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Chapter 2137 The Beginning and End of the Trade Alliance (5)

2138, The beginning and end of the trade alliance (5)

The military and police of the Galactic Empire were dispatched everywhere and began to hunt down the high-level personnel of the Trade Federation. However, those high-level officials were all running as fast as loaches. Don't doubt it, they were Neimoidians, and they were cowardly and timid when it came to the wind.

Small, no one can compare with them.

They can't even talk about bullying the weak and being afraid of the strong, because many times they don't even dare to bully the weak, and they run away as soon as others struggle.

Police and agents from various departments of the empire began to arrest all people related to the Trade Federation. However, they also found that this job was not easy to handle - because if you really want to break down the number, even in the center of the empire, there are more or less people related to the Trade Federation.

For those who have business dealings, if they don’t have 30 billion, they may have 10 to 20 billion.

And when you ask these people, they all have serious jobs, and they just have dealings with the Trade Federation. Or they are doing business in partnership with a senior official of the Trade Federation, or they hold shares in the Trade Federation, or they have merchant ships.

The team entrusted the Trade Alliance to escort them.

Even if these people really have to be dealt with, how to convict them? Convict them of doing business with the Trade Federation? Moreover, when pulling out carrots and bringing out the mud, the Imperial Security Bureau often invites someone to the bureau to drink tea, and then a certain senior official is punished.

I called him via communication and asked for his release.

But do you think they really have no problem? Not necessarily. Because they have interests related to the Trade Alliance, and they are definitely not willing to deal with the Trade Alliance, and they are causing obstacles overtly and covertly.

Therefore, not many people were actually arrested, and they were all low-level staff with little background or connections.

But people can run away, but industries cannot.

After the Supreme Court of the Galactic Empire found the Trade Federation guilty of treason in absentia, the Imperial Intelligence Department and the Imperial Security Bureau immediately dispatched a large number of troops to seize all the Trade Federation's industries in the center of the empire.

But this is just a drop in the bucket. The Trade Federation only set up an office in the center of the capital empire, on the former planet Coruscant, with some circulating funds for bribery, but not much.

However, it doesn't matter, there are also the spaceports, shipyards, transit centers built by the Trade Federation around the center of the empire, and all the goods staying in the cargo transit centers. With the tacit approval of Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader was too late.

When the fleet was assembled, he directly led a garrison fleet to surround all these places, and then confiscated all assets.

This is basically equivalent to an open robbery! Because the Trade Alliance is essentially a logistics and transportation company, and then expands other industries on this basis. Therefore, 99% of the goods staying in the Trade Alliance space port are from other companies.

Or a consortium or an individual.

But now, Darth Vader doesn't care about this at all. Since you parked the goods in the Trade Federation's spaceport, then this is capitalizing on the enemy and treason! All must be confiscated!

This move immediately set off a storm in the center of the empire. Many people cried out for injustice. Moreover, they mobilized various connections to get their goods and investments back, but it was useless! The person who planned all this was the emperor himself.

, and Darth Vader, the second in command of the Imperial Military!

In front of these two people, it's useless to look for anyone.

Soon, such robbery operations began to spread from the center of the empire to other star regions, especially the planets in the core circle and inner ring.

Almost everyone associated with the Trade Federation quickly wanted to withdraw all their investments in the Trade Federation, including funds and goods.

However, they were horrified to discover that they had also hit a wall with the Trade Alliance!

Because at the same time that the Galactic Empire began to rob the Trade Federation's industries, the Trade Federation was also robbing their own customers. Anyway, they were all in trouble. The Trade Federation was in a shameless state, and all the goods in their spaceports were destroyed.


A super giant at the level of the Trade Federation naturally has its own financial system for payment of goods, mortgages, loan issuance, etc. But now after the breakup, the Trade Federation directly froze all the Galactic Empire on their side.


And compared with the Galactic Empire, it is much more convenient for the Trade Federation to rob its own customers. A large number of combat robots immediately began to take action, including the B-1 combat robots and B-2 who were harmlessly helping customers carry supplies a second ago.

The super battle robot will pick up the blaster rifle in the next second and kill everyone present!

Then these combat robots turned around and transported all the cargo to their own spaceships. Not only that, in some places, when they found that the fleet of the Galactic Empire had arrived and had no time to escape, these robots even set fire to the cargo or simply turned around.

The turret fired wildly!!

The Trade Federation's resistance was so fierce that it was completely different from the first few days! At that time, they seemed to want to leave some leeway, but now, the Trade Federation is simply posing as a dead end!

Galactic Empire, do you want to eat us? Then with this bite of yours, we will have to break a few of your teeth!

At this time, people in the Galactic Empire woke up from their dreams. They originally thought that this was just a company that the Galactic Empire wanted to clean up, and it sent out troops to deal with a group of businessmen. Is there any other twists and turns?

But now they know that this is a war at all! An all-out war between the Galactic Empire and the Trade Federation!

Of course, the Galactic Empire has its own armada and its own powerful military. But the Trade Federation also has their own weapons!

The Trade Federation began to compete with the Galactic Empire, and both sides began to plunder various resources and goods staying in the Trade Federation's spaceports or warehouses. They would rather destroy them if they couldn't grab them.

Moreover, the Trade Alliance began to send all cargo ships filled with cargo towards its core planet, and also withdrew almost all of its escort fleet, assuming a shrinking posture.

Not only that, the Trade Alliance has also cut off all channels leading to the Middle and Outer Rim.

The specific navigation coordinates of these many waterways are in the hands of the Trade Federation itself. Once they delete all these waterway coordinates and stop sharing data with the Galactic Empire, the Galactic Empire's spaceships can only pass through the most important large-scale

Hyperspace lanes for transportation.

However, how many galaxies can be covered by the largest hyperspace channels such as the Hydia Channel and the Corellian Trade Channel? So there are many other branch channels, and the Galactic Empire can only hold on to the expired stars in its own hands.

Figure starts calculating and exploring again.

This chapter has been completed!
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