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Chapter 1,331 The situation of the battle reversed

1331,The battle situation reversed

Woo~~~Woo~~~Woo~~~A shrill air defense siren sounded again over Semirlun City!

Residents in the city entered the air raid shelters in an orderly manner, waiting for this wave of bombing to pass.

This situation has happened many times. Since the beginning of the war, Semieron City has been bombed almost every day. However, the fighter groups of the Galactic Republic are more precise in bombing military targets, such as anti-aircraft missile positions and armories.

Arsenal or command centers did not cause much damage to civilian facilities.

The main reason is that most of the carrier-based aircraft carried by the Galactic Republic Fleet are V-19 Torrent light fighters and ARC-170 heavy multi-purpose fighters, while the number of Y-wing bombers is very small. This is also the combat system of the Republic Fleet.

A factor that gradually changes.

A direct consequence of this is that before the Knight-class Star Destroyers and Empire-class Star Destroyers are completed on a large scale, the Galactic Republic fleet's ability to attack planets will be compromised, because in this new generation of combat system,

This role is played by a Star Destroyer whose firepower is several times more powerful than that of the Jaeger-class.

However, this time, the situation is completely different from before!

I saw thousands of V-19 Torrent light fighters swooping down from high altitudes like locusts, brutally bombing all military targets in the entire city of Semirun! Not only that, some fighter jets even reached the spacious streets

Places such as and the square were not spared, using blaster cannons to strafe and drop aerial bombs!

In just over 10 minutes, the city of Semirun was covered in thick smoke and flames! The anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft guns of various calibers and laser beams launched from the ground were like raindrops flying upside down into the sky! And in

The Republic fighter group hovering in the sky had no intention of leaving. They began to return after firing all their ammunition, and a new wave of fighter groups had already arrived on the battlefield!

Continuous bombing! There is no intention to give the Semiers any room to respond!

Corresponding to the bombing that occurred in the capital area, the Galactic Republic did not invest much air power at all on the fronts in the two directions of Tortok City and New Daran City.

Even in the direction of Tortok City, Army Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui's Scorpion tank group drove straight in, and the cheerer-class assault landing ship suspended in mid-air was already visible to the naked eye!

It’s not that there are no Galactic Republic fighter jets in these two directions, but because after most of the fighter jets are transferred to the capital area, the air force here is not enough to completely stop Uru-Ulix.

And Asajj Ventress's counterattack.

After a long period of continuous bombing, the real killer move of the Galactic Republic finally showed its fangs!

Hundreds of LAAT/I assault transport boats appeared on the horizon, blocking out the sky and the sun!

Under the cover of fighter jets, these assault transport boats entered the predetermined position and immediately launched airdrops!

There are as many as 1.3 million troops stationed in the entire Sermiron region, basically all of them are Semels warriors, and all their robots have been sent to the front line.

But the mobilization of these 1.3 million troops has been greatly restricted!

Under the almost crazy bombing by the large number of fighter jets of the Republic, the rail transportation was completely paralyzed and the main arterial roads were blown up, making it almost impossible for this army to move.

And those who came down from these LAATs were all clone troopers!

In the early stages of the war, this Galactic Republic was able to compete with the tens of millions of super soldiers of the Confederacy of Independent Systems' robot legions with only about 2 million soldiers!

The clone factory on the planet Kamino was destroyed and the production of clone soldiers has dropped sharply. Every clone soldier that has survived to this day is an elite in every battle! And they are the elite among the elite!

After they entered the complex environment of Semirren City, they immediately transformed into ghosts and disappeared. With their extremely high tactical literacy and combat skills, they easily destroyed the defenses of several Semirren garrison troops.

The target is directly at the Supreme Command of the planet Semels!

After receiving the emergency report from the capital, every separatist military commander in the direction of the planet Semels was shocked!

Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui, Admiral Trench, Asajj Ventress, Ulu Ulix, and others did not expect this - they did not expect that the commander of the Galactic Republic would be so ruthless!

They used all the nearly 1 million natural human troops as cannon fodder and bait, sacrificing the lives of these 1 million people to create an opportunity for the clone army to directly attack the heart of the planet Semels!

However, after seeing the results and inferring the situation in reverse, it was discovered that the commanders of the Galactic Republic did have reasons for doing so - they only had 11 days and had to make a quick decision so as to give themselves time to retreat.

After such a battle, it is impossible for the army of one million ordinary people who have already deployed to wait for them to slowly board the ship and then evacuate. In other words, these people are destined to be sacrificed from the beginning. At least a large number of people will be sacrificed.


After convening an emergency operational meeting, the separatist military commanders also reached an agreement.

Lieutenant General Dai Hongkui's armored group continued the assault, trying to penetrate the Republic Army's position in the direction of Tortok City regardless of losses, striving to severely damage or even destroy the Cheer-class assault landing ship in this direction.

Admiral Trench continued to lead the fleet to contain the main force of the Galactic Republic fleet, preventing them from making any unexpected moves at this most critical time.

In view of the adventure and madness shown by the commander of the Galactic Republic in this battle on the planet Semels, they have every reason to believe that maybe this Republic fleet can actually sacrifice a few capital ships to cover more Jaegers.

This is such a crazy move for a battlecruiser to break into the planet's atmosphere.

Asajj Ventress said that the secret weapon sent by Count Dooku will arrive within a day, and she will carry this secret weapon to directly deliver a fatal blow to the Republic forces in the capital region.

Ulu-Ulix immediately joined Tuunbak-Tula to gather an army as quickly as possible to return to the capital region.

After all, Ulu-Ulix has been staying in the command center of Sundaran City, and he is also the one closest to the capital region among these commanders.

All armies immediately began to take action.

At the same time, the clone army of the Galactic Republic has surrounded the underground command center where the supreme command headquarters of the planet Semels is located, and has launched a determined attack on this command center with solid fortifications.

On this battlefield, two vigorous figures are moving rapidly. They are waving lightsabers while rushing forward. Nothing in front of them can stop them!

Jedi Master Paul Woinsh-Radull, and Jedi Master Wilf Monn.

They are powerful and ruthless, and they don't mind causing killing at all. Wherever they pass, the corpses of Semires soldiers are everywhere! And in the face of their keen and powerful force, no matter how hidden the firepower point is, they will be immediately detected, and they are invincible.

The lightsaber will directly cut through all the shields, bringing death!

The entire top leadership, including the Governor of Planet Semels, is behind this solid fortification!

This chapter has been completed!
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