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Chapter 1050 The Second Battle of Model Sector (6)

1050, The Second Battle of the Model Sector (6)

The Eru people on Annaji's planet also did not expect that such a murderous planet was hidden on their own planet! Moreover, the Eru people had actually been de-armed under the rule of Volgograd-Kanidi.

Kanidi's long-standing policy is to let the Airu people work in agriculture. Of course, their income is definitely indispensable, but it is gradually destroying the industrial capabilities and armed capabilities of the Airu people.

Although the Maya-Kevir planet, as the home planet of the Aru people, is monolithic, and even Canidi cannot take a strong action, on the planet Annaji, the Aru people are indeed becoming weaker and weaker.

For a long time, the Airu people's urban construction and industrial production have basically been stripped away. In fact, there is no need to forcibly separate them. As long as they do not have access to the most advanced production equipment, the things they produce will naturally not

competitiveness in any market.

Then Kanidi will give preferential treatment to the Airu people in the import and export of agricultural products, and naturally a large number of Airu people will leave the factory and go into the farmland.

Therefore, apart from a very rudimentary standing force, the current Airu people basically only have the police.

In the army system of the Fourth Civilization, if the Beast Legion does not count the Inchori army, then they are firmly in second place, second only to the Fourth Legion! Even the Zelarians plus the Jackals

The combined army and the jungle troops of the Yinwok people are even stronger!

For no other reason than because they have no humanity!

"Ha ha ha ha!

You despicable Elu people! Die! Hahahaha!

"A Beast Legion soldier with the word 277 painted on his shoulder armor stood on a stolen hover vehicle and fired wildly at the exit of a building.

The 277 on his shoulder indicates that he had already scored 277 points before participating in this battle. In other words, hundreds of lives have been lost under his hands!

Those Airu people who swarmed out and wanted to escape were killed as if they were cutting grass. Even if the people in the front row wanted to stop and return to the building, they couldn't! Because those behind them who didn't know what was going on and just wanted to run out kept coming.

Squeezing out.

This place is like a hell on earth!

Horrible killings spread among the three large cities of the Airu people, and the entire city was in chaos. All the Airu civilians who heard the news cried and wanted to evacuate the city. For a while, there was chaos everywhere, and the spacecraft collided and floated.

Car collisions are common.

And the Beast Legion did not stop at all. They opened fire on any target that appeared in front of them and could still move!

All they want is killing!

The 8,000-man clone army of the Galactic Republic stationed on the planet Annaji responded immediately and entered three Elru cities on LAAT assault transports in an attempt to fight the Beast Legion.

However, the city was crowded with panicked Airu civilians, which made it impossible for them to start their battle. So there was no other way. The clone ground commander issued a request for the Jaeger-class battlecruiser to take off from outer orbit.

Fighters came down to provide air support.

The commander of the Republic Squadron was indeed worried that the turmoil on the ground would affect the safety of the strategic supplies in orbit, so he agreed to take off 300 fighter jets and enter the atmosphere to cooperate in combat and eliminate the Beast Legion.

But they don't know that this is just the beginning.

After the Beast Legion massacred, a huge explosion sounded simultaneously in the center of dozens of major cities of the Eru people on the planet Annaji!

Along with a thunderous roar, a terrible smell began to spread in the city.

The central shit collectors in these cities exploded...

The shit collector exploded...


Ever since it intervened in the war between the Kali and the Amriyin, and completely suppressed the postwar resistance of the Amriyin by blowing up the central excrement collector, the Ministry of Public Health of the Fourth Civilization has been keen on

Build central waste collectors in major cities.

The Ministry of Public Health is always happy to build something that can improve urban public health and suppress rebellions.

Especially the Airu people, a race that is not honest at all and has a history of rebellion, has built a central excrement collector in every city.

This time, after the Airu people rebelled, they were not unaware of the threat of the excrement collector. They rushed into the control room of the central excrement collector very early, killed the managers, and took control of the excrement collector.

Originally they thought they would not be threatened by the feces collector this time, but...

too naive!

The bomb is remote controlled!

And it’s installed at the bottom of the poop collector!

To defuse a bomb you have to swim in a sea of ​​shit!

Then you have to dive in!

Ha ha ha ha!

So at this moment, as the bomb was detonated, an overwhelming roar of shit spurted out from the center of the city, setting off a huge yellow wave!

What's even more terrible is the three largest cities including the Airu capital!

Because these three cities were raided by the Beast Legion, almost all the citizens were on the streets trying to run out of the city.

Then they happened to encounter the overwhelming shit that exploded from the shit collector!

Even several teams of clone troopers who were carrying out reinforcements in this direction encountered a sudden sea of ​​shit. They were washed away almost without any preparation and have not been found yet.

On the contrary, the soldiers of the Beast Legion had already gone to high places in the city, closed all the vents on their combat uniforms, and used built-in oxygen bottles to breathe. They were condescending, laughing wildly while shooting at those who wanted to kill them.

The Eru people fluttering up and down in the sea of ​​shit.

The central excrement collectors of dozens of cities were bombed, which almost instantly destroyed the order of the Eru people on the planet Annaji. The government departments were completely paralyzed, and they almost lost their administrative capabilities.

When had the clone troopers of the Galactic Republic seen such a spectacular sight? Those clone troopers who were still on the LAAT assault transport boat and had not had time to get off saw this sea of ​​shit. They were all stunned. They didn't even know it for a moment.

How should such a thing be handled.

But soon, they no longer had to think.

Because compared to what happened next, this sea of ​​shit was completely childish!

In the outer orbit of the planet Annaji, aboard the Jaeger-class battlecruiser of the Galactic Republic, the radar soldier in charge of the sensor turned his head in horror and shouted loudly: "Sir! A large number of hyperspace fluctuations have been detected! The number is extremely huge!


"What happened?" The squadron commander suddenly rushed over and looked at the screen.

"There are a large number of spaceships making a hyperspace jump towards the planet Annaji! Judging from the signals, they are all small spaceships, but there are hundreds of them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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