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Chapter 2131 The Beginning and End of the Trade Alliance (2)

2132, The beginning and end of the trade alliance (2)

When the power of the Trade Alliance grew to the point where it was almost impossible to increase, their methods began to become increasingly extreme.

The Trade Federation began to use extreme measures to deal with competitors, just like their former enemies. Assassination, frame-up, kidnapping, extortion, all kinds of methods were used in endlessly.

They also began to extend their tentacles into the political field, and began to bribe congressmen in large amounts to let them vote on issues that were beneficial to them. They also began to conduct their own business activities through secret transactions and illegal channels, converting many institutions based on sin.

Wealth is laundered through official channels.

Not only that, the Trade Federation also began to conceal a lot of navigation data in their hands. This resulted in a lot of the navigation data in the hands of the Galactic Republic being incomplete and out of date. As a result, the Galactic Republic was often unable to move the judicial fleet quickly and effectively.

sent to the Outer Rim Star Region unless approved by the Trade Federation.

In the later Clone Wars, why the Galactic Republic struggled to counterattack the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the navigation data concealed by the Trade Federation also played a very critical role.

And in places like the Outer Rim Star Region, the Trade Federation is really like heaven. Without the support of the Trade Federation, many planets cannot even survive.

The Trade Alliance uses various methods such as plunder and robbery to make these planets their own economic vassals. For example, dumping large amounts of food to stimulate population growth, dumping large amounts of advanced products to corrupt these people's lives, these planets seem to have a better life.

The economy has become more developed, but in fact all of this is based on debt.

Then in order to repay the debt, the Trade Alliance arranges for these planets to sell their populations, resources, and labor force, or set up factories to let them produce products that are of no use to the planet - for example, all the factories on a certain planet are used to produce predators.

The armored hull of a class armed cargo ship.

As a result, these planets have no choice but to become vassals of the Trade Federation. Without the Trade Federation, they cannot even feed the expanded population base on their own planet! So they can only sign a permanent agreement with the Trade Federation.

, mortgage everything on the planet to the Trade Federation and become their 'permanent customers'.

In this way, the Trade Federation secretly controls thousands of galaxies and has signed long-term trade contracts with even more galaxies. Then they use the senators of these planets to work for themselves and vote for the Trade Federation on issues.

With its strong strength and influence, the Trade Federation has also successfully obtained a seat in the Galactic Republic Parliament, and can speak as a political entity in the highest authority in the galaxy. There are only two companies with this privilege - Interstellar Bank

Industry associations and trade unions, and other super giants, such as Quat Dynamic Shipyard, they only have planetary congressmen, but they do not have company congressmen. Of course, Quat Dynamic Shipyard at that time was far from being able to

Compared to the Trade Alliance.

Not only is the external expansion brutal, but the internal struggles within the Trade Alliance are also very bloody and cruel.

The Trade Federation is run by a seven-member parliament. Around the position of the seven-member parliament, the internal struggles within the Trade Federation are also bloody and cruel.

During this process, the Neimoidians, who were ruthless and at the same time shrewd and meticulous, became more and more powerful within the Trade Federation, and they began to steadily occupy one of the seven-member parliament.

After that, more than a hundred years later, 150 years ago, as the Trade Federation became more and more powerful in the Outer Rim Star Region and became more and more out of control, the Galactic Republic was no longer able to gain access to the Outer Rim Star Region.

Any tax. This is very embarrassing for the Galactic Republic, which has begun to gradually suffer from economic embarrassment - because it also means that the results of the Galactic Republic's large-scale expansion campaign carried out in the outer ring sector for hundreds of years have been completely corrupted by the Trade Federation.


In order to regain financial revenue in the Outer Rim Star Region, but also because of the good reputation accumulated by the Trade Federation in the past, and also because a large number of legislators who had been bribed by the Trade Federation spoke for the Trade Federation with a unified voice, the Galactic Republic made a decision at that time.

Later it turned out to be a very wrong decision - to establish the Outer Ring Free Trade Zone.

The establishment of the Outer Rim Free Trade Zone is equivalent to recognizing the status of the Trade Alliance as the Earth Emperor in the Outer Rim Star Region. Through the establishment of the Free Trade Zone, the Trade Alliance was exempted from local taxes, and instead they replaced the Galactic Republic to levy taxes on the planets in the Outer Rim.

The tax is then handed over to the Treasury.

