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Chapter 2148 The actions of the rebel army

2149,The actions of the rebel army

In fact, when the Galactic Empire takes action against the Trade Federation, the rebels will naturally benefit the most.

The Trade Federation has blocked a large number of hyperspace routes to the Outer Rim Stars, which has plunged the Galactic Empire's rule in the Outer Rim Stars into chaos. As mentioned before, at least one-fifth of the Outer Rim Stars are no longer accessible.

Although the Galactic Empire responded immediately and sent a large number of exploration teams, navigators and hyperspace experts to try to rebuild the waterway, this still required time and resources. In the meantime, these outer ring galaxies were completely out of control.

The rebels did intend to seize this window period. In addition to planning on the planet Rylos according to their original plan and controlling the jurisdiction of the 14th Army of the Galactic Empire, they also began to launch uprisings on planets where the empire's power was weakened.


The reason why the rebels moved so fast is actually because the Trade Alliance handed over the data of the outer ring star region to the Principality of Dawn, and then the Principality handed it over to the rebels through its own channels. Moreover, the Trade Alliance also marked these navigation data very professionally.

Among them, those channels are unknown to the Galactic Empire - this is easy to identify. All channels unknown to the Galactic Empire require the navigation services of the Trade Federation to be hired by the Empire's spaceships when passing through.

Therefore, while the Galactic Empire was investing almost all its power in preparing to eradicate the Trade Federation in one fell swoop, the Rebel Army was also developing rapidly in the Outer Rim Sector.

At this moment, in the outer ring of the Milky Way, on the planet Columex, there is a huge office building towering into the clouds.

A beautiful, smart and capable woman wearing smart official clothes and a monocle was sitting at her desk, looking at the documents in front of her.

"Leader, this is the latest information about the Trade Alliance." A man also dressed as a clerk came over and said very politely.

This official OL is actually the current leader of the Galaxy Rebel Army—Padmé Amidala!

She changed her appearance, clothing style, and even her height and body shape with the help of nanorobots, so no one could recognize her at all.

What's more, the intelligence department of the Galactic Empire could not have imagined that the leader of the rebel army was actually operating on the planet Korumex, a transportation hub in the outer star region of the eastern border of the Milky Way.

The planet Kolumex is an important hub of the Perlemian trade route, the most important hyperspace channel in the galaxy. It is also a planet whose main business is trade and import and export transit, and its economy is very


In the early days of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic failed in the battle on the planet Ren-Var (the battle of the Dark Reaper), which resulted in the loss of the strategic initiative in the east. The planet Korumex did not dare to resist the powerful army.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems surrendered immediately.

When the Galactic Republic launched a counterattack and surrounded the planet Salukami, the planet Korumex responded very quickly and turned around and submitted a surrender request to the Galactic Republic.

This caused the planet to suffer very little war damage. Even after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, they treated the planet Columex as a trustworthy planet and established a large intelligence station here.

and spaceport. The Galactic Empire's plan is to radiate its influence through the planet Columex to the areas once controlled by the core of the Confederation of Independent Systems.

And now, Padmé Amidala, the leader of the rebel army, has just appeared on the planet Korumex, and even registered a company!

This was completely unexpected to the Imperial Intelligence Department, which had repeatedly searched for this unknown rebel leader at the border of the Dawn Principality and near the twelve administrative core planets before the Confederation of Independent Systems.

Because the current Imperial Intelligence Department does know that there are internal agents of the rebel army in the imperial parliament and the inner circle nobles and wealthy families, but as for the leader of the rebel army, they wholeheartedly believe that this leader comes from the former Confederation of Independent Systems. And they also believe it very much.

, because of this relationship, the Dawn Principality is probably also supporting the rebels behind the scenes.

"...Some arms dealers have begun to deliver large quantities of weapons to several core planets of the Trade Federation. The Galactic Empire is tracking..." Padmé Amidala picked up this unremarkable document, which clearly stated the company

This quarter's financial statements, but what she read out was something else.

She adjusted her monocle, and the chip built into it decoded the document and re-projected it onto her pupils, displaying the true encrypted content.

"Are these arms dealers crazy about money? Everyone knows that the Trade Federation is like a red-hot iron block at this time and cannot be touched at all." Padmé Amidala frowned, "But this is not good for us.

That's a good thing. With the support of those arms dealers, the Galactic Empire can only invest more power in the Trade Federation, and our uprising movement will go more smoothly."

"So, can we take action on the planet Columex now?" the rebel said with some excitement.

Padmé Amidala nodded and said: "Although this is very risky, but now we can only do this. The planet's Senator Simon Greyshade (on Greyshade) is actually my member of the Galactic Republic Parliament.

Old friend, if I come forward to persuade him in person, he should agree to the uprising. But this person is not trustworthy at all, and he may betray us for profit at any time. Therefore, we still need to control him by obtaining evidence of his corruption.


