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Chapter 2146 Yuriolov

Chapter 2146 Yuri Orlov

2147, Yuri Orlov

When Quinto woke up, it was already noon the next day. He looked at the messy bedroom, with underwear, high heels, and stockings everywhere, but he could no longer remember what happened last night.

There was no one in the bedroom except him. There might have been one or several beauties who spent the night with him yesterday, but now, these people have all left.

"I hope you like my arrangement yesterday, Mr. Quinto." The door opened and a voice came from outside.

"Yuri Orlov...Santa Claus." Quinto rubbed his temples, trying to wake himself up as soon as possible.

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter. If you want, you will still be the protagonist in the queue tonight." Yuri Orlov walked over with a smile.

"No...I'm not here to drink, Yuri." Quinto shook his head. He regarded last night's absurdity as a side benefit of this trip, but he still had to do what needed to be done.

"Ah, that's such a pity." Yuri Orlov came over and waved his hand. But judging from his expression, and the fact that he must have called away the women who accompanied him last night, it was obvious that he had done it a long time ago


Quinto sat up from the bed, grabbed his clothes and put them on while saying: "I came here to..."

"If it's about the trade alliance, then there's no need to talk about it." Yuri Orlov directly blocked him with one sentence.

"But this matter is also related to..."

"It's even more impossible for the rebels." Yuri blocked Quinto's words again.


"If there is nothing else, you should have a good rest. There will be a grand banquet tonight! Hahahaha!" Yuri Orlov laughed wildly and turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute Yuri!" Quinto shouted, "Only you can do this!"

Yuri Orlov stopped, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then took out a golden match box and struck a match. He didn’t know what material the match was made of. It didn’t choke when lit.

It smells like red phosphorus, but has a refreshing fragrance.

After lighting the cigarette, he took a deep drag, blew out a column of smoke towards the ceiling, and asked slowly: "Do you know why they asked you to come? Not the Military Intelligence Department, the Ministry of Interior, or... Diplomacy

Ministry? Haha."

"This matter is not suitable for the Principality of Dawn to intervene directly." Quinto said.

"Then do you know why the village special didn't come?" Yuri Orlov asked again.

Quinto choked up now, because he really didn't know this.

"Because Cunt knew that if he spoke, I would definitely not refuse. So he asked you to come..." Yuri Orlov smiled, "He was giving me a choice."

Quinto asked tentatively: "Then your choice is..."

"Twenty-three years, Quinto, twenty-three years. Haha." Yuri Orlov answered the question incorrectly. He smiled, walked back, and casually turned over an overturned stool from the ground.

Sitting astride it, "Twenty-three years have passed since you drove that YT-1000 and came to our mothership like an idiot. Ah, the Lancer, I really miss it."

"Actually, before it was expropriated by Lord Tang Xiao, it was called the Cheap Traveler." Quinto also expressed some emotion.

"Well, because when you first arrived, I was still in hibernation. When I woke up, you were already on the mothership as Cunte's follower. I also heard what Cunte said about the previous matter.

." Yuri Orlov said, "You know, when that idiot Tang Xiao told me that he wanted war, wanted weapons to kill people, and wanted to seize the development space of the fourth civilization, I didn't think so.

Duo. Raise a team, I'm good at it."

His voice gradually became lower, "But later I realized... what he called war was completely different from what I thought. Maybe he was right, maybe what he was talking about was the real war, and I,

It’s just one of those little parts. Oh my god, fuck this reminds me of a lot of Fucking things that are fuzzy but feel very bad.”

Yuri Orlov threw away the cigarette butt he had finished smoking and lit another one for himself. He seemed to be troubled, "I sell weapons, Quinto. I sell weapons from here to there, and I also sell war from here to there."

Here, take it there. But... those are just weapons. Weapons do not equal war... When I saw Tang Xiao playing with people's hearts, manipulating public opinion, brainwashing, kidnapping, copying, replacing, squeezing, exploiting, he did everything he could

Only then did I realize that this is not a war. No, this is a fucking war! This is not a Fucking! War that I should touch!"

He looked extremely excited, and then put the cigarette to his mouth with a trembling hand and took a deep breath. Then he calmed down a lot, "So I left. I sell weapons, only weapons. I found that this galaxy is really

This is a good fucking place. There are countless fucking people here who need weapons and want weapons! Hundreds of billions and trillions of people are in conflict here every day! I can satisfy them Quinto, I can satisfy them.

Blaster rifle? No problem, that’s enough. Rocket launcher? Mortar? OK, frigate? I’ll give you a 10% discount. It’s all OK! It’s all OK.”

"I made money, I made a lot of money. Do you know how this land-based aircraft carrier came about? I sent that idiot a message and told him 2 billion, give it to me. So he gave it. Not only gave it,

It also comes with a full set of services... He used the intelligence agency to make this land aircraft carrier disappear from other people's eyes. Many people didn't even know there was such a thing on Tatooine, haha... Now I am so damn rich,

Really! Some people say that I am the largest weapons dealer in the galaxy. When the name of Santa Claus is mentioned, who in the underground world does not know it? Hahahaha..."

"But in the end I found..." Yuri Orlov raised his head again, showing an extremely sad smile, "Many people really need weapons. Without weapons, they don't even have the ability to survive. Why?

?Because of the war. Even if I leave Tang Xiao and the fourth civilization, the war still surrounds me and lingers. Sometimes, I get tired of it... What I sell is not weapons, but Tang Xiao,

It’s Palpatine’s ambition! And what I get is not money, it’s... ah, hell, this is money!”

He stood up suddenly, and kicked the stool down because of his excessive movements. He turned back to Quinto and said: "Go back and tell that idiot that I agree. Whether it's the Trade Federation or the rebel army, I agree. I

You know, there is a batch of goods on the planet Hyperion, and Newt Gunray has been looking for me a long time ago..."

This chapter has been completed!
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