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Chapter 1812 The Death of the Sith Lord (Part 2)

1812, Death of the Sith Lord (Part 2)

Another mysterious Bith man wearing a black cloak was wandering on the other side of the moon of Nar Shadda.

This area is a commercial area according to the planning of the Hutt authorities in the Nashada satellite. Of course, this short sentence is full of countless flaws...

The so-called business district is actually a black market without any control. Of course, in order to attract more business, those businesses will have some bottom lines. The so-called Hutt authorities are actually some of the largest local businesses.

The Hutt gang, sometimes when they see things getting serious, they will step in to smooth things over so as not to damage their own business.

As for planning, it almost means enclosing territory.

The Bisi man wandered around, seemingly aimlessly, and then he walked into a bar. Standing in front of the bar was a burly Gamorean, like an upright wild boar.

People are afraid.

However, this Bisi man had no fear at all, even though this Gamore man was at least three times as tall as him. He walked to the bar, lowered his head and said slowly: "I'm looking for... a... Bisi man...


Bang! The Gamorrean slapped his hand on the bar, making a dull sound. He leaned down, a pair of sharp fangs dangled in front of the Bissian, and said ferociously: "Pink little one, here,

He’s a wine seller! He’s not looking for someone!”

The Bisi man's head twitched unnaturally, very fast, as if he had pressed a fast camera to play. His voice was dull and distorted, "Give me...a glass of wine."

The Gamore man smiled ferociously, grabbed a bottle of low-quality wine, poured a glass and pushed it over, "70 Upi!" He quoted a price five times the price.

UpiUpi coins are the common currency of the Hutt space, and the ratio to Empire credits is about 5~6:1.

"Ah...money..." The Bisi began to gasp, and his head quickly twisted again, and then he searched for it in his pocket for a while, took out two Galactic Empire credit ingots and threw them over.

The Gamorrean bartender's face became even more ferocious. He growled lowly and put his scary face close to his face, "We don't accept credit points here! Boy! Do you want to default on your debt?"

"Ah... wine..." The Bisi man raised his head, only to see that his skin was pale and gray. It was completely different from the normal light yellow and light brown skin of the normal Bisi people, as if he had been soaked in antiseptic liquid for a long time.

It's like a pile of rotten meat afterwards.

Moreover, he wore a mechanical respirator on his face. The two tubes of the respirator were connected to the damaged armor on his chest. The tubes were constantly bulging and squirming, as if something was constantly pouring into him.

Seeing this weird look, the bartender couldn't help but stay away from him and raised his head with a look of disgust.

Then, the Bisi man ripped off his respirator! The sight that appeared in front of him made the burly Gamorrean bartender look horrified and backed away!

All I saw under the respirator was an indescribably disgusting mouth! No, it couldn't even be called a mouth! There were no lips, no teeth, no tongue, not even gums! Just countless rotten flesh!

The flesh in the mouth was rotten into strips, hanging inside the mouth, and it was still squirming! The respirator seemed to be stuck to the rotten meat, and when it was pulled off, it also tore a large piece of surrounding skin and flesh!

A rotten stench came from the empty mouth, making people sick!

Everyone around the Bisi immediately took a few steps back, wanting to stay away from him. However, he turned a blind eye and directly picked up the wine glass and poured the inferior wine into his mouth, "Ah... wine..."

"That's enough! You belly-throwing monster!!" The Gamorrean bartender suddenly became furious, half frightened and half angry. He took out a blaster pistol from under the bar and pointed it at the Bissian's head.

However, the next second, a wine glass exploded in his hand, the blaster pistol fell from his hand, and then he looked down at his chest in horror!

A tiny arm had already penetrated and grabbed his huge heart!

It's the Bisi man! He was floating in the air, and at some point he had flashed in front of the Gamorrean from outside the bar a few meters away, and directly pierced the Gamorrean's chest with his arm!

When they saw the murder, the surroundings suddenly became chaotic. Some people ran away, some drew their weapons to defend themselves, and the people in the bar rushed over to take revenge.

But this Bisi man didn't care about this at all. He took the bottle of low-quality wine from the Gamorrean corpse and poured it directly into his mouth, looking extremely weird and terrifying.

Then, those people in the bar raised their guns and fired at him wildly! Countless blaster beams were fired, carrying lethal high temperatures and explosive energy!

But the figure of this Bisi man suddenly disappeared. The next second, he had appeared in front of one of the bartenders holding a gun, and asked in a low voice: "I'm looking for... a Bisi man..."

Not wearing a respirator, I saw that when he spoke, his mouth just moved, and the sound came directly from his throat! When he spoke, a stench hit him!

"You... aren't you?" the bartender was frightened and said tremblingly. He had even lost the courage to shoot.

There was a crisp sound, and his neck was twisted directly by the Bisi man with a wave of his hand.

"Kill him!!!" Many people around saw this and shot directly!

However, the figure of the Bisi disappeared again. When he reappeared, he had already flashed in front of another bar customer! But this time, before he could ask, the Bisi suddenly shook his whole body and looked suddenly in the other direction.


There was another burst of violent fire, and a large amount of explosive energy beams even shot the customer into a sieve. But the figure of the Bisi man had already appeared at the door. He put on the respirator again, and then jumped into the air ten times.

It was more than meters high, so I grabbed a hover car that was passing by at high speed and climbed up.

With two screams, the passengers and driver of the hover car were thrown directly from the air, and their flesh and blood were bruised. Then the hover car turned around and flew quickly towards a space port.

The people in the bar looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what they were saying. But they had no choice but to start cleaning up the scene and report what happened here to their boss. I believe that soon, this Bisi man will be on the gang list

The boss is in the head bounty posted on the black market.

As for those who died in the bar, their bodies were thrown directly outside the bar. If they had relatives and friends coming to collect the bodies, that would be fine. Otherwise, their bodies would be picked up by some scavengers and sold to the incinerator.

, 1 black skin, or it will be sent to a protein processing factory...

The order of sin will not change in any way because of this slight disturbance.

Thanks to book friend 20230904011219508 for the 100 starting coins!!

This chapter has been completed!
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