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Chapter 1929 The End of the Confederation of Independent Systems (3)

1930, The end of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (3)

"Revenge? Hehehe... The name Hilal is very strange." Count Dooku said mockingly.

"Maybe you don't care about this name, but for me, for the Cali people, this name...means everything!" General Grievous did not rush in, but walked slowly, keeping in touch with Count Dooku.

Looking at the distance, "You murdered Jiman Jai Hilal and deprived the Kali people of their future! Hilal's death left the Kali people no longer able to resist in front of Huck!"

"Oh... but you are doing pretty well now, aren't you? Together with the geth who kill lives for fun." Count Dooku mocked.

"But this has nothing to do with you, right?" General Grievous asked in the same tone.

"I finally understand, so this is all the death angel's idea." Count Dooku's eyes were extremely cold.

"He gave me a chance, a chance to do what I wanted to do." General Grievous said coldly.

"So, what about killing Einle-Tim? If you just come to me for revenge, then you don't have to kill him." Count Dooku snorted coldly, "Einle-Tim... If you assume that your

If the plan succeeds and you kill me, then Ainle-Tim will become the leader of the Confederation of Independent Systems. The Angel of Death must have asked you to kill him for this reason."

The first heir to the former Confederation of Independent Systems was Newt Gunray, Governor of the Trade Federation, but now Newt Gunray has gone to Tang Xiao's camp, although he still supports independence on the surface.

The Confederacy of Systems, but in reality, the Trade Federation's major investments have left the Confederacy.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for Newt Gunray to continue to be the heir to the Confederation of Independent Systems. This matter has not been stated openly before, because once it is stated openly, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting the independent galaxy?

Was the Confederacy divided?

So after that, it became a matter of course that Ainle-Tim became the heir to the Confederacy after Count Dooku.

And General Grievous actually had nothing to do with Ainle-Tim, and there was no conflict between the two parties. But now he walked in and killed Einle-Tim directly after a disagreement. Count Dooku.

Lao Jianghu, you can naturally tell from this, there must be someone behind the scenes.

Who is behind it? Those who participated in the murder and transformation of Kiman Jai Hilal were Count Dooku and San Hill, and Tang Xiao was the insider. San Hill naturally did not have the IQ and courage

, dared to do anything to General Grievous, then the answer is very clear who is behind it.

"The Confederacy of Independent Systems should never have existed from the beginning! This is a regime based on lies and deceit! What you have done is just to use us outer-ring planets as tools to satisfy Darth Siddi

A victim of Erth's ambition!" General Grievous shouted angrily.

"It seems that the Angel of Death has told you a lot." Count Dooku said coldly, "But have you thought about one question?"

His face gradually showed sarcasm, "Even if the Confederation of Independent Systems is only based on lies and deception, it is the only chance for you primitive people in the outer ring to get the so-called freedom? So you know why there are so many

Do planets, even though they know how powerful the Galactic Republic is, still flock to join the Confederacy? Do you know why no matter how harsh the Confederacy's war tax is, none of these planets withdraw?"

"Hehehehe..." Faced with the situation at this moment, Count Dooku finally stopped hiding it. He revealed his deep inner disgust for these outer-ring non-human race planets, "But in fact, in the end,

You still have no choice but to accept the outcome of destruction! I have tried my best to give you a chance to survive, but now, it is you who have thrown this opportunity away!"

"And this is why, you must die!" General Grievous's eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly charged in at high speed, and cut down his head with four crossed lightsabers!

Count Dooku had enough time to calm down, and the cranked lightsaber was accurate again. General Grievous's ferocious attack was immediately defused. He showed a sarcastic look, "And I am indeed curious, who gave you confidence,

Makes you feel capable of killing me?"

"Dooku! Today, you must die here!" General Grievous roared loudly.

