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736 Sit and watch the wind rise and fall

"Having such a discussion in Shaolin Temple is not bad for Arhats. Aren't you afraid of death?" Duan Rui looked at Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei and Wang Siyuan in disbelief.

"Not a bad Arhat, he is not that stingy." Meng Qi said softly, knowing a lot about this former uncle.

"I really don't know, where did the Immortal Arhat learn the "Cao Zi Sword Technique" from? The universe outside the real world?"

Jiang Zhiwei said, shook her head, and revealed a secret that was not a secret:

"I heard Master say that he once challenged the Immortal Arhat, but was defeated. Even though Chu Qian's legendary features were activated, he was still defeated. The same goes for Mr. Lu Da and Taoist Chonghe, who were defeated by the Immortal Arhat.

Under the sword."

"No. 1 in the world, well deserved!"

Jiang Zhiwei lamented that she didn’t know when she would be able to dominate the real world for a period of time with the sword in her hand!

For more than ten years, Cao Ya suppressed the real world and maintained a stable order. The evil spirits and outsiders did not dare to invade, and the evil spirits and aliens even escaped from the outside world and rarely entered the Central Plains.

The only exception was when Guldo, the Great Khan of the Grassland, broke through to the Earth Immortal. Holding the Heavenly Punishment Axe, he was full of confidence. He wanted to try Cao Ya, the "Immortal Arhat" who was the best in the world, but ended up risking his life.


Later, after his resurrection, Guldo stayed in the grassland and never dared to go south.

Seeing that Guldo suffered such a tragic end, other people certainly did not dare to offend the Immortal Arhat.

In this world, the righteous path overwhelms the demonic path and the demonic path, the atmosphere of the real world has improved, and order is quite orderly.

The righteous path does have scum and scum, but in general, the righteous path of the lawful camp is still better than the evil heretics and evil aliens of the chaotic evil camp - especially for ordinary people!

Cao Ya can only do this.

Because he deeply knows how many terrible existences there are in the [Honor of One Life] universe, sleeping in various places, waiting for resurrection.

He couldn't and didn't dare to go too far.

Four-star immortals are very powerful in the current real world, but in the eyes of those powerful, they are very average.

In suppressing the real world for such a long period of time, Cao Ya killed Guldo, intimidated all the heroes from all walks of life, and also tried his hand with heroes from all walks of life.

Of course, there is no failure!

Otherwise, the title of "No. 1 in the world" would have changed hands long ago!

Some of Cao Ya's magical skills, such as "Cao Zi Sword Technique", "Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Technique", "Kunpeng Baoshu", "Tianhe Zhengfa", "Five Elements Immortal Technique", "Purple Thunder Sword Technique" and so on, have been passed down.

Go out and be known to the world.

Among these magical skills, the one that swordsmen like Jiang Zhiwei desire most is undoubtedly the "Cao Zi Sword Technique"!

This ten evil magic techniques from the universe of [Perfect World]!

Even "Kunpeng Treasures" is one of the Ten Evil Treasures and has a high reputation, but in the eyes of swordsmen, it is not as good as "Cao Zi Sword Technique".

As swordsmen, Su Wuming, Mr. Lu Da, He Qi, Chonghe Taoist, etc. were all curious and eager to challenge Cao Ya many times in more than ten years. They had seen the ferocity of the "Cao Zi Sword Art".

Praise as one of the top three swordsmanships in the world!

Second only to the "Seven Swords of Jie Tian" and other very few sword moves passed down by those on the other side, or even those who transcended!

For example, the series of sword techniques created by the ancestors of various sects based on their understanding of a certain sword move in "The Seven Swords of Jie Tian" are far inferior to the "Cao Zi Sword Technique".

"It's a pity that I'm only on location and haven't arrived at Dharmakaya yet. Otherwise, I really want to challenge the Immortal Arhat myself and experience the "Cao Zi Sword Technique", the artistic conception of swordsmanship where 'a piece of grass cuts down the sun, moon and stars'!"

Jiang Zhiwei whispered, quite regretful, and then she became infinitely high-spirited to fight.

Although Dharmakaya is different from an immortal, no matter how great the difficulty is, she cannot bow her head!

"Compared to the 'Cao Zi Sword Art', I am more interested in the 'Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art'." Wang Siyuan said with a slight smile.

"If you don't become a Dharmakaya, these are all falsehoods. You have no qualifications to challenge the Immortal Arhat." Meng Qi shook his head and said.

Wang Siyuan was speechless and said:

"In fact, even if you become a Dharmakaya, you are only qualified to challenge. Among all the earthly and human immortals in the world, who can beat the Immortal Arhat?"

