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Chapter 1,606 Terrifying Information

1606, terrible information

The spacecraft that took off flew wildly, almost turning the engine output to the maximum, and flew towards the outer atmosphere at high speed under the cover of those vulture robot fighters.

Moreover, the location of this spacecraft was chosen very cleverly. It happened to be in the blind spot that blocked the spacecraft in the outer orbit of the planet.

Once he is allowed to fly out of the atmosphere, it is very likely that he will be able to escape his pursuers and start a hyperspace jump to leave as quickly as possible.

But it was obvious that the actions of this spaceship had attracted the attention of the Republic Army, and there was absolutely no way they would let this spaceship, which they knew was definitely a ghost at a glance, leave.

More than 50 V-wing fighters took off from the Jaeger-class battlecruiser performing a blockade mission in outer orbit. These new Republic fighters rushed towards the spacecraft from several directions at the same time.

All the escorting Vulture robot fighters were quickly shot down. After finding that there was no chance to leave the planet's atmosphere, the spacecraft turned towards the thunderstorm area in the northern hemisphere, seemingly wanting to self-destruct in the thunderstorm.

However, after a period of crazy pursuit, the spacecraft was finally overtaken by a V-wing fighter jet swooping down from outer space. Before the spacecraft could break into a thunderstorm and self-destruct, it was hit by a missile and crashed into a jungle.

The Republic Army immediately sent land troops to recover the spacecraft, and fighter jets were also hovering in the air to prevent other incidents from happening.

Someone did try to escape from the spacecraft, but was immediately killed by the hovering fighter jets. At the same time, the Army acted very quickly. It arrived at the scene less than half an hour after the spacecraft was shot down, dropped its soldiers and began searching.

These soldiers entered the crashed spacecraft and found a Kiffar pilot who, although seriously injured, was still trying to destroy the memory. After a headshot, they obtained a half-smashed memory.

The memory was immediately sent to the spacecraft, where personnel from the Engineering and Technology Department analyzed and repaired it.

The next day, the interpretation was completed, and the contents were surprising!

According to the contents of the memory, the people in this spacecraft are personnel from the scientific research department of the Principality of Dawn. The reason why they are on the Kifer planet is because they are asking Kiffar scientists to help them produce a superconducting material. And this kind of

Superconducting materials need to be further processed in the release of powerful electrical energy, and the thunderstorm area of ​​Kiefer's planet is the best processing factory.

And this superconducting material is surprisingly one of the main materials in the group shield system of the Titan battleship Xuanwu!

In this memory, the processing method of this superconducting material is recorded, but there is no detailed record of how it works in the group shield system of the Xuanwu battleship. However, the technical personnel of the Galactic Republic also learned about Xuanwu

The model of the Titan battleship - Ankelon-class Titan battleship!

And the most important thing is that although there is nothing else in this memory except this superconducting material, through the inference of some of the information, it is found that the Ankelon-class Titan battleship is in the Yago-Dur system.

Built in the secret Titan dockyard!

The memory was immediately sealed, and all personnel who had come into contact with the memory were sent directly to Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, and handed over to the Republic Intelligence Department for processing.

In fact, when the Republic took the initiative to launch the Battle of Eriadu and attack the Eriadu system, the Republic's Intelligence Department had some doubts about the origin of the Titan battleship Xuanwu.

Because at that time, the hyperspace outpost affiliated to the 20th Army detected abnormal hyperspace fluctuations. This fluctuation was large and concentrated, more violent than the fluctuations caused by any single spacecraft, but it also interacted with the fleet.

Hyperspace jumps have different fluctuations.

However, this piece of information was later ignored by the Republic Intelligence Department.

Because no matter what, the Titan battleship Xuanwu has appeared and is guarding the Eriadu system, leaving the Republic fleet defeated and leaving no room for resistance.

And now, the harvest from the attack on Kiefer Planet has brought the information that had been dusty for more than half a year to light again. The Republic Intelligence Department worked day and night and compared the data countless times, including the Xuanwu during the Ennako System Battle.

Every hyperspace fluctuation caused by a Titan battleship.

Finally, it was concluded that during the battle of the Eriadu system, the hyperspace fluctuations from the Yago-Dur system came from the Titan battleship Xuanwu!

And this also leads to an accurate conclusion - the Ankeron-class Titan battleship, Xuanwu, was built in the Yago-Dur system!

And the second Ankeron-class Titan battleship is currently being built there!

The second Xuanwu?! Such news made the Supreme Strategic Command of the Republic immediately nervous.

Just one Xuanwu is already very terrifying. If there is another one, how can this battle be fought? According to the deduction of the Supreme Strategic Command, a fleet led by one Xuanwu is enough to fight against the Republic with at least three times the strength of the Republic.


What about two ships?

It is estimated that even ten times the force cannot take it down!

This information was immediately sent to the desk of Republic Speaker Sheev Palpatine, and Palpatine immediately convened a meeting to discuss it.

The purpose of the discussion was nothing more than what to do, whether to storm the Yago-Dur system and occupy the Titan battleship dock, or at worst, destroy the dock to prevent more Titan battleships from appearing.

But according to the plan of the Supreme Strategic Command, they originally wanted to attack the planet Christophsis. Although this planet is far less important than the planet Yago-Dur, if it is captured, it can

Effectively weakening the strength of the Dawn Principality.

The Dawn Planet Military Intelligence Department previously detected the frequent hyperspace fluctuations of the 20th Army and the 17th Army. Among them, the 17th Army is indeed undergoing reconstruction, so the flow of materials is very frequent. The direction of the 20th Army is completely

It's completely deceptive information.

After all, the Yago-Durr galaxy is a three-body galaxy. The 20th Army of the Republic has tried several attacks before, but all failed. The most important reason is that the environment of this galaxy is extremely unfavorable for the deployment of the fleet, and it is not conducive to the deployment of the fleet.

The maneuvering of fighter formations also has a huge impact.

This eliminated the greatest advantage of the Republic fleet, which had a huge force, and could only be divided into small fleets to attack the Agonev-class interstellar base with powerful firepower. In this way, it would be surprising to achieve results.

What makes the Supreme Strategic Command even more frustrated is that the direction of the 20th Army was originally to attract the attention of the Principality of Dawn, but now it really plans to attack from this direction, wouldn't its previous actions be

It became an obvious decision to tell the Principality of Dawn that we were going to attack the Yago-Dur system?

Strategic deception has turned into strategic disclosure. This is simply ironic!

This chapter has been completed!
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