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Chapter 1583 Death Rock

1583,death rock

In a formation, 35 clone troopers disembarked from the LAAT/I assault transport craft and shot at a few scattered zombies in front of them without hesitation!

A beam of crimson explosive energy exploded on the corpse puppet, one of which directly hit the hole pierced by the dragon's tooth in the corpse puppet's abdomen, directly blowing the corpse puppet into two pieces from here.

Then there was a terrifying roar from some buildings, and more zombies rushed out!

But these clone soldiers did not panic at all. They only saw the sergeant major with a green armband making a few gestures. The soldiers immediately dispersed and took up their positions, firing accurately with blaster rifle fire.

Not only were their marksmanship accurate, but they also had a wide field of vision. When shooting forward, their peripheral vision was also looking in other directions. Several corpse puppets that wanted to climb over from the nearby wall for a sneak attack were also directly shot in the head.

One of the clone troopers took out a device and scanned the surrounding area.

"Is this here?" the clone sergeant asked.

"That's right. The fuel warehouse is 300 meters ahead, and one of the pipelines in the warehouse is right at our feet." The clone trooper answered.

"Then clear this area, and then let the engineering team come over." The clone sergeant said, "Work as a team! Clear all the buildings within 30 minutes!"


The clone troopers immediately dispersed and entered the buildings in groups of five. Soon there was gunfire, but it soon calmed down.

In front of these elite Kamino clone soldiers, these ordinary corpse puppets are simply a group of living targets.

A group of clone troopers came to a small two-story building. The situation around the building moved these hard-hearted clone troopers.

All I could see was the remains of at least hundreds of corpses piled up tightly around the building! There were dense bullet holes almost everywhere, and a few scattered corpses scattered around.

Obviously, there was very fierce resistance here when the corpse puppets invaded.

A clone trooper looked up and said, "This is a bar called the Skull Cup."

"Oh, I hope they really use skulls to make cups." Another soldier said.

They looked at the door of the bar. The metal door had been blown open with a large gap, and the gap was filled with the remains of corpse puppets. A soldier threw a grenade through without hesitation.


The corpse puppet's remains were blown everywhere, and the doorway was exposed.

A soldier looked at the two large corpse puppets lying at the door and the plasma cannons sewn and transplanted on their hands, and shook his head, "Poor guys, if there weren't a few big guys here, they should still be able to hold on."

Walking into the bar, it was also a mess, with the remains of corpse puppets and the corpses of mercenaries everywhere. The smell of burnt flesh and blood was also mixed with a very strong smell of alcohol.

Countless wine bottles were poured on the ground, most of them empty.

"Ha, if you think of this place as a battlefield, I like it." A clone trooper laughed. As he spoke, he raised his hand and shot a zombie on the stairs in the head.

They continued to search inside the bar to ensure that no fish slipped through the net. After all, when the engineering team came to work, one or two zombies might be able to fatally injure the unarmed workers.

I only saw a jukebox on one side of the bar emitting electric sparks. In the middle of the jukebox, the remains of a zombie was inserted upside down. Although the machine had been destroyed, the jukebox on the side was still there.

At work, I only saw that what was supposed to be playing now was a rock song called 'Fanatical to Death'.

Coming to the second floor, there are more corpse puppets here, and there are also some scattered corpse puppets wandering around.

Near the balcony, you can see the corpse of a strong human black man. He was holding a heavy machine gun tightly in his hands until he died, and bullet casings were scattered on the ground next to him.

"These guys are probably mercenaries and smugglers. I faced several wanted criminals on the holographic network," said a soldier.

"In front of Ges, wanted criminals and the president of the country are all the same." Another soldier said.

The sergeant came to the black man's body, looked at the numerous scars on his body, and looked at the balcony next to him that had almost collapsed in half and was full of corpses. He raised his hand and closed his glaring eyes, "He was killed."

There are quite a few corpse puppets, quite powerful guys.”

"Man Niu Doku, the bounty on his head is more than 30,000 credits!" said the clone soldier who was checking the personal terminal next to him, "There are at least 17 murders and more than 40 intentional injury crimes on his head.


"The final madness of a bunch of beasts," said another.

"Sir! There's a situation downstairs!" someone below said.

The sergeant led people all the way to the basement. There was a very strong smell of alcohol, and the floor was covered with wine. Several overturned wine racks were blocking the way. Outside the wine racks, there were several mercenaries dumped.

The corpses, they were entangled with the remains of the corpse puppets, and they were fighting fiercely even at the end.

In the deepest part, an old man was sitting against the wall, holding a modified blaster rifle that had been exploded. There were bloodstains and burnt marks all over his body, and it looked like he had been blasted by a blaster.

To the injured.

"They knocked down all the wine racks and used the smell of wine to confuse the zombies' perception. It was quite clever," said the sergeant.

"He's still alive." A soldier walked over to the old man and knelt down to check, "But I'm afraid he won't live long. Can I give him a shot of epinephrine?"

"There is no need to waste it on a dead man. Our next battle will be more difficult." The sergeant shook his head.

Deka raised his hand with difficulty, pointed to a small warehouse door on the ground next to him, and nodded slightly, as if to indicate that there was something there.

The clone soldiers walked over and opened the warehouse door. They saw only a small space with a lot of bullets scattered on the ground. In the middle, a frightened human dancer huddled up in a ball, covered in blood.


The sergeant sighed, and he understood what happened here, "This group of desperadoes, at the last moment when the corpse puppets rushed in, chose to protect the only unarmed person in this bar - this dancer."

He looked at the dying old man and the corpses at the door, and said: "No matter what kind of criminals these people were before, at least this time, they are good."

"Ho...ho..." Deka gasped, as if he wanted to say something.

The clone sergeant walked over and knelt down and said: "Come on, old man, at least before you die, someone will be able to hear the last words you want to say. We will send this dancer to the rear. In addition,

What else do you want to explain?"

Deka's lips moved, and he used the last strength of his body to spit out a few words, "Fuck you Galactic Republic..."

This chapter has been completed!
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