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079 The situation in Silver City

Worried that the new members didn't know who Lovia was, "Justice" Audrey explained it thoughtfully.

Lovia is an Extraordinary in the Silver City, a Sequence 5 "Shepherd" belonging to the "Hanged Man" path. The entire team she led was contaminated by the true creator with the help of flesh and blood. There is 100% problem with her, so some time ago

Imprisoned and examined by Baiyin City.

As a result, she was released openly now?

What are the six-member council in charge of Silver City thinking?

Even Derrick, the person involved, couldn't figure it out, and the others couldn't understand it even more.

The true creator is an evil god!

Isn’t Silver City afraid?

"'True Creator'..." Cao Ya touched his chin, looking thoughtful.

"The Fool" Klein calmly glanced at Cao Ya, and his heart moved.

What does the teacher know?

He didn't rush to ask. After all, he was a "fool" now and had to pay attention to his style.

Derrick the Sun looked at the Hanged Man next to him as if asking for help. Although the new Ms. Hermit and Mr. Cao Ya seemed to be quite powerful, they were more familiar with Mr. Hanged Man after all.

Mr. Hanged Man can often point out many key points that he has never thought of in a flash.

"The Hanged Man" Alger thought for a while and then asked instead:

"Your chief of Silver City has returned?"

Why did Mr. Hanged Man suddenly ask about this matter... Ah, yes, to release such an important person, there is no way that other members of Silver City's six-member council would wait for the chief to come back...

Audrey was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized.

If the chief has not returned and they have made a decision in advance, it means that the matter is more serious than imagined, so serious that they cannot wait for the chief... If the chief has returned, then there is a high probability that the release of Lovia is related to the outcome of his adventure.

, because according to Little Sun, this is the only exploration in Silver City in recent times...

Hey, why didn't I think of this just now... Audrey, you still don't have enough experience...

"Justice" Audrey thought, half reviewing and half comforting herself.

"Well, not long ago." Derrick "The Sun" was quite surprised by Mr. "The Hanged Man"'s accurate guess.

At this time, "Magician" Forsi, who was quietly listening in, suddenly came up with an idea based on the materials he had learned before. He stopped being a salty fish and took the initiative to speak. He guessed that it was the chief of Silver City who led the exploration team and the man who seemed to be from the outside world.

The little boy went to find a way to the outside world, only to find that he had to use the power of the "True Creator".

At this point, Forsi was not finished yet and continued to add uncharacteristically:

"Haha, this is not a lie made up by me, but a reasoning based on facts. The father of the little boy Jack from the outside world belongs to the 'Aurora Society', which is an organization that believes in the 'True Creator'. As a member of the 'Aurora Society'

One of them, they came to you in search of the sanctuary of the 'True Creator'."

"So, for the sake of the entire Silver City, your chief decided to release Shepherd Lovia after his return."

"If this is really the case, Mr. Sun will be in great danger next." "Justice" Audrey said worriedly, hearing Derrick's heart sink rapidly.

At this moment, "The Hanged Man" Alger shook his head:

"No, I think exactly the opposite."

"Miss Magician's reasoning is consistent with my guess, but I think that in this way, the Sun will be safer than before!"

"Why?" Derrick was certain in his mind and asked rhetorically.

Isn’t it simple? Balance!

"The Fool" Klein sneered in his heart.

Alger explained:

"The danger of the 'True Creator' can be detected by any intelligent creature with eyes and brains. Your chief will never put all his chips on Him. He will definitely seek a power that can check and balance the 'True Creator'."

"And you who have exposed their conspiracy and been possessed by the 'blasphemer' Amon may represent another possibility."

"The more Lovia and others want to harm you, the more the chief and other elders will protect you. In this way, they will also pretend not to see some of the doubts you may have had that have not been cleared up before."

There was one sentence the Hanged Man didn't say, but he believed the members could guess it.

That is, behind Derrick, there is also a god standing.

A resurrected ancient god!

What, this is a good thing?

"Magician" Forsi was a little stunned when he heard this.

What Mr. "The Hanged Man" said makes sense... There is still a big gap between him and me in analyzing things and situations...

"Justice" Audrey felt a little frustrated, and even wanted to puff her cheeks, but then she felt that this was an inelegant and dishonorable behavior, so she only thought about it in her heart.

Apart from them, the Moon and the Hermit did not speak. After all, they did not know much about this matter. If they made a mistake and misled the Sun, it would be a bad thing with good intentions.

After listening to Mr. "The Hanged Man"'s analysis, Derrick "The Sun" first breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked nervously:

"Will this cause our Silver City to be destroyed by the 'Fallen Creator'?"

The "Fallen Creator" is the true Creator.

He originally hoped that Mr. "The Hanged Man" would give him a reassuring answer, but instead he heard the other party say in a low voice:

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Then what should we do?" Derrick asked sincerely.

"Without knowing what your chief and the other elders of the six-member council want to do, I can't give you any advice, but I think you don't have to be so panicked." The Hanged Man looked up and sat at the top of the long bronze table.

Mr. Fool looked at the members quietly for the first time.

When he looked back, he glanced at Cao Ya who was looking down.

Following his gaze, Derrick "The Sun" subconsciously looked over and saw Mr. Fool, who was wrapped in gray mist and whose figure was extremely blurry.

On the contrary, Cao Ya, because he was not anywhere in the northern and southern continents and did not know about the "Sea Boiler", had no feelings at all.

But with Mr. "The Fool" sitting in charge, Little Sun's heart suddenly became peaceful, and he couldn't help but think of the sacred and powerful angel under Mr. "The Fool".

Klein was a little panicked when he noticed Little Yang's gaze, even if you were looking at the teacher.

Although I have indeed ruined the plans of the "True Creator" several times, if I really have to face Him face to face, I will definitely not be able to hold on for a second... things will turn out to be "The Fool" coming to my door, and the "True Creator" being disgusted is not enough.

Gap between teeth... Well, the teacher should be able to get along with the "True Creator", right? After it's over, write a letter and ask... Forget it, just ask above the gray fog, the offline risk is too great...

Klein maintained the state of leisurely listening, his heart was turbulent, but on the surface he did not say a word or make any expression.

This place can isolate him from the eyes of the gods. In reality, he is afraid of being punished by the gods.

Maybe the teacher is not so scared.

If Cao Ya knew about Klein's thoughts, he would definitely say immediately, "I'm afraid now too."

I'm not three stars yet.

This chapter has been completed!
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