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Chapter 198 Changes in the Planet Naboo (Part 1)

198, Changes in the Planet Naboo (Part 1)

However, King Ars-Veruna spoke passionately on the stage, but the reaction below was a bit dull.

Most of the people in the capital just applauded as a routine, and most of the officials looked worried.

In fact, King Ars-Veruna's life is not easy now.

He came to power relying on the agreement with the Trade Federation to export plasma ore. Among his promises, this agreement will bring countless financial revenue to the planet Naboo, which will greatly support the planet's infrastructure and people's livelihood.

Construction makes people's lives better.

But no one knew that the treaty signed between him and the Trade Federation was actually an unequal treaty that was humiliating and humiliating the country! In this treaty, the Trade Federation could plunder the plasma mines of the planet Naboo, and the planet Naboo had to pay for

The mining group of the trade alliance pays the company and controls the food and housing, and the environmental damage caused by this is also ignored.

However, in the end, the Trade Federation purchased the plasma mine on Naboo for less than half the market price, and then resold it at a high price to make huge profits.

This led to increasingly intensified conflicts between humans on the planet Naboo and the Gungans living in the water, and even reached the brink of war.

Of course, it cannot be said that this unequal treaty made no money at all. At least King Ars-Veruna and his cabinet made a lot of money.

As for what kind of infrastructure construction? People's livelihood projects? He has forgotten all about it.

The result of this is that King Veruna's support rate has been declining and has reached a very dangerous situation. He can no longer guarantee that he will win re-election in the next election.

In order to reverse the decline, King Veruna had to make some real moves. He decided to pursue a two-pronged approach - the N-1 starfighter project and re-signing the trade agreement.

For the N-1 interstellar fighter project, he spent a huge amount of money to find Nubian Interstellar Engineering Company to cooperate, establish a joint venture company - Theid Palace Spaceship Company, and then develop a most powerful fighter jet that can defeat all fighter jets in the galaxy!

Of course, Nubian Interstellar Engineering Company, which is famous for building high-quality spaceships, has lived up to Veruna's hopes. This fighter is indeed the most powerful fighter in the galaxy! But...the cost of a single aircraft is as high as 200,000 credits, which is simply

It is said to be a luxury product. Comparing the Z-95 Headhunter fighter jet with 80,000 credits and the Phantom fighter jet with an original price of 100,000 credits, the actual cost is estimated to be lower than the Z-95. It is a complete waste of money.

But the N-1 starfighter is indeed excellent enough. It has excellent controllability, an automatic operating system, top-notch firepower and steering performance, and a short-distance acceleration of 3800G! This value has exceeded the Delta currently commonly used by Jedi Knights.

-6 fighter jets!

In other words, excluding other factors of the Force, in terms of fighter performance itself, the N-1 star fighter has already reached the level of Jedi Knights per capita!

With the N-1 starfighter as a backing, King Als-Veruna's next move is to get rid of the constraints of the Trade Alliance. He wants to rely on the intimidation of the N-1 starfighter to force the Trade Alliance to re-sign a trade agreement with him.

Or cancel existing trade agreements.

This will undoubtedly cause a rift between the planet Naboo and the Trade Federation, and will also completely offend the person behind this matter - Hego Damask II.

Because for Hego, the trade agreement on the planet Naboo is an important means for him to bribe Newt Gunray, the sector director of the Trade Alliance, and it is also a key to helping Newt Gunray embark on the path of becoming the governor of the Trade Alliance.


Once he achieves this goal, and has achieved the union of the Trade Federation and the Interstellar Banking Association in his hands, the wealth and resources he can control will reach a terrifying level that cannot even be calculated with figures!

Ars-Veruna knew this, so he went to look for foreign aid. Under the impetus of an invisible hand, Black Sun and Gadula the Hutt were revealed, and he hit it off with Black Sun.

Let Black Sun and Gadula act as agents for the plasma mine on the planet Naboo, so that he will get ten times more rewards than he does now!

And in order to completely frighten the Trade Alliance, he also agreed with Black Sun on an extremely dangerous plan - to assassinate Hego Damask II!!

This is what Hei Ge has never found, the key point of this assassination plan - the plasma mine on the planet Naboo!

But now that he knew it, it was already too late. The assassination plan failed, and the other mastermind behind the scenes had already escaped without leaving any trace.

Only a few poor bastards are left who have to bear this monstrous rage...

However, Ars-Veruna now does not know that this seemingly seamless assassination has failed. He is now at the peak of his life and is very proud of himself.

As the parade of N-1 starfighters took off and flew in formation in the air, Als Veruna's emotions reached its peak!

He turned his head and said to the smiling and applauding people next to him: "I can see that today is the day I turn the situation around! The N-1 starfighter successfully flew for the first time. Next, as long as the trade agreement is re-signed, the Nabeli family will

The little girl will never touch the throne of the planet Naboo in this life!"

The man next to him sighed, "King Veruna, I advise you to proceed with caution. The Trade Federation will not sit idly by. They have made huge profits from the plasma mine transaction, and it is absolutely impossible for them to simply give up."

"Don't worry, I have other arrangements, and now even the Hutts support me! Plus, within the planet's gravitational circle, no spaceship can compete with our Naboo Royal Air Force's N-1 starfighter.

Bi! Re-signing the agreement will be just around the corner, hahahaha!"

"But now... the wind direction in the Galactic Parliament is not very good. After the dispute on the planet Marastal, Speaker Fenis Valorum's status is in jeopardy. He must do something to make a difference," said the person next to him.


"Does this have anything to do with me?"

"Of course there is... Because of the incident on the Malastar planet, Deputy Speaker Botan is on the verge of stepping down. Once Botan steps down, the planets that support Botan will no longer stand by Valoran. He is on the verge of stepping down.

The Parliament will be completely alone. In order to avoid this happening, he hopes to reach an agreement on taxing the outer planets."

"Valoran is a fool!" Als Veruna laughed contemptuously: "So the Enterprise Alliance gave him a slap in the face, and then told him who has the final say in the Outer Rim Sector."

"The situation is more complicated..." the man said, raising his head.

The high hairline, aquiline nose, and sharp eyes—it’s Senator Sheev Palpatine!

This chapter has been completed!
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