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Chapter 2089 Ling Liang Report (5)

2090, Ling Liang Report (5)

[Hari Seldon’s decision at that time, in the eyes of everyone including me, was a very crazy move. Because the Vasari people were not awakened for a long time, and after they had just awakened, they immediately followed Karl

The planet's indigenous people had sharp conflicts, and many armed conflicts broke out.】

[After I learned more about the Vasari people, I also understood that the source of their conflict with the native people of the planet Karl actually lies in the slavery of the Vasari people. The Vasari people basically took the people of other races and

Everyone is treated as a slave. If there is any difference, it is that they are relatively tolerant of the people on the mothership and their descendants.】

[For the Vasari people, we refugees who escaped from the past universe are superior people of the same level as them. But now all the races in this galaxy, in their view, are all objects of conquest.

, are slaves. Therefore, perhaps from this perspective, the Vasari people’s maintenance of the fourth civilization may be more profound and extreme than our own.】

[Therefore, Hari Seldon’s idea is to completely sell the people on these industrial planets, including Bomis-Core, to the Vasari people as their slaves. I can’t tell what’s behind this decision.

It is not due to the influence of Grand Duke Tang Xiao, although this does seem to be his style of behavior - because compared to the aboriginal people on the planet Bomis-Core, the Vasari people are obviously more valuable. 】

[After the Vasaris took over the industrial area in the Havin Star District, this industrial area with their current home planet of Karl as the core became somewhat mysterious. The Vasaris never told me or reported anything to me.

Hari Seldon reported on their progress, and the only person they were directly responsible for was Tang Xiao. And because their technological style is completely different from ours, and their demand for raw materials is also completely different, so it is difficult to directly understand their situation.

[In a previous report given to me by Grand Duke Tang Xiao, the Vasari people only completed the development and construction of the Lavasa Fighter-class frigate, and then sent their phase engineers to assist us in completing the development of the star gate.

.According to the report of the Ministry of Interior, the current total population of the Vasari people is about 50 million, and underpopulation still exists.】

[Therefore, if a large number of slave labor is used, the excellent industrial and technological level of the Vasari people will be better utilized. After all, robots cannot complete some more flexible and creative engineering work. 】

However, there is still a lack of very clear data on the results of the Vasari people's work on the planet Karl. After I asked their high priest Shadili, he only gave me a few names - phase miniaturization technology, sorotron technology, etc.

Sulsurak Corvette, Kanrak Assailant and Stilakus Subverter.

Finally, Shadili told me that the Kortul Devastator should be able to catch up with the launch of the Zero Operation Plan. If I can still judge the approximate model of the battleship from the previous ones, this Kortul Devastator

I still can't figure out what the Destroyer is. Maybe it's a battleship? Anyway, I know that their Titan battleship should be called Dictator - it's still the same, I just know the name.

But Sadili has always been very gloomy. In fact, I don't like communicating with him, so this topic ends here.

Hari Seldon had more exchanges with the Vasari people, but he only told me to interfere in the affairs of the Vasari people as little as possible. Because the pride and stubbornness in their bones are no less than that of the protoss, and even come to

He said that if it weren't for Grand Duke Tang Xiao's incomparable power, they wouldn't even cooperate with us at all - they would rather defend the glory of the fourth civilization themselves.

Hari Seldon also told me that it was precisely because of Tang Xiao’s appearance that the Vasari people believed that the humans of the fourth civilization also had the potential to become powerful men in the universe. In addition, they were also refugees from the same universe, so

Only then do they want to become one of us.

I have long felt that the Vasari people are no less dangerous than the Geth, and it seems that this judgment is correct.

