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Chapter 2081 Battle Plan Zero (5)

2082, Operation Plan Zero (5)

Although Tang Xiao's speech just now seemed crazy, everyone is now used to Tang Xiao's behavior. In fact, Tang Xiao has gradually become moody and his personality has become more extreme. It should have started ten years ago.

Especially during the Clone Wars, his changes were particularly obvious.

However, although Tang Xiao is crazy, he has one advantage, that is, he rarely personally intervenes in the execution of specific affairs. Of course, this also has a premise, that is, the matter itself is in compliance with his wishes.

What he wants is also very simple, that is, to expand the army, prepare for war, and then defeat the Galaxy Empire as the ultimate goal. On this point, everyone in the Dawn Principality can reach a consensus, so on many things, Tang Xiao will not

There were too many conflicts with officials at all levels under him.

At most, in order to cater to the increasingly extreme character of the Grand Duke, many policies and armaments of the Dawn Principality now tend to be more radical in style.

However, this time, Tang Xiao bluntly proposed such a terrible plan - to defeat the Galactic Empire within a year!

In fact, strictly speaking, it is not defeated within one year. When everyone saw this Operation Plan Zero, their first reaction was to be shocked by this grand plan.

Even Severance Tann nodded slightly when she saw this plan. You must know that she has always had many differences with Ling Liang, the proposer of the plan.

Operation Plan Zero is actually an integrated plan that includes economic, political, intelligence, industrial, military and other factors. And the main body of this plan is actually not just combat.

This plan is divided into three parts, a five-year mobilization plan, an intelligence plan that also lasts five years, and finally a one-year combat plan.

The first two parts are carried out simultaneously, so the total time of Operation Zero is actually six years.

In this plan, the Principality of Dawn needs to integrate all the forces in the country in this five-year mobilization plan, all serve the war, completely adjust the entire country's economy and industry to the track of the war, and highly cooperate with the needs of the war.

Within five years, the Principality of Dawn needs to increase its troops by 7 billion, and complete the training of these new troops, as well as the construction of supporting equipment and carrier spacecraft.

At the same time, the Navy of the Principality of Dawn needs to triple the number of existing 1,200 capital ships to more than 3,500. Among them, at least four to five Titan battleships will be included!

The number of domestic workers engaged in military industrial production will increase tenfold, investment in civilian industries will be reduced, and investment in military industry and basic resource industries will be increased.

Expand the distribution of military and industrial robots, and continue to promote an industrial model that mixes ordinary people and robots in the country, and the ratio of the two parties should reach one to five. In other words, the Principality of Dawn needs at least 10 trillion robots! These

Most of the robots are full-time improved models of the B-1 robot, mainly engaged in some manual labor.

Then it is necessary to issue war bonds on a large scale to collect as much private funds as possible for military expansion.

While carrying out such a large-scale military expansion, the intelligence department also needs to start taking action at the same time, covering up the war preparations of the Principality of Dawn as much as possible. And exaggerating the military operations of the Principality of Dawn in the unknown star field as much as possible, causing them to focus their main energy.

An illusion placed in an unknown star field.

The Dyson Ring, which basically cannot be concealed, is used as a propaganda tool to mislead the Galactic Empire and make the other party think that the Principality of Dawn will adopt a long-term war strategy after having such a powerful means of acquiring resources as the Dyson Ring.

At the same time, the existing military strength of the Principality of Dawn should be hidden as much as possible to allow the Galactic Empire to misjudge.

The most important part is to use five years to build three star gates in the Hutt space, the Mandalorian star area, and the former core area of ​​the Federation of Independent Systems!

The construction of these three star gates will greatly expand the maneuvering range of the Dawn Principality Navy.

At the same time, if possible, build a secret star gate in the central star region of the Milky Way. After the war begins, raids on the rear of the Galactic Empire will be carried out through this secret star gate.

After this five-year mobilization and intelligence preparation, comes the core of the entire plan - the One-Year War! Defeat the Galactic Empire within one year.

The entire year's war plan revolves around one core - raiding the center of the empire, the planet Coruscant!

Tang Xiao told the General Staff more than ten years ago that there is a secret channel that can lead directly to Coruscant. And one of the coordinate points of this channel is located on the planet Yago-Dur!

Tang Xiao called this route The Nexus Route, a name very much in the traditional style of Dawn Planet.

The Tianshu Channel was discovered by Jedi Knight Evan Peel. He did not realize the value of this channel data until he was killed by Tang Xiao on the Nar Shadda satellite.

This passage is very dangerous and unstable - because it passes directly through the center of the Milky Way!

As we all know, there is a very massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, as well as an ultra-high-density star cluster composed of at least hundreds of millions of stars. In such an environment, no planets can exist at all, and there are no planets at all.

The spaceship can get close to here.

The reason why hyperspace channels are called channels is actually channels that avoid the running routes of stars, because the huge mass of stars will form a mass projection in hyperspace. Once the spacecraft hits it, the result will be quite large.


Moreover, all hyperspace channels are changing all the time, but the main channels change in a relatively regular manner, so they can be calculated relatively easily through the navigation computer.

But it is simply unimaginable that there would be waterways in a place as densely packed with stars as the center of the Milky Way.

Therefore, Master Evan Peel only believed that this channel was rare, accidental, and of great research value, but it had no use value.

But Tang Xiao knows that the value of this waterway is very huge! Because in the original plot, under the instruction of Darth Sidious, General Grievous led almost all the warships of the Confederation of Independent Systems, more than 1,500 ships

The huge fleet of capital ships passed directly through the Tianshu Channel, and divine soldiers descended from the sky directly to Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic!

This shows that this channel can not only lead directly to Coruscant, but also has the ability to navigate a large fleet!

Tang Xiao has been secretly forming a team composed of the best astronomers, mainly Jiwen people, to calculate and find the coordinates of the Tianshu Channel.

And, he finally succeeded!

This chapter has been completed!
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