts requires basic martial arts to lay the foundation...

Cao Ya confirmed his choice.

This chapter has been completed!
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