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Chapter 1,624 The Last Moments

1624, the last moment


If you want to reap the fruits of freedom, you must first endure the hard work of maintaining freedom. - "Biographies of the Founding Heroes of the Fourth Reich", Internal Affairs, Chapter 9 of the Biography of Daphne Clement.


"I don't remember that the current military affairs are free enough for a major general to come over and serve coffee." Volgograd Kanidi raised his eyelids and said.

"They forced you to put He Yuan under house arrest. This should not have happened." Jin Chen said.

"They also want to lock you up, so you should stop talking about this topic before I order you to be locked up in the solitary room." Canidi's tone gradually became colder.

"If it was your order, I wouldn't have any complaints. But now, all I see is brutal military occupation." Jin Chen said, "They drove all the people on the planet Annaji out of their homes.

Stuffed into a crowded underground shelter, they also cut off communications and transportation! This is destroying the planet!"

"If we don't control communications and cut off transportation, all our actions and deployments here will be on Palpatine's desk tomorrow, don't you know?" Canidy said nonchalantly.

"But where is the enemy?" Jin Chen said, "The Galactic Republic is using all its strength to attack the planet Yago-Dur. At the same time, they have also begun to attack the stronghold of the Confederation of Independent Systems, the planet Salukami. Their offensive has already begun.

, but it can’t be here.”

"Do you think that the millions of troops and large fleets that came to Annaji's planet are all here for vacation?" Kanidi asked in return.

"Lord Governor! From the beginning to the end, Tang Xiao is the only one who has insisted that the Republic fleet will attack the Model sector! Could it be that just because of his words, our entire planet has been turned upside down?" Jin Chen raised his voice.


"Yes, he has the power and power." Canidi replied straightforwardly, "Go back to your post and check the status of all combat units again. We must always be in a state of combat readiness."

He personally took off the coffee and snacks from the tray in Jin Chen's hand and placed them on his table, which was regarded as seeing off the guests.

"The troops and officers at all levels who came over are all from the Dawn Planet. In fact, there is no need for me to do anything." Jin Chen sneered, "I guess the same is true for the fleet. Those captains are all Tang Xiao's people.

, they are listening to Tang Xiao’s instructions. Maybe at some point, they will turn the turret around and aim at our planet!"

Under Canidy's beard, a trace of anger gradually appeared on the already wrinkled face, "I can accept your different political opinions! But I will not accept your neglect in your job! If you still

Next time, then you can report directly to the solitary room for me!


"Yes! Lord Governor. That's what I want to say!" Jin Chen stood at attention and gave a military salute, then turned around and walked out with the tray under his arm.

Canidi took a sip of coffee, then opened the communication and said: "Notify the fourth battle group to end the rotation within an hour, and then start actual combat exercises."


At this moment, the outer orbit of the planet Annaji.

Several originally prosperous civilian space stations and space ports have been moved to one side of the planet by barges, trying to avoid the war as much as possible. And the huge body of an extremely huge Agniev-class interstellar base has replaced

The bustling trading port has become the core building near the track.

This Agonev-class interstellar base was built after Master Yoda's invasion. It is a huge diamond-shaped base with a side length of 10,000 meters. It has nearly endless energy and powerful firepower.

Around the interstellar base, a large number of ghost fighters are flying in formation, starting from here and then conducting combat patrols in the surrounding airspace.

Thousands of Gauss combat platforms are densely deployed around the planet, and there are also engineering ships busy building more platforms.

These fixed turrets equipped with two large-caliber Gauss cannons, two sets of eight-unit missile launchers, and two sets of close-defense laser weapons protect the key areas of the planet Annaji.

Hundreds of space hangar platforms have also entered combat status, with the shielding system always turned on. This invisible hangar platform will be a surprise force in combat.

There are also tens of billions of air mines deployed in all key areas of the defense zone, and a large number of air mines are also deployed in outer space outside the gravitational circle where the Republic's incoming fleet may appear. This kind of equipment is equipped with identification friend or foe.

The system's air mines will only accurately attack all approaching enemy ships.

The hyperspace disruptor is also operating at all times, which is equivalent to a reverse hyperspace blocker. Although it cannot prevent enemy ships from coming here through hyperspace jump, it can disrupt their navigation devices and increase the difficulty of enemy ships when they want to leave here.

The amount of calculations slows down their jump into hyperspace.

In addition, there are a large number of maintenance platforms and energy replenishment platforms, which are brand-new equipment in the defense system of the Dawn Principality. In fact, it is not technically complicated. The former is the same as the Xingzi-class drone mothership, equipped with a large number of

Drones and nanorobots can provide a live repair platform for damaged warships at any time. The latter is equipped with a shield replenishment system similar to that of the Dunov-class battlecruiser, which can remotely replenish the shield capacitance of one's own warships.


The deployment of these two platforms actually stems from the further development of the production process and industrial technology of the Principality of Dawn, which has reduced the production costs of the Xingzi-class maintenance drone carrier and the Dunov-class battlecruiser, so that these systems can

Used under fixed defense system.

After all, if the production cost is high, it is better to put it on a battleship, which is more convenient for advancing, attacking, retreating and defending.

In fact, if the cost did not allow it, the engineers of the Dawn Principality would even be willing to design a particle light spear cannon!

Planet Annaji has made all preparations for defense.

At this moment, on a satellite of Planet No. 3 in the Annaji system, Darth Masayil is sitting here, meditating with his eyes closed. Even though the gravity here is very low and there is almost no air, he is still sitting firmly on the ground.

, nor is it affected by vacuum.

Not far in front of him, there were three small mountain-like wrecks. They were two destroyed Chasseur-class battlecruisers and a Cheer-class assault landing ship that was blown into two pieces! It should be in

It was shot down during the last invasion of the Model sector and crashed into this satellite.

And Darth Malsayir is here, feeling the death among these three battleships.

Suddenly, his eyes opened suddenly! A strong sense of crisis came from the Force!

This chapter has been completed!
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