[Outside of the six major industrial areas of the core industrial area of ​​the planet Vathian, the core industrial area of ​​the dawn planet, the industrial area of ​​the planet Lendili, the industrial area of ​​the planet Sullest, the industrial area of ​​the planet Karl, and the core industrial area of ​​the planet Mequito

,At present, there are still some relatively scattered industrial worlds in the Principality of Dawn.】

[For example, the Golden Nice Shipyard is the earliest shipyard acquired by the Fourth Civilization. By now, this shipyard has long fallen behind. And the location of the Golden Nice Shipyard is indeed very dangerous, located on the edge of the inner ring of the Milky Way.

, If the surrounding hyperspace channels were not complicated and the Inchori were nearby, this shipyard might have been destroyed by the Galactic Empire.】

[Therefore, the upgrade plan of the Golden Nice Shipyard is also on hold indefinitely. However, I gave them a new task - to transform the whale-class passenger spacecraft. 】

[Currently for the purpose of relocating the population of the planet Rendili, the number of whale-class passenger spacecraft we have built in the past few years... I can only say that I can't believe it when I see this data, there are 16,782 ships in total!

Of course, the Whale class fully considered the issue of construction costs when designing it. Whether it is the hyperspace engine or the hull structure, civilian technology was used as much as possible to reduce costs.】

Regarding the design of the whale class, I really admire Mr. Willix Blissex. This passenger spacecraft with a length of only 1,150 meters can carry 50,000 passengers, and it also fully considers the food and drink of the passengers.

The problem of sleeping with a child. On this basis, to what extent can he reduce the cost of the whale class?

If we want to classify the models of the spacecraft engines used in these more than 16,000 Whale-class passenger spacecraft, well, I did do this before. The answer is that there are more than 190 engines of different brands and origins.

Why? Because these engines are all purchased from the civilian market! This saves productivity to the greatest extent and allows us to build such a large number in just a few years. What is really great about it is that even if it adopts

There are so many civilian engines of different brands and origins, but there are no compatibility issues.

In other words, when he designed the whale class, he took this situation into consideration from the beginning.

It is really a pity that such a talented and respectable spaceship designer was kidnapped by the Galactic Empire. I asked the Minister of Military Intelligence, Saratan Moss, but this Salarian was also at a loss to solve this matter.

After all, the Kuat Planet is no longer what it used to be. Both safety protection and surrounding vigilance are of the highest standards.

Saratan Moss told me that the Salarian Special Forces had carried out four operations to rescue Willix, but all failed.

I hope I can see him again one day, Willix-Blissex.

There are such a large number of Whale-class passenger spacecraft. Now with the completion of the Star Gate, the relocation of Rendili Planet does not require so many passenger spacecraft. Some of the remaining spacecraft will be converted to civilian use, but the private market can absorb it.

The number is only over 600, which is a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, the task of transforming the Whale-class passenger spacecraft into a cargo spacecraft is now left to the Golden Nice Shipyard. These modified cargo spacecraft will bear the huge burden of our logistics supplies during the Zero Operation Plan.


But this also means that our logistics supply line will become very fragile. The cheapness of the whale-class means that it is slow and fragile, not to mention the battleship, even if it encounters a two-hundred-meter-long destroyer

, the giant whale class wouldn't even have a chance to escape.

This is indeed a part that worries me very much. I can only hope that the offensive we launch will be as sharp and fast as planned, so that the Galactic Empire will not have time to react.

Then there are our two little friends-the Samirs and the Quarren.

These two races are located within the Confederation of Independent Systems. After the defeat of the Confederation, they also surrendered one after another. Moreover, because they also have very strong industrial strength, they are currently being severely squeezed and exploited by the Galactic Empire.

The Galactic Empire uses their own way to liquidate the planets that were once affiliated to the Confederation of Independent Systems.

The planet Semyers has now begun to produce various parts and components for the Imperial-class Star Destroyer for the Galactic Empire. Of course, they are all low-tech. The Galactic Empire has assigned them heavy tasks and only given them very low remuneration.

, which made the resistance of the Semires people even more serious.