Meng Qi was silent and sighed quietly.

If he had the strength of an Immortal Arhat and was invincible in the Dharmakaya realm, would Gu Xiaosang still have died?

Meng Qi felt a twinge of pain in his heart when he thought of that weird demonic witch.

Otherwise, why would it be like this today?

His initial fantasy was to be a young man dressed in white with a sword, walking around the world!

Now he is like an ascetic. Looking at him, you will know that he has an infinitely sad past.

"The abbot has invited several benefactors, please come into the main hall to talk about them."

At this time, Shaolin monks led the way and took Meng Qi and the others to the Main Hall to meet Kong Wen, Wu Si and Xuan Bei.

Kong Wen is another Dharma expert in Shaolin Temple, the abbot of the previous generation of Shaolin, while Wu Si is the abbot of the current generation.

As for Xuan Bei, he is a half-step Dharmakaya, and is currently the most promising monk in Shaolin Temple to achieve Dharmakaya. He is also Meng Qi's former master, and he is also Meng Qi's uncle. The relationship is extraordinary, so he wants to sit down.

After Meng Qi and the others arrived, they did not show any courtesy and directly stated their intention.

"The matter of Ananda's Pure Land in the back mountain? Indeed, it's time to end it." Kong heard the Arhat pronounce the Buddha's name.

He was once plotted by Han Guang and trapped in a fragment of cosmic light for decades, and he knew full well the profound relationship between Ananda's Pure Land.

When the Master of the Divine Palm was born, he was rescued and later helped by Cao Ya, but he still existed and had never been reincarnated.

"Do you want to inform the Immortal Arhat?" Wu Si asked.

"Since he doesn't want to show up, it means he has no intention in this matter, so there is no need to notify him." Xuan Bei thought.

In terms of familiarity, he and Cao Ya were very familiar with each other due to their friendship over the past few decades.

Occasionally asked for advice, Cao Ya would always tell me everything he knew.

Cao Ya currently does not hold any position in the Shaolin Temple, but his status is the most noble!

Even if you only hear about Arhats and don’t think about abbots, they are still inferior.

An invincible existence in the world is really too powerful a deterrent!

"There is no risk in Ananda's Pure Land. You can enter it freely. Some of the secrets you want to know are indeed within it."

At this moment, Cao Ya's voice suddenly echoed in the Main Hall.

"Not bad Arhat." Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei, and Wang Siyuan all saluted, but Duan Rui, who was controlled to open the door, remained motionless.

Cao Ya didn't care about this. He knew the purpose of Meng Qi and Wang Siyuan's coming, and wanted to enter the Ananda Pure Land in the back mountain of Shaolin to find out.

Duan Rui was the one who opened the door, while Jiang Xiaowei just accompanied them here.

Because it is the back mountain of Shaolin, outsiders must obtain permission from Shaolin Temple to enter or exit.

With Abbot Wusi leading the way, everyone went to the back mountain of Shaolin. A stone door blocked the way. The glass light turned and the Zen meaning was meaningful. The eight words "If you are kind and kind, don't enter this door" are as pure as Bodhi and as solid as diamond.

Sitting in the meditation room, Cao Ya looked through the void and seemed to see Duan Rui enter the devil and open Ananda's Pure Land. Meng Qi, Jiang Zhiwei, Wang Siyuan, and Xuanbei entered. Kongwen Arhat and Abbot Wusi did not enter Ananda together.

Pure land.

They suppressed Duan Rui, washed away his demonic energy, abolished the demonic skills he had developed by practicing the "Yi Jin Jing" backwards, and suppressed him in Shaolin.

Compared to death, being suppressed and allowing his wife and children to visit was completely acceptable to Duan Rui.

After all, he became a demon for the sake of his wife and children.

"He won't survive." Cao Ya shook his head, flicked his finger, and a stream of light flew out and disappeared into Duan Rui's body.

He is just a poor man. Since he has this opportunity, why not do something that comes easily to him?

"Huh?" Duan Rui was startled. For some reason, he suddenly felt that his overall condition was much better than when he still had his skills.

Suddenly, he was overjoyed and hurriedly thanked Cao Ya.

"Amitabha." Kongwen Arhat clasped his hands together and nodded to Cao Ya, with amazement in his eyes.

Although he is also a human immortal, has deep savings, and has understood the general outline and third form of "Tathagata Divine Palm", even an ordinary earth immortal can fight, but in front of the immortal Arhat, he feels quite weak, if

Like a naughty boy, unable to resist.

He was also helped by Cao Ya in this way, washing away the damage and extending his life.

"Are you a fairy?"

This chapter has been completed!
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