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Chapter 2117 The Core of the Crisis

2118, core of crisis

Francis Underwood's face suddenly became very ugly. He stared at Helmut Zemo and said word by word: "Now His Excellency the Grand Duke has just lost contact. This is not a mere cabinet minister like you."

When I can do whatever I want!"

Zemo responded tit for tat and said coldly: "At present, the Principality of Dawn does not have any laws related to heirs. So, Prime Minister, why do you say that you should be the regent? You just mentioned the recommendation, so who will recommend it?

What about you?"

He knew very well that Francis Underwood wanted to take this opportunity to completely suppress Operation Zero. Naturally, there was absolutely no way he would let Francis succeed.

"Since there is no legal heir, it should be a matter of course for me, who currently has the highest administrative position, to temporarily take over." Francis said proudly, "Could it be that you want to say that you are more qualified than me?"

"Although the Grand Duke has temporarily lost contact, and the country cannot live without its supreme leader, it is obvious that the Grand Duke's heir should be the temporary regent." Helmut Zemo said coldly, "This,

This should be the rule we should follow now."

"This is not democratic!" Francis growled, "At the same time, it is not the principle of fairness, justice, and freedom that the Principality of Dawn has always upheld!"

"That's why I asked you, when did the Principality of Dawn become democratic?" Zemo asked.

Bang! Francis Underwood slapped the table and said sternly: "Tang Xing and Tang Yun are just 6 years old this year! What sinister intentions do you have in wanting such children to serve as regents?"

!Do you think you can control two children easily?"

Zemo and Francis quarreled and refused to give in. However, it was obvious that among the few people present, only Matt Horner and the Priestess seemed to support Francis Underwood. The others

Everyone agreed that Tang Xing and Tang Yun should serve as temporary regents.

At this moment, Adele Wulan suddenly stood up and said sternly: "Stop arguing! Tang Yun will serve as the regent of the Dawn Principality, and as the first lady of the principality, I will supervise Tang Yun to perform his duties! Cabinet

Chief Assistant Helmut Zemo and Principal Prime Minister Francis Underwood serve as temporary regents, assisting Tang Yun in managing the affairs of the Dawn Principality!"

Francis Underwood obviously couldn't agree, and he wanted to say something else, but Adele Ulan gritted his teeth and said directly: "That's enough! We can't waste any more time on this table! We must.

Deal with all the follow-up matters arising from the loss of contact with the Grand Duke as soon as possible! If anyone is still fighting for power and making noise here, then don’t blame me for using the most extreme way to solve this problem!"

"This is natural, madam." Helmut Zemo took a step back and saluted respectfully.

Francis Underwood had no idea that Adele Ulan, who had always been weak before, would be so decisive and resolute. When he looked at the extremely beautiful first lady, he only saw her upturned eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes.

The mouth is full and the lips are tightly closed, showing a graceful and noble appearance.

"I understand." Francis Underwood stood up, bowed to Adele Ulan, and walked out without looking back.

Adele Wulan exhaled a long breath and said to others present: "When I go back, I will bring Tang Yun here, and I will tell her that this is the exercise her father gave her. After that, we need to prepare a

The Grand Duke’s clone, let the clone pretend to have just returned from the unknown star field, and make a public appearance.”

Helmut Zemo nodded and said: "I will start arranging this matter immediately."

Adele Ulan continued: "In the next period of time, the eight of us present, plus the Grand Duke's daughter Tang Yun, will operate as a secret council to discuss all major matters in the Principality of Dawn. However, if

If the issue cannot be resolved through discussion, Tang Yun will have the final decision-making power."

Everyone also nodded. Although Tang Yun's so-called final decision-making power was actually in the hands of Adele Ulan, this was already the best result.

After all, whether it is Helmut Zemo or Francis Underwood, once they become regents, they will definitely eradicate their dissidents as soon as possible, and the other party will not be able to sit still and wait, eventually leaving the political arena of the Dawn Principality in chaos.