Amid his roar, the ceiling of the parliament hall suddenly shattered, and then more than a dozen IG-100 guard robots fell from the sky!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! The heavy body of the robot fell to the ground, making a dull sound. After these IG-100 guard robots landed, they immediately took out the high-voltage electric wand behind them, turned on the switch, and the two-meter-long electric

A burst of strong high-voltage current immediately emitted from both ends of the stick!

"You..." Count Dooku's face turned gloomy. This time he no longer waited, and flashed forward, and the lightsaber stabbed out like a poisonous snake! The second sword technique, Makashi! One mainly uses stabbing movements.

, a swordsmanship perfect for lightsaber duels!

This is also the first time Count Dooku takes the initiative in this battle today!

Because the appearance of these IG-100 guard robots may mean a very bad thing!

General Grievous waved four lightsabers to greet him, but Count Dooku disintegrated his offensive with just a few swords. At the same time, the light of the sword flashed past, and one of General Grievous' arms was struck by light.

The sword pierced it, and then it was twisted again, and the arm was cut off directly!

When General Grievous saw that the situation was not going well, he turned around and ran away. The IG-100 guard robots immediately followed him, waving high-voltage electric wands and hitting him!

This high-voltage electric wand is made of Frick steel. This material can withstand the high temperature of the lightsaber to a certain extent, and at the same time, the powerful high-voltage electricity can also withstand the lightsaber.

However, although the weapons are powerful, the people who use them are vastly different. Count Dooku ducked over, and his hands did not move. All he could see was the flash of blood-red sword light, and the IG-100 guard robots collapsed one after another.

The ground cannot rise.

The fallen robots all had a hole in the center of their heads that was still molten!

These battle robots, specially designed to deal with Jedi Knights, have no ability to resist Count Dooku!

General Grievous was still running away, but he saw more IG-100 guard robots jumping down from the top of the venue to join the battle. The number had reached more than 30!

Not only that, a large number of battle robots rushed in at the entrance and windows of the venue! Most of them were B-2 super battle robots!

With the cover of these robots, General Grievous has been running farther and farther away, maintaining a safe distance from Count Dooku. He has never been a reckless man, but an extremely cunning general!

Seeing this scene, Count Dooku finally understood that this was not a betrayal by General Grievous... this was a long-planned mutiny!!

More and more B-2 super battle robots rushed into the parliament hall, and the blaster rifle installed on the right arm kept firing! Count Dooku clashed left and right, but in an environment like the parliament hall, he could never get rid of these

Robot chase.

Several rockets were launched, and Count Dooku had already had a premonition. He raised his hand and waved, and the rockets were instantly fixed in the air. Then he waved again, and the rockets immediately flew towards the wall behind him.


Boom! Boom! Boom!!! The violent explosion set off a burst of smoke and dust, and then the lightsaber in Count Dooku's hand instantly slashed out more than a dozen sword rays. The force suddenly spat out, and the powerful impact immediately smashed the wall.


Count Dooku ran out through the blasted hole in the wall.

However, what was displayed in front of him at this time was an even more desperate scene!

More than a dozen Destroyer robots were already in place. They rolled over and spread out their bodies. The shield generators were turned on, and the two twin blaster machine guns were pointed coldly in this direction. They found that Count Dooku did not go through the door, but exploded.

When the wall came out, these robots turned around and rushed towards this side.

In the sky, C-9979 landing ships are passing by at low altitude, landing around the parliament venue, and transporting a large number of combat robots here!

General Grievous, he brought an entire army to kill Count Dooku!

The biggest question now is, why does this army appear here? Where is the defense fleet on the periphery of the planet? Where is the early warning outpost? Where is the intelligence department?

Even if there is news in any of them, Count Dooku will have a chance to escape!

But now, he has been surrounded heavily!

"Dooku! Today is the day you die! It is also the end of the Confederacy of Independent Systems!!" General Grievous walked out of the hole in the wall that Count Dooku had just blown up.

"It will never be possible to kill me! How could I die at the hands of someone like you!" Count Dooku roared angrily. He looked down at the communicator and found that the communication had been cut off.