In exchange, the Trade Federation agreed to hand over a more detailed star map to the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order, but accordingly, the Galactic Republic also acquiesced to the Trade Federation's right to treat this star map as private property and not to make it public. Quite.

Yu tacitly agreed that the Trade Federation would monopolize all transportation in the Outer Rim Sector.

Not only that, taxing through the Trade Federation is equivalent to completely handing over the financial power of those planets in the Outer Rim Star Region to the Trade Federation. In this way, the Trade Federation can tax whatever they want, and then hand it over to the Galactic Republic.

How much depends on their mood.

This is equivalent to having huge power of life and death over the outer ring star region.

It was also around this period that Hego Damask II and his apprentice Sheev Palpatine began to extend their evil hands to the Trade Federation. They began to support the Neimoidians and prepared to use them as

Tools for controlling trade alliances.

As part of the conspiracy, Sheev Palpatine planned a shocking plan through the pirate Iaco Stark he secretly trained. He asked the Stark pirates to start openly attacking the Trade Federation fleet, and

The target was the supply of bacta liquid, which was monopolized by the Trade Alliance at the time.

As we all know, bacta liquid is the most important medical material in almost all medical institutions in the galaxy. Almost all serious injuries can be cured by just soaking in a bacta tank. However, because the Trade Federation's fleet was attacked in large numbers, many of them were injured.

The stolen bacta liquid was transported to the outer ring star area.

You must know that under normal circumstances, the backward planets in the Outer Rim Star Region are not eligible to enjoy such high-end goods. So this move of the Yako-Stark Pirates made them very popular in the Outer Rim Star Region. But in the Galactic Republic

On the other hand, the Stark pirates who robbed a large amount of Bacta fluid, causing a shortage of supply in the core circle and inner circle, are an absolutely intolerable crime.

So at that time, under the leadership of Wilhuff Tarkin's cousin, Renaf Tarkin, the Galactic Republic sent a judicial fleet to prepare to destroy the Stark pirates.

But this whole thing was a conspiracy. The then Governor of the Trade Federation, Hasker, had already colluded with the Bacta Company and Yako Stark under the strings of Darth Sidious. They secretly worked under the Republic's judicial system

A virus was implanted in the fleet's navigation computers.

At that time, when the Judiciary Fleet entered the Outer Rim Star Region, it needed to navigate through the Trade Alliance, which made it very easy to implant the virus.

After being eroded by the virus, the Republic's Justice Fleet suffered a devastating blow and suffered heavy losses. This was exactly Darth Sidious's plan. He hoped that after destroying the Justice Fleet, he could take the opportunity to control the Galactic Republic through the Trade Federation.


But later, under the desperate fighting of Mace Windu, Plo Koon and other Jedi masters, the Galactic Republic defeated Yako Stark and eliminated the crisis of national annihilation.

This was a war known as the "Stark Hyperspace War", and it was also the largest war that the Galactic Republic experienced in the more than a thousand years between Rusan's reform and the outbreak of the Clone Wars.

Although the plan to overthrow the Republic failed, Darth Sidious, with the help of his master Darth Plagueis, successfully covered up the Trade Federation's sins in this matter, and all the blame was handed over to Asia.

Ko-Stark took the responsibility. They also used this incident to strengthen the power of the Neimoidians within the Trade Federation, and further controlled the Trade Federation through Newt Gunray, who was not yet the governor at the time.

After the Stark Hyperspace War, the Trade Federation began to behave more and more radically. They met their demands through large-scale military operations in the Outer Rim Star Region many times. The largest and most serious one was on the planet Naboo.

Siege battle.

The Galactic Republic is also aware that the Outer Rim Sector is gradually losing control. Under the initiative of Speaker Finis Valorum, the Galactic Republic is preparing to withdraw from the establishment of the Outer Rim Free Trade Zone, re-nationalize the Outer Rim Sector, and in

Outer ring taxation.

This incident led to the most acute conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Trade Federation.

At the same time, as mentioned before, the people in the Outer Rim Star Region regard the pirate Yako Stark who robbed the Bacta Liquid as a hero who robbed the rich and gave to the poor. Such a hero was defeated by the Galactic Republic, and naturally the Outer Rim Star Region

Even more disapproval of the Galactic Republic.

So under such circumstances, as soon as I heard that the Galactic Republic actually wanted to collect taxes here? This almost ignited a wave of resistance in the Outer Rim Star Region on the spot.

Count Dooku's separatist movement also had a hotbed of growth at this time.

Thanks to Xingchen Love Novel for the 100 starting coins!!

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