Just as they continued to discuss, Qi Jian suddenly received a communication. When he saw the content, his face changed drastically, and he stood up suddenly and said: "Wait a minute! Let's stay here first! The Dawn Planet immediately entered the highest level of alert! Send someone immediately

Guards bring Prime Minister Francis here!"

"What happened?" Ling Liang immediately realized that something was wrong.

However, the next voice came from outside the screen on the priestess's side. A deep and powerful voice came from the priestess's communication, "Let all your senior leaders enter the shelter immediately! Assemble all the powerful forces in the principality.

Return to the Dawn Planet!"

"Phoenix?" The priestess turned around and looked very confused.

"I don't know what you did, but this thing is absolutely unforgivable! You and I will set off immediately and rush to the Dawn Planet! Bring Judgment with us!" The speaker turned out to be the hero Phoenix, the guardian of the Protoss Temple.


As soon as she finished speaking, the priestess' communication was cut off.

At this time, Qi Jiancai said seriously: "The Glory Mothership sent a distress signal, which was sent directly through the main brain! At the same time, the various command departments and defense departments of the Glory Mothership sent messages that were all...


"What did you say? If this is true, the possibility that the Glory mothership has been controlled is very high!" Ling Liang said eagerly.

"Send out the defense fleet immediately and surround the Glory mothership! Don't let the mothership make any mistakes!" Matt Horner said.

Ling Liang frowned and thought for a while, then said: "I suggest not to dispatch warships directly."

"Why?" Matt Horner asked.

"The defense force of Dawn Planet is very strong, and we have not found any signs of invasion by foreign enemies. So this can only mean one thing - the Glory mothership has a problem from within." Ling Liang analyzed, "And

Most of our forces currently remaining inside the mothership, except for a small number of scientific research departments and precision engineering departments, have withdrawn from the mothership. Therefore, the only thing that can cause the mothership to call the police is the mothership's defense force. But this

This situation is unjustifiable..."

Qi Jian nodded and said: "The loyalty of the defense troops is very high and their treatment is very good. Even if this factor is excluded, it will not do any good for the defense troops to rebel against them. And if only the defense troops rebel, we only need to dispatch

A fleet is enough to completely solve it... This is not enough for the mastermind to directly issue an alarm. Then the problem is probably..."

Many people at the scene realized the problem, and they said in unison: "Sleep warehouse!"


Indeed, even if only Tang Xiao knows all the secrets of the mothership and dormant chamber, as the top leaders of the Dawn Principality, they naturally know that there are many outstanding talents sleeping in the dormant chamber, and some of them are very dangerous!

"Sending a fleet to surround us directly will only alert the enemy. We need to organize some strong enough people to sneak into the mothership and confirm the situation before making a decision." Ling Liang looked at Matt Horner, who was the armed force near the Liming Principality.

The supreme commander of power, "Who can be used on the Dawn Planet now?"

Matt Horner thought for a while, shook his head and said: "If we go by what Phoenix just said, I'm afraid we don't have many people we can use. Ghost agents are obviously useless... Maybe, Nova can

?She happens to be on the Dawn Planet. I asked her to come here immediately."

This matter involves the core and biggest secret of the Dawn Principality, and all aspects of action are extremely fast. Although the fleet was not immediately dispatched to surround the Glory mothership, all aspects of defense were strengthened. Orbital defense on the Dawn Planet's ring

The giant cannon has silently adjusted its angle, aiming in the direction of the Glory mothership.

The Engineering Department sent a message to the Glory mothership in the name of maintenance, requesting boarding for maintenance, but the response they received was that everything was normal and no maintenance was needed.

Soon, an angry-looking Francis Underwood was forcibly brought back by two ghost agents. He originally thought it was a coup. But after learning about the incident on the Glory mothership, his expression also changed.

He suddenly became extremely solemn.

At this time, the communication from the priestess came again. She told Matt Horner that they should not act rashly. The opponent's power may exceed everyone's imagination.

10 minutes later, Nova arrived, and she was arranged to temporarily protect everyone here.

Qi Jian said seriously: "I just got another message from the mastermind. It told me that the engine power system of the Glory mothership has been cut off by it. This can ensure that the mothership will not escape. But it will not cut off the power of the mothership.

