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Chapter 1,286 The Battle of Rendili (12)

1286, Battle of Rendily (12)

The bombardment of battleships in space continued, and the Republic Task Force, led by Lieutenant General Trinald Skarrid, carried out a very determined assault. They used three Knight-class Star Destroyers as the frontline.

17 Chasseur-class battlecruisers provided support from behind. Their powerful firepower and coordination prevented Rendili's fleet from even taking a step away from the space defense platform.

Although the strength of the Rendili Planet Defense Fleet is three times that of the opponent, their largest number is the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser. This kind of spacecraft, which was the main battleship of the Galactic Republic two or three years ago, is now in the Knight-class Star Destroyer.

What is in front of me is an outdated product that is two generations behind!

If Darth Malsayel is asked to comment, let alone the exaggerated claims that the Imperial-class has 100,000 flaws in some data, but ask him to name the poor design of several Imperial-class Star Destroyers.

He can also describe the place in detail.

Of course, although he mistook the knight class for the empire class, there was actually no difference between the two.

But the problem is that flaws are flaws. The firepower of the Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser cannot pose any threat to the Knight-class. Because no matter what, the Knight-class Star Destroyer is 1,600 meters long, and its volume is equivalent to a 600-meter-long Dreadnought.

It is almost ten times that of the Dreadnought level. Even the opponent's shield capacity cannot be shaken by the Dreadnought level.

What's more, the Knight-class, which uses the latest deflector shield and turbolaser cannon, is still higher than the Dreadnought-class in terms of unit energy output rate.

The only ones that can pose a threat to the Knight-class Star Destroyers are the seven Victory I-class Star Destroyers. However, the 900-meter-long Victory class is still the difference between adults and children in front of the Knight-class.

It might hurt a little, but that's all.

Rendili's fleet fired countless turbine laser beams continuously, even making the dark universe colorful, but in fact it had little effect.

On the other side, after carefully calculating the strength and formation of the fleets on both sides, Lieutenant General Trinald Scared, the electronic eye on the left side of his face flashed with scarlet light, and he said ferociously: "Send the order! First hunter.

The troop-level formations are on standby to maintain artillery fire! Other formations follow the lead of the flagship! Left rudder 19! Concentrate artillery fire to attack the enemy's right wing!!"

"It's the general!" The adjutant immediately passed on the order, and then complimented him, "The general is really insightful, and he can see the firepower loopholes of the rebels at a glance! As long as we can concentrate our firepower to destroy the defense platform on their right wing, the rebels will be defeated."

The army’s fleet will completely collapse immediately!”

Scared was so proud that he waved his hand and said: "This is not enough! Since we want to be the general, we must directly checkmate!! The fighter formation takes off! Break into the enemy fleet formation and prevent them from changing formation! I will do it in an hour

The battle will be resolved within a short period of time! Jane Dodenner will be the logistics minister for me this time! Hahahahahaha!"


However, Master Yoda standing aside frowned and said in a deep voice: "The power of the dark side, I feel it. It is in this fleet, the Sith Lord, Darth Malsayir."

Although Scared was a little unhappy, he still maintained the utmost respect in front of Master Yoda, "You worry too much about Master Yoda. No matter if the opponent is a Sith Lord or something else, in front of the Iron Fist of the Republic,

There is only one way to defeat! The Galactic Republic is becoming stronger again, and from now on, the Jedi Order will no longer fight alone."

Master Yoda shook his head and said nothing.

The Republic Task Force immediately began to adjust its formation. The four Jaeger-class battlecruisers stayed in place, still maintaining full firepower to maintain suppression, while the other 13 Jaeger-class ships, led by three Knight-class Star Destroyers, headed directly towards

The space defense platform on the right wing of Rendili's fleet pounced straight at it!

Vice Admiral Scared's judgment was not wrong. As one of the best students in the Republic Naval Academy, he accurately saw the loopholes in the opponent's fleet layout, and made a prompt decision to seize the loopholes and launch a fierce attack!

In contrast, the commander of the Rendili Fleet, Captain Jesse Darling, was, to put it bluntly, an officer who was eliminated by the Republic's Judiciary Fleet, and then relied on family connections to serve in the Rendili Planet Defense Fleet. He and Si

The difference between Kalid is as big as the difference between the national football team and Argentina.

Faced with Skarrid's fierce offensive, he had no other choice but to keep repeating "hold it up". Fortunately, this was a clone. If he were here, he might have turned around and started to attack.


At the same time that the Republic Fleet took off its fighter formation, the Rendili Fleet also began to take off a large number of fighter jets. Most of the fighters equipped by the Rendili Defense Fleet were V-19 Riptide light fighters, and they did not even have ARC-170 heavy fighters.

, and the number is not large, only about 400.

In contrast, in addition to more than 1,200 V-19 fighter jets, the fighter formations taking off from the Republic's side also include more than 100 ARC-170 fighter jets, and even 50 of the latest equipment that has just been added to the Republic Navy - Alpha-3

"Alpha-3 Nimbus V-wing starfighter"!!

As soon as the fighter formations from both sides came into contact, the battle situation immediately became one-sided!

The fighter pilots of Rendili's fleet are no match for those elite Republic fighter pilots. Even though both sides fly V-19 light fighters, their combat capabilities are still very different.

As for the 50 V-wing fighters, they immediately started the unparalleled mode! Wherever they passed, the V-19 fighters of Rendili's fleet were shot down in large numbers, and there was no single enemy at all!

Whether it is maneuverability, flexibility, firepower, defense or flight control avionics, the V-wing fighter can crush the V-19 fighter in almost all aspects!

This is the fighter jet with the best comprehensive performance on the battlefield in the original Clone Wars!

Seeing this situation, Lieutenant General Trinald Scared had his head held high, his hands behind his back, his chin almost facing the front. He was waiting for the moment of victory, waiting for the news of victory.

When visiting Lausanne, the congratulations came from the top brass of the Republic.

However, he did not notice that Master Yoda, who had been standing next to him just now, had quietly left at some point.

At the same time, Das-Masayir had already boarded a V-19 Torrent fighter, and he was familiarizing himself with the control system of this fighter that he had never flown before.

On the screen in front of him, Captain Jesse Darling's tearful expression was projected, "Lord! I have tried my best to make them withstand it...but, they can't withstand it!"

"What you mean by 'trying your best' is that in the past 30 minutes, you yelled 'Hold it' a total of 233 times?" Das Masayir mocked.

"But...but there's nothing I can do! Those three Knight-class Star Destroyers are too powerful! We are no match at all!" Jesse Darling said with a sad face.

Das Masayir was still debugging the system. He said without raising his head: "If Bangila Ulan hears what you just said, will he immediately throw you into the toilet and drown you?"



[Easter egg chapter attached picture 1: Alpha-3 "Holy Light" V-wing starfighter (Alpha-3 Nimbus V-wing starfighter). 】

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