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Chapter 1,225 Sacrifice (Part 2)

1225,Sacrifice (Part 2)

After all, Sas-Tin was injured. Facing the violent General Dilar, he couldn't help but retreat and used the third sword technique, Solesu, to protect himself.

The more General Dilar killed, the more he became more and more powerful. He kept praying loudly to his ancestors in the language of the Kali people, hoping that the ancestors would give him strength. At the same time, he suddenly pulled out a scimitar with his other hand! With a lightsaber in one hand and a scimitar in the other, he

The offensive is getting more and more crazy.

Suss-Tine has recovered from his injuries. His swordsmanship far exceeds that of General Dillard, and as a powerful Jedi Master, even if his Force power is very weak, he still has battlefield foresight.

His movements became more and more calm, and finally he showed a flaw. When General Dilar rushed over, the green sword light flashed, and General Dilar's scimitar was instantly cut in two!

The lightsaber penetrated directly into General Dilar's body!

However, at this moment, he saw a sinister smile appear on the corner of General Dilar's mouth...

Saas-Tin instantly had a premonition of extreme danger, but his seriously injured body was finally a step too late. General Dillard actually hugged him tightly!

General Dilar's unparalleled combat skills and experience allowed him to avoid the fatal position at the last moment when he was stabbed by the lightsaber, allowing him to launch this final counterattack!

Meanwhile, boom!

!A huge sound! The wall behind Sass-Tin exploded!

The flames of the explosion, countless broken metals, and gravel instantly hit Sustain's back, causing blood to drip from his body.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure appeared behind the smoke of the explosion, even covering the 1.93-meter Saas-Tin!

The man's complexion was ashen, and his height of over two meters made him look like a giant. He was only wearing a pair of underpants, and his muscles were as developed as iron.

Astonishingly, it was the Kali warrior, headhunter, Ben Tiras-San-Skar, who was knocked unconscious by Sars-Tin in a sneak attack and had his clothes taken away!

He directly blew open the wall of the conference room, rushed in, and hit Saas-Tin on the head with the smoking rocket launcher in his hand!

Saas-Tin was hugged by General Dillard and couldn't dodge. He took this blow forcefully. He groaned and felt dizzy. The blood stained the turban he was wrapped in red.


!" Sars-Tin roared loudly, and the last force burst out instantly, blowing Dilar and San-Skar several meters away.

But the power of this powerful crossbow was no longer enough to hurt the giant San-Skar, and he rushed over again brandishing a bazooka. The thick bazooka danced like a fire stick in his hand.

Saas-Tin's lightsaber fell to the ground during the previous fight. He did not dare to fight against the powerful San-Skar with his bare hands, so he could only dodge and use the force to grab the lightsaber from the air.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the lightsaber!

It's General Dillard! Although he was seriously injured after being pierced by a lightsaber, and suffered a direct force impact at close range, his strong willpower still allowed him to get up, holding on to the lightsaber and refusing to let go.

Sass-Tine gets his weapon!

Delayed by General Dilard, the rocket launcher in San Skal's hand had already hit him, and Saas-Tin had to block it with his hands.

Kacha made a sound, and his arm was broken! Sas-Tin was hit directly to the wall behind him, and hit him with a bang! A mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably!

San-Skar rushed forward again without stopping. Saas-Tin had no strength at all. He wanted to push the opponent away with the force, but only a strong wind blew up. The giant-like Kali warrior stood tall in the strong wind.

Without moving, the rocket launcher hit Sass-Tin firmly in the middle of the head this time!

"Skarr..." General Dilar called softly from behind.

San-Skar turned around and saw General Dillard, who was already lying on the ground, handing Sas-Tin's lightsaber over.

His face suddenly became extremely solemn, he took the lightsaber with both hands, found the switch and turned it on, and then cut off Saas-Tin's head with one sword!

At this moment, San-Skar seemed to feel that his chest was full of power! He raised his head and roared, "Jedi Knight! Be killed by me!"


Many Kali warriors had already rushed in and shouted when they heard what was said.

San-Skar looked back at General Dilard who fell on the ground, and quickly ran over to help him up.

Dilar grabbed Skar's hand and said intermittently: "Ben Tiras San Skar... the massacre..."

Scar also held General Dilar's hand tightly and nodded heavily, "General Dilar, this is the name you gave me on behalf of my ancestors. I will always protect it..."

"After I die... you will become Yinzwashla..." General Dilar's voice became smaller and smaller, "We eight Yinzwashla... we follow the demigod, Kiman-Jia Yin

-Hilal, you have been fighting against the Huk people for decades... At that time, you were still a young warrior beside Mahdi... Mahdi, died on the planet Huk... Now, I am dead... Hakimi is also old.

Now...you will be the last..."

He held Skar's hand and gradually went limp, "The last...Yinzwashla...ah...the glory of our Kali ancestors...Yinzwashla...the greatest warrior...Yinz


Ben Tiras-San-Skar knelt down on one knee, hugging the gradually cold body of General Dilar, and began to sing the ancient song of the Kali people, "The Song of Return". In this low singing voice, Dilar

General Er will return his soul to his hometown, return to the embrace of his ancestors, and become a new ancestor...

The other Kali warriors around also knelt on one knee and sang together this song, which was not pleasant but seemed to have mysterious power.

The singing gradually spread from the conference room. Every Kali warrior who heard the singing immediately put down what they were doing, knelt on one knee and put his hands on his chest, and sang in a painful tone.

Many warriors cut their skin and used blood to draw a new pattern on their animal bone masks.

After the song was sung, Sanskar gently put down the body of General Dillard. He stood up and came to the body of Saas-Tin, took off the mask of animal bones from his face, and then put it on.

on his face.

Then, he put his hand directly on the severed neck of Master Sass-Tine, soaked his hand with the blood of the Jedi Master, and then pressed it heavily on the animal bone mask.

A bloody palm print suddenly appeared on this animal bone mask, making it look even more ferocious and terrifying.

He turned around again and picked up General Dilar's body, and walked out. As he walked, the Kali warriors followed behind him.

From today on, he will officially become Inzvoshra - a title that can only be obtained by the most noble and greatest warrior among the Kali people.

Because he killed Sars-Tin, an extremely powerful Jedi Master and the highest-ranking Jedi Master ever killed by the Kali.

The ancestors recognized his achievements and sent an oracle through General Dilar.

This is what every Kali person believes.

Another Yinzvoshra, General Hakimi, is old and now sits on the planet Nashada, training the Kali recruits who have just joined the Titan's security, and rarely goes out to fight in person.

And now, Ben Tiras-San-Skar will become Yinzvoshra in the name of the Slayer and become the new general of the Kali army!

The ferocious bloody palm prints on his animal bone mask also represent the blood feud of the Kali people against the Republic and the Jedi Order!

Ben Tiras-San-Skar, the Slaughterer, will use his blood to seek justice from the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order that he has been deprived of!

The death of the Jedi Master in front of me is just the beginning.

Capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant, Jedi Temple, Hall of Meditation.

Master Yoda, who was meditating, suddenly felt endless pain and sadness. He stood up holding his chest and looked towards a certain direction of the distant galaxy, and unknowingly burst into tears.

One of the members of the Supreme Council of the Jedi Order, Master Sars-Tine... fell...


[Easter Egg Chapter Attached Picture 1: Kali warrior.]

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