, because there are too many important things inside and the power cannot be cut off. It says that the person who was awakened is doing something very dangerous and requires us to stop him as soon as possible."

"It's the mastermind! It should know best what's going on inside the mothership! But it doesn't tell us anything?" Francis Underwood said angrily.

Qi Jian was the only person present who had the authority to talk to the mastermind. He paused and said: "The mastermind said that only the Grand Duke can know the secret of the mothership, so it will not tell us detailed information. This matter requires

We will solve it on our own, this is also for us... um, a trial?"

"Why should it be a computer to test us?!" Francis was furious.

"It should at least tell us who occupied the mothership, right?" Ling Liang frowned and asked.

Qi Jian shook his head, "The mastermind only told me one word - prisoner."

Everyone pondered, but they still couldn't understand the meaning of the word prisoner.

At this moment, in the hyperspace passage from the Dere II satellite to the Endor system, a Protoss shuttle was sailing at high speed.

The Protoss shuttle is a shuttle that can only be controlled by the Protoss. After combining the psychic energy of the Protoss, this shuttle has extraordinary maneuverability, stealth performance and endurance. It is only one shuttle.

All have hyperdrive levels that can span the galaxy.

"It is estimated that it will take another 21 hours for us to reach Dawn Planet. It will be a fierce battle to restore the state to its best!" Phoenix said.

He is the battle hero of the protoss and the guardian of the temple.

Among the new star spirit civilization that has just begun to rebuild, Phoenix is ​​currently the most transcendent and powerful being. He wears gorgeous and noble golden armor, and the gems on his chest exude spiritual light.

The light blade is transformed from Kyber crystal.

Although the light blades used by protoss warriors now are also Kyber crystals, after the transformation of the protoss, the light blades emitted are no longer cylindrical, but dagger-shaped, which is more in line with the combat habits of the protoss.

The priestess and the judge rarely saw the protoss so nervous. Although they were confused, they still meditated and adjusted their state.

A few hours later, the priestess opened her eyes and found Phoenix standing in front of the single-person operating platform, looking at the holographic star map, wondering what she was thinking.

She walked over and asked, "Now you should tell us who the enemy is this time, right?"

Phoenix turned around, and his voice sounded in the minds of the priestess and the judge. It was low and powerful. Just hearing this voice made people feel extremely reassured.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I don't know either." Phoenix said, "After boarding the mothership, we all have a lot of memory loss. Even we protoss have lost most of our memories.

.However, when this person was awakened, I felt a very strong resonance - yes, the person who was awakened was a star spirit."

"A protoss?" The priestess frowned.

"I only remember that this man was a sealed prisoner. He once posed a huge threat to the protoss and even to the universe we once lived in. Even after paying a huge price, we were unable to kill him.

We can only seal him." Phoenix said, "I don't know why he was awakened, because according to Tang Xiao's past standards, he would never awaken such a person."

"How many sins has this person committed? How powerful is he? That even the stars can only seal him?" Judgment asked.

Although the protoss are very mysterious, Priestess and Judgment have lived with the protoss on the Dere II satellite for a long time. Now the protoss are also teachers of the Twilight Covenant, so their understanding of the protoss is also deeper.

Being able to make the protoss go out with almost all their strength to capture a being without being able to kill it... How terrifying is it?

Phoenix said in a deep voice: "I don't know what he did. I only remember his hatred, his anger. And...his name..."

He looked at the starry sky outside the porthole and uttered a name that was taboo for the Star Spirits——


Thanks to Xingchen Love Novel for the 200 starting coins!!


It's Orega... By the way, how did you guess so accurately in the last chapter?


In fact, Ulreza's name is Ulrezaj. Although we are used to calling him Ulreza, the phonetic voice in StarCraft II is called 'Urezaj'. Some translators think it is called 'Ulrezaj'. In terms of phonetic pronunciation, Ulrezaj is called Ulrezaj.

Reza is actually more accurate, but after thinking about it, everyone is more familiar with the translation of Orega, so I’ll stick with it.

This chapter has been completed!
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