This is planetary level wide-area electronic interference!

In the outer orbit of the Laxus subplanet, a defense fleet composed of more than a dozen capital ships is currently pointing the bow of the ship in the direction of space, guarding against enemies from outer space.

"Planet Laxus, completely normal... Tsk tsk tsk tsk, strengthen the defense, our enemies are outside. Tsk tsk tsk tsk..." On the bridge of a Shenyi-class destroyer as the flagship, Admiral Trench held a pointer.

Pat it gently, and at the same time, habitually stroke the chelicerae at the corner of your mouth.

"Roger." The T-series tactical robot standing next to him replied with a cold electronic voice.

"Sealed, hyperspace channel, no one is allowed to enter...tsk tsk tsk tsk." Admiral Trench turned to the console on the other side and said.

"Roger Roger!" the B-1 combat robot that was controlling the radar sensor immediately replied. At the same time, several spaceships took off from the hangar platform, carrying hyperspace blockers and began to deploy around the planet.

This defensive fleet has always ignored the mutiny that occurred at the planet's parliament meeting place. Instead, it blocked the periphery of the planet, preventing any spacecraft from entering.

At the entrance of the parliament venue, the congressmen were surrounded by countless combat robots. They were squatting on the ground and shivering.

At this time, Claire Underwood, Minister of the Interior of the Confederation of Independent Systems, stood up, and Parcel Argent, Chairman of the Enterprise Alliance, also stood up at the same time. They looked at each other, without saying much, stood up and walked towards the robots, and then

He left under heavy protection.

The wall fell and everyone pushed. At this time, when the defeat of the Federation of Independent Systems was already determined, it only needed a few chess pieces deployed in advance to stand up and set an example, and countless people would naturally follow.

What's more, with the military system of the Confederation of Independent Systems, even after many reforms to allow ordinary people to join the army, the proportion of combat robots in the army still exceeds 70%!

In such a situation, those who control the robots can easily launch a mutiny of the robot army! As for the Confederation of Independent Systems, which is facing the end of the world, once a mutiny occurs, it will be impossible for other participating planets, and even high-level officials at all levels, to stand up

Die with the Confederacy of Independent Systems!

Count Dooku became a loner.

"The person who controls the robot..." Count Dooku gritted his teeth, anger almost emerging from his eyes, "Newt Gunray!!"

More battle robots came to kill, but Count Dooku, who was already in the vast space outside, relied on the terrain to keep moving around, wandering among countless battle robots, and the lightsaber in his hand was like a poisonous snake, destroying more and more.


But General Grievous had already anticipated such a situation, and he had mobilized more than 100,000 combat robots!

He will not give Count Dooku any hope of surviving! As he said, Count Dooku, today... must die!

The Confederacy of Independent Systems must die today!!

In the ongoing battle, Count Dooku's physical strength began to run out. He began to pant violently, and he almost stopped using Force Wave, which is a basic but very effective Force skill against large numbers of robots, just to save himself.

physical strength.

However, the cranked lightsaber in his hand is still stable, and every time he draws the sword, it is still so accurate.

Seeing Count Dooku's appearance at this time, General Grievous joined the battle group again! He rushed forward again with more than a dozen IG-100 guard robots to surround Count Dooku!

Now, Count Dooku, who was at the end of his strength, could no longer defeat General Grievous so easily! He waved his lightsaber and still blocked General Grievous' attack with accurate and tricky swordsmanship, but at the opponent's

He kept retreating in front of the incomparably powerful force.

At this time, a B-X special combat robot holding a sniper rifle in the distance had already put Count Dooku's body into the sight, and then fired a shot!

Count Dooku's prediction was delayed by 0.1 second, and he was unable to dodge, and was immediately hit in the shoulder by this shot!

The moment he lost his balance due to the injury, the lightsaber in General Grievous's hand pierced his abdomen! (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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