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Chapter 1,493 The End of the Jedi Order (2)

1493, The End of the Jedi Order (2)

Beep beep... the sound of the communicator sounded. Anakin Skywalker took out his communicator and looked at the pre-recorded holographic portrait of Padmé Amidala displayed on it. Then, he

Crushed the communicator.

He turned slightly sideways and looked behind him.

It was an army with almost no visible edges! Wearing full-coverage helmets, wearing white polymer alloy armor, and holding upgraded DC-15LE blaster rifles, the clone soldiers stood there motionless and silently!

100,000 troops!

Not only that, but a large number of armored units including AT-TE tactical assault walkers, TX-130 Saber hover tanks, AV-7 self-propelled artillery, and Zephyr-G hover motorcycles have also been put in place.

Right in front of this boundless army stands a huge trapezoidal building, with five magnificent towers at the top!

There is no doubt that this is the Jedi Temple, which has stood on Coruscant for more than 25,000 years since the founding of the Galactic Republic, and has even become a holy place of faith in people's hearts.

But now, this holy land is destined to be engulfed by blood and fire...

Anakin Skywalker looked up at the hazy clouds in the Coruscant sky. It seemed that even the weather was foreshadowing that a tragedy was happening.

Order No. 66 is a massacre order, an extermination order...

Unlike the arrest mentioned by Palpatine, this order is to exterminate the Jedi Order!

Anakin Skywalker originally thought he would get angry and accuse Palpatine of deceiving him. But in fact, when this happened, when the instructions from his mouth directly caused thousands of Jedi to be brutally

When he was killed, he was extremely calm.

Looking at the extremely tragic scenes that appeared on the holographic screen, Anakin Skywalker suddenly found that there seemed to be a sense of relief in his heart.

One by one, Jedi Knights were brutally killed, and most of them were shot from behind by their former comrades. In such a situation, even the Force precognition was caught off guard.

The death of countless Jedi Knights disturbed the Force. In this very short period of time, the death of a large number of Jedi Knights made the Force Force of the entire galaxy filled with darkness and negative emotions. Even if it touches the long river of the Force, it will be destroyed.

Dark side influence!

Their deaths and their screams seemed to be happening right in front of Anakin. He watched all of this quietly and raised his hand to gently touch the illusion in front of him.

However, the picture that was supposed to be just an illusion actually made his fingers feel tactile!

In those countless pictures, there seemed to be countless hands reaching out, trying to catch him! The owners of those hands were surprisingly the Jedi warriors whose bodies were left in the flesh mold lake! They cried, they screamed, they cursed, they cursed!

A flood of negative emotions hit his face, and Anakin was immediately enveloped in countless darkness. His whole body was almost immersed in darkness, and he was eroded by that darkness all the time!


Yes, this is the Force! This is the true face of the Force!

This force that controls everything is the source of all pain! It once made him believe that he had great power and made him believe that he could save everyone!


Who did you save with such power?

Is it Padmé Amidala who is still immersed in her own fantasy of peace?

Or Ahsoka Tano, who suffered unfair treatment from the Jedi Order and left angrily?

Is it Obi-Wan Kenobi who sneaked into the Dawn Planet alone to perform a mission, and his life and death were unknown in the end?

Or did he try his best to resist the geth invasion, want to find out the secrets of the geth, and finally die in an unknown area?

Is it his close friend Jax Pawan who was seriously injured by Darth Masayir and is currently being treated in the hospital?

Or was it Plo-Kon who faced off against the Sith Lord and was brutally killed in the end?


No one can save me!

Even Padmé Amidala didn't have a smile on her face. She hadn't shown the angelic smile she had seen on Tatooine for a long time.

And his own mother...his own mother who was turned into a walking corpse by Darth Malsayel, and even deceived him into using the resurrection technique!

Who have you saved?

The Force! The Force makes you strong! But such strength is just a mirror, a castle in the air. Such strength once gave him hope. However, in the end, it made him play an extremely cruel joke with the heavy reality!

This is the force!

In the end, the Force gave him only sadness, only separation, only death, and only pain!

This is the force!

I curse the force!

Anakin Skywalker's eyes became extremely fierce and ferocious...

What the Jedi Order did was just make me a slave to the Force! They were jealous of me, afraid of me, and would never let me come into contact with the essence of the Force! Their purpose was just to let the Force control me!

Let them control me!

but now……

Look, this tragic death! This endless darkness!

The death of every Jedi makes the Force darker! And the dark Force gives me more power!

I am the Chosen One! I should not be a servant of the Force, let alone a tool of the Jedi Order!

I should be...the one who controls everything! Including the Force! Everything should be wailing between my palms!

Only in this way, I will not suffer, I will not lose...

The Jedi Order is paying the price.

They once had overwhelming power and a transcendent status. They once stood above all life in the galaxy. They used their own rules to define the ecology of the entire galaxy.

But now, all this will be overturned...

The Jedi Order is so rigid and decadent that they still cling to the rules of more than 20,000 years ago. They are simply unable to adapt to this era. When countless social contradictions are intensified and the regime of the Galactic Republic is in turmoil,

Sometimes, their persistence has no effect at all.

Facts have proven that they are already behind the times.

In the face of this war, the bottom line of the Jedi Order was breached again and again. They seemed to want to find a way to adapt to this era. However, in the end, they still only made their creed more riddled with holes, paler and more ridiculous!

In the midst of such a struggle, the power in the hands of the Jedi Order, which was even greater than that of the Republic itself, became a tool for their perverse actions.

Power should be placed in the hands of those who have enough wisdom and determination to use it, and should not be in the hands of a group of wights in the Jedi Order who have no idea where the future lies!

Of course, it shouldn’t be in the hands of a parliament that can’t come up with any effective solution other than bickering!

At least, Palpatine showed his wisdom and ability in rebuilding the army and preparing for war, as well as in rectifying the bureaucracy and launching the war machine to fight an unprecedented war.

The future of the Galactic Republic should be left to him!

And I... will control the Force! Control that extremely powerful power! Then, bring true balance to this galaxy!

Anakin Skywalker slowly put on the hood of his cloak. In the shadow of the hood, the pair of holes shining with the unique golden light of the dark side of the Force were so hideous and terrifying!

"Target, Jedi Temple. Advance." Anakin gave the order.



The blue lightsaber was activated, and in the lightsaber, there seemed to be a ray of red blood that was constantly struggling.

He walked towards the Jedi Temple step by step, and countless clone soldiers behind him followed in neat steps. The dark muzzles of a large number of armored vehicles pointed in the direction of the Jedi Temple, the shells were loaded, and the lasers were charged, ready at any time.


The stairs before the Jedi Temple are steep and long, but they can't stop the clone troopers!

Look! Look! Look! Look! The clone soldiers arranged in a square formation walked up the stairs, making neat footsteps, as if only one person was moving forward.

The target is just ahead!

This chapter has been completed!
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