After receiving the instructions of Dige Katona, the Genist came to the prisoner, the nerve gloves shone brightly, the small bottle on the back of the hand was filled with strange chemicals, and the solution formed transparent beads at the end of the needle on the knuckles.
"Please don't do this!"
The man wailed loudly
"How much dosage is needed, Great Sage?"
Genes suddenly asked, his voice was synthesized and sounded like the buzzing of an arthropod.
"Put his brain dry and let him understand that his betrayal has annoyed the God of All Things."
"No! No! I admit everything! I will sign a confession letter! But I swear I really don't know any secret anymore!"
At this time, the needle of the glove touched the prisoner's neck.
Hearing Dige Katona's voice, Genes took the gloves from the prisoner's neck.
The man trembled and whimpered, like a poor animal helpless.
"Fear has been alluded to his brain."
Dige Katona has already scanned the other person's physiological readings and learned that the other person's brain plasticity has reached its best state.
If you want to do this, now is the best time.”
"He won't know more, go back to your post."
Genens stood up, lowered his head respectfully, and left the cell.
"I'm not a ruthless person."
Dij Katona turns to the imprisoned.
"You should be glad you committed a sin when I could still sympathize with a poor man like you."
"Oh, Oh Messiah is above."
"I have another question, does Mars already know the purpose of our trip?"
"Maybe...maybe I know, although I didn't have time to send the message, I guess the others have sent it."
"very good."
Dige Katona nodded. This man is special compared to other traitors because he is an apprentice of a rival Katona. In the future, this person will be his tool for attacking the other party.
Competition does not only exist outside, but also competition within Riza.
"Maybe you can find something useful on my boat, and before that, your guilt towards the God of All Machines will torture you."
Katona walked out of the cell and placed the bionic hand on the outside panel, and the door slid up.
Then, the Exploration Sage summoned the other sages in his fleet to the bridge of the Meteorite.
This bridge is a monument of knowledge, a great library filled with thousands of books, covering millions of disciplines. The light of knowledge illuminates the sages on the ship. By collecting countless knowledge, they absorb and master knowledge that can drive ordinary people crazy, and they are also closer to the almighty God of All-round Mechanisms.
The sages are constantly climbing upward in the practice, and their higher status in the practice means that human nature will fade away, because only by becoming more like a machine can we get closer to the omnipotent God of All Machines.
One day, perhaps they will no longer communicate with others, but will completely devote their thinking function to thinking about the secrets of the universe and work better for the God of All Things.
And in order to gain this position, they must strive to gain or possess knowledge—regardless of the way.
"Everyone, the traitors in the fleet have been basically cleared out now."
Dige Katona said slowly as he walked up the steps leading to the library altar on the bridge.
"From now on, any external communication will be intercepted. Only by obtaining my permission can remote communication be carried out. At the same time, internal communication will be monitored in real time. Do you have no objection?"
The sages are undoubtedly excellent scholars, who are proficient in various disciplines, but few of them are proficient in intelligence and combat.
“So what is our course of action?”
Sam Kesedo, the commander, asked, with a deep rumble in his voice, and the source of the sound was a vocal unit in his body.
Kesedo is also the main commander of the Exploration Fleet Apologists. He is an excellent weapon master and battlefield assistant. Behind his robe is a mechanical backpack, which is equipped with an energy battery of the multi-barrel laser cannon that replaces the left arm. An eye has been replaced with a complex multi-spectral aiming array, an oversized, dense reinforced metal skeleton and exposed nerve fiber bundles, making him intimidating in combat.
He is also the person Dige Katona trusted the most. The two of them have been born and died many times in the past, forming a rare friendship within the Mechanical Cult.
Others are pure researchers, such as Lie Walton, a biological sage, who is equipped with excessive surgical tools and refrigerated sample containers, like a walking medical laboratory, and the commander of the Fierce Biology Sage Tracy, alienoid biology Sage. His lower body tracker's radiation shielding device is no different from his robe, which makes it possible to explore extremely harsh environments. The Data Sage is the most human-like of these colleagues, with only the interface circuit of the head and the subcutaneous armor of the torso being his only obvious implant.
"There are several planets of different sizes around this galaxy. We will use two short jumps to reach the neighboring Louister galaxy, so that we can get rid of any possible trackers. The signal of the waste ship currently monitored is nearby, and we will independently recycle the knowledge inside."
None of the sages opposed it, but one of them caught the attention of Dige Katona.
"Assian, what do you think about this?"
The sage's eyes were staring at the other sages, but the glass-like mechanical eyes on the snake-like mechanical dendrites on his shoulders were spinning between his companions, Yassian, an astronomical sage whose extra senses allowed both eyes to stare at different targets at the same time.
"What about the Astral Knights, how should they deal with their promises?"
Yassian's voice was natural, as his throat had not been strengthened or replaced.
Dij Katona turned around from the sages and walked towards the command altar, and the thinking unit implanted into his chest whirred as he strengthened his thinking.
The Mechanical God seeks knowledge, and it is knowledge that guides them.
The command altar is located at the top of a shallow pyramid that rises from a maze-like library, with bookshelfs of several kilometers long wrapped around the bridge in complex patterns, and thousands of books and data boards filled with countless accumulated wisdom and secrets of the mechanical divine religion, which are loaded on bookshelf or piled on every aisle and intersection.
The crew on board were all technical priests wearing red gear-printed robes, standing there carefully studying the star map printed on parchment paper, marking the route with compass and quill pens.
The dark rooms in the bookshelf hide communication devices and arsenals, and one of them is filled with glass cabinets, with precious and sacred naval battles. A huge command map is used to command such bloody battles, with markers representing the ships and their surrounding areas.
The bridge shows little direct information about the area around the ship, such as display screens or tactical observers, because the crew of the Meteorite solves the problem through complex data links and abstract mathematical models and geometric simulations, rather than observing and guessing through weak natural organs.
"The Astral Knights have their own responsibilities."
Standing on the command altar, Dij Katona whispered:
"We need to show the light of God of All Machines. We don't need to pretend to be someone else. Go back to your ship to make sure that everyone is ready for the battle next time. There will be nothing in that waste ship."
The sages saluted him and left the bridge, while Dij Katona himself stayed on the bridge.
He stared at the huge star map of the Storm Star Field, and his eyes finally froze on the Nassen Galaxy, the home star of the Knight of the Star Realm.