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Chapter 2141 Brutal Suppression

2142, brutal suppression

In the capital of Planet Rosa, Prime Minister Torreso Borre of the Rosa people was delivering a passionate speech, "The Galactic Empire is naked aggression, plunder, and robbery! They want to take away everything we have accumulated over hundreds of years!

They want to sell us into slavery so that we can never get over again!"

"The empire's idea has been very clear. Our Trade Alliance is the scapegoat for their war failure and economic failure! They can't plunder in the outer ring, they can't plunder in the Principality of Dawn, so they have reached out to us! And we, for a long time

Always the most loyal partner of the Galactic Republic!"

"The Galactic Empire is robbing their own people! They have no bottom line! We can't expect such madmen to show us mercy! Our only way out is to resist to the end!"

"We cannot let our descendants live in dark mines! We cannot let our future only become the garbage dump of the empire! We cannot let ourselves lose the dignity of being a human being!"

"We are here! We want to tell the Galactic Empire! Want our wealth? Want our resources? Want to sell us as slaves? Then let the planet Rosa turn into scorched earth, and then come to this scorched earth yourself,

Come and get it by stepping on our corpses!!”

His speech was resounding. In the square below the stage, hundreds of thousands of troops roared, and more people shouted wildly!

Even from a distance, the naked eye can see huge Star Destroyers floating in the air, dense fighter formations raging everywhere, and powerful air defense systems on the ground pouring out their most powerful firepower.

But the troops and civilians in this square did not leave out of cowardice!

Because from the beginning of this war, there was no possibility of peace!

The Galactic Empire is here to rob, everyone knows this. And for the Trade Federation, especially for the core planet of the Trade Alliance like Planet Rosa, being robbed by the Galactic Empire like this, the result will definitely be worse than death.


This is equivalent to you being a wealthy family, but suddenly a robber comes and breaks down the door of your home. He wants to steal all your property, take possession of your women, and sell you to Africa to mine. And he has not yet

The police can come and take care of the matter. So what are your options?

Fight till the death!

This is also the common choice of more than ten races and more than 14 billion people on the planet Rosa!

The bombing by TIE bombers in the sky has never stopped, and the Imperial Army on the ground has opened three more landing sites and launched attacks on three other major cities at the same time.

Planet Rosa also put up the most determined resistance. They armed civilians and went to the front line. In order to cope with the Galactic Empire's absolute air superiority and firepower superiority, they chose to resist in every city.

Not only cities, but all industrial areas, farms, financial districts, and commercial districts have built strong lines of defense in these bustling areas. They have a huge number of B-1 combat robots. These robots can not only charge forward, but also provide protection for those who

The severely undertrained militiamen serve as human shields and can also work tirelessly to dig trenches and build fortifications in the rear.

The people of Planet Rosa have a very clear intention. Don’t you want to rob? Don’t you want our wealth and resources? Very good, we stand on wealth and resources. You want to blow up this place with people and everything.

Or will you just fight with us to the last drop of your blood?

Of course, for Darth Vader, this is not a problem.

After completely gaining air supremacy, there was an endless stream of transport ships. A large number of transport ships landed almost every minute, transporting huge numbers of troops, rushing towards the major cities of Planet Rosa like waves!

Do you want to bleed? No problem.

Is 1 million soldiers enough? Is 10 million enough? Is 100 million enough?

This is the core circle of the Milky Way, the center of the Galactic Empire. Here, the empire will never have logistical supply problems!

Moreover, Darth Vader also issued the most cruel order-Order No. 37!

What does Order No. 37 mean? This order is one of the 150 preset instructions of the clone troopers. This order is to use the most cruel and extreme means to arrest a wanted criminal if he is protected by a large number of civilians.


According to this order, the imperial army will be able to open fire on any civilian considered to be a shelter under such circumstances, and can arrest any civilian unconditionally. After arresting a large number of civilians, they will use these civilians as hostages and require the other party to hand over

Remove wanted criminals, otherwise, the imperial army will execute all civilian hostages.

If the wanted criminal still refuses to come to the case, this process will be repeated until the wanted criminal is finally caught!

And who are the wanted criminals on Planet Rosa? They are a total of five top leaders, including the planet’s Prime Minister Torreso Borre!

And Order No. 37 also includes a series of follow-up treatments, including that after causing a large number of civilian deaths, the army will block all media and communications in advance and maintain silence for at least a month. After ensuring that all civilian bodies have been processed, and the media public opinion environment is also

When things get better under the control of the Empire's New Order Protection Committee, the results of the fabricated incident will be made public.

Order No. 37 is equivalent to wiping out all humanity of the military. The military will be able to fire at civilians at will, arrest civilians in batches, and massacre civilians until it achieves its goal.

On July 27, the town where the initial resistance was established was occupied by a wave of imperial troops. More than 20,000 defenders were killed, more than 60,000 battle robots were damaged, and more than 30,000 people were captured. The imperial troops who entered the town were directly attacked.

They went on a killing spree and arrested everyone they could find!

Everyone! As long as they can still move, all will be arrested without exception! If they resist arrest, they will be shot on the spot immediately!

In this city alone, the imperial army captured more than 30,000 militiamen and nearly 100,000 civilians! Immediately afterwards, Darth Vader's terrifying black armor appeared on every screen on the planet Rosa, and he used his dull and cold

said in a tone: "Immediately hand over the five wanted criminals, including the planet's Prime Minister Torreso Borre, and lay down their weapons and surrender. Otherwise, after 24 standard hours, all prisoners will be executed immediately. The above instructions apply to

From now on, we will keep each prisoner for up to 24 hours."

Planet Rosa did not stop resisting. After 24 hours, more than 100,000 prisoners were driven onto a plain. Then in the sky, a Victory II-class Star Destroyer turned its guns and fired several turbo laser beams from the sky!

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