The Samirs are one of the most active races in resisting the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. They have disliked the Galactic Republic from the beginning, and they sincerely yearn for freedom. This is reflected in their late planetary councilor Tuunba

This can be seen in K-Tula's final attitude of resolutely fighting to the death.

With the Galactic Empire now exploiting and squeezing it, it is even more impossible for the Samirs to have any favorable impression of the Empire. If Grand Duke Tang Xiao had not secretly told them to be patient many times, they would have revolted long ago.

In other words, after Operation Plan Zero begins, I can even count on the situation where the Semires will bring a large number of their factories to our side directly.

As for the Quarren, the situation is a little more complicated. The planet Dark is one of the most remote planets in the Confederation of Independent Systems, but it is also one of the most industrially developed planets. But their biggest problem is that there are Two major races - the Mon Calamari and the Quarren.

Although the two major races temporarily put aside their differences and re-established a united front due to Grand Duke Tang Xiao's strategy during the Clone Wars, after all, this new united front was led by the Quarren. And in the past thousands of years on the planet Dark At that time, this planet was dominated by Mon Calamari. After all, even the planet was renamed Mon Calamari at that time. It was not until later that the planet was changed back to its original name - Planet Dark by Grand Duke Tang Xiao.

This gap in status has made the Mon Calamari an unstable factor on the planet Dark. The Mon Calamari are loyal to the Galactic Republic, and they do not have much ill will towards the Galactic Empire, which was born out of the Republic. Therefore, After the Galactic Empire occupied the planet Dark, the political environment of the Mon Calamari suddenly became very good.

The ruling and intelligence agencies of the Galactic Empire are not fools. Faced with such a situation, they naturally know how to fight each other. Moreover, the planet Dark is an ocean planet. Such an environment is not conducive to the direct rule of the Galactic Empire, so the empire adopts This method is also a practical way to balance the two major races.

Grand Duke Tang Xiao once told me that the attitude of the Dark Planet, especially the people of Mon Calamari, should not be like this. The current situation where the Mon Calamari people are being co-opted by the Empire can only be said to be the result of his time on the Dark Planet. The above strategy resulted in bad consequences. But at the time, he had no better choice.

In fact, judging from the current situation, even if the Galactic Empire is wooing the Mon Calamari, the effect is not expected to be long-lasting. The empire's human supremacist policy and exploitation policy of the outer ring star sector have determined that sooner or later they will attack Dak. The planet bares its fangs.

And the Quarren are still loyal to the Confederation of Independent Systems. Even after the fall of the Confederation, they still maintain this attitude and have expressed goodwill towards our Principality of Dawn many times.

The Dark Planet has a very powerful industrial system. The warships they built in the deep sea environment have extremely excellent structural strength. If the logistics problems can be solved, the warships manufactured by the Dark Planet are capable of competing with any kind of warship in the galaxy.

In addition, Port Parmant, which was once the largest shipyard of the Confederation of Independent Systems, was destroyed by the Galactic Empire during the war, but some shipyards were still able to be repaired.

Then there is the Losar planet, which is more remote than the Daq planet, but not too far away from the two.

At present, the star gate of the Losar planet has been built, and the Given people are moving towards the Losar planet. They also like this new home very much. They do not intend to abandon the Yago-Dur planet, but on the Losar planet

But it can also ensure that the Given people will not be exterminated even if one day they fail to figure out the operating rules of the Trisolaran Galaxy and cause the destruction of the Yago-Dur planet.

Of course, the indigenous people of the Losar planet are very unhappy to have so many outsiders coming to make their home, but the Given people don't care about this.

In the future, the Jivin people will also relocate a large number of their factories and shipyards to the planet Losar. In this way, in the future, the planet Ellosar, the planet Dark, and the planet Samirth will be formed on the other side of the galaxy.

constitutes a new industrial zone.

In the future, this industrial zone will well support General Severance Tann's military operations in the Mandalorian sector.

This chapter has been completed!
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