"It has been arranged," the rebel said. "Simon is willing to hand over the power of the planet Columex, and then retire and go home to run the casino. But the question now is when to act."

"Just now. I will send a message to Simon first, which will contain some things that happened in the Republic Parliament. This will make him suspicious. He can neither be sure whether it is me who sent the message, nor can he really place the target.

Come to me." Padmé Amidala said, "We must sever the Galactic Empire's ties to the planet Corumex."

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

After the rebel left, Padmé Amidala took off her monocle, rubbed her somewhat jerky eyes, and sighed to the side, "This time, we really need

Thank you for the kindness of the Principality of Liming. Without their actions, the planet Korumex would not have been so smooth."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." A figure appeared in the shadows at some point, and she said slowly: "Even if we cannot truly form an alliance with the Principality of Dawn, as long as we reach a certain level in fighting against the Galactic Empire,

A tacit understanding is enough."

Padmé Amidala said: "That's what I'm worried about. Too much involvement with the Principality of Dawn will change our internal nature. Master Shakti, I have always refused to have anything to do with the Principality of Dawn.

More contacts, although if I really do this, the development of the rebel army will be better. But this is what I must stop."

The person in the shadow is Shakti!!

"I know your concerns, leader." Shakti also called Padmé the leader. "This matter is indeed a responsibility that our new Jedi Order needs to bear."

She paused and sighed: "The ruins of the Jedi Academy on the planet Ossus are very important. We have rebuilt the Jedi Order there. But if the planet Korumex is still in the hands of the Galactic Empire,

, they will be able to pose a direct threat to the planet Ossus at any time...The new Jedi Order cannot withstand such pressure. We are deeply grateful for the help you provided to us against the purpose of the Rebel Army."

Padmé Amidala smiled and said: "Please don't show off like this, Master Shaak-Ti. I will never forget what the Jedi Order has done to protect this galaxy. I am more gratified than anyone else.

To see the Jedi Order restored. When our work succeeds, we can restore the order of the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order."

"This is a very difficult road, but my partners in the New Jedi Order and I firmly believe that this day will eventually come." Shakti said firmly: "The Jedi Order will be rebuilt, and the Galactic Republic will be rebuilt.

It will be rebuilt, and we will defeat the Galactic Empire, defeat Palpatine, and return to Coruscant."

Padmé Amidala nodded, "This time the uprising on the planet Kolumex is also up to you. Monitor Simon Goksheed to ensure the success of the uprising. Let the new Jedi Order be on the planet Ossus.

, can grow better.”

"I will complete all our tasks. At the same time, on behalf of the thousands of young disciples on the planet Ossus, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you again. May the force be with you, leader." Shakti

Bowing in the shadows, then fading away.

The southern boundary of the Milky Way, the central star region.

A dazzling white light flashed past, and a Revenge-class destroyer produced by the Principality of Dawn broke away from the hyperspace channel and appeared near a planet.

The armor belt of this Revenge-class destroyer was in tatters, and it was obvious that it had encountered a very fierce battle before coming here.

"Great Master, according to your order, we have forcibly interrupted the hyperspace voyage. However, the hyperspace engine has been damaged and needs to be inspected before it can be used again." On the spacecraft console, the navigator turned around and said to

The man standing in the middle of the bridge said respectfully.

In the center of the bridge, stood a four-meter-tall protoss wearing heavy black armor. Blood-red flames were always burning around his body, majestic and terrifying.

He is surprisingly the protoss prisoner who escaped from the Glory mothership before - Orega!

A Dark Templar warrior came to Orega and said in a deep voice: "My lord, this planet is a little weird."

"What did you feel?" Orega asked.

"I feel that this planet seems to have a very deep connection with the void. I can't imagine what it would be like to escape into the void with the planet as a unit. But this planet..." the tone of the Dark Templar warrior

It was full of fear.

Orega floated to the porthole, looked at the yellow and green planet in front of him, which could even be said to be a little ugly, and said: "My psychic energy was contaminated by that woman on the mothership with unknown energy. That energy

It is so evil that it can even turn people into powerful monsters. Now I must find a place to remove this pollution, otherwise, we will not be able to proceed with the next step of integration."

The Dark Templar saluted very devoutly and said: "Nothing can stop you, my Lord. We deeply long to merge with you and become the incarnation of God."

Orega looked at the planet in front of him and said: "Launch a detector and scan the surface of the planet. Then draw the energy spectrum of the planet. I want to know where this planet is connected to the void."

However, the operator of the console scratched his head and said: "But master, this planet is heavily guarded. Launching a detector rashly may anger the planet's defenders, right?"

People controlled by the stars all retain their own minds and consciousness. Except that they believe that they must be loyal to the controller, they are no different from normal people. Therefore, after receiving Orega's order, the operators

Put forward his own opinions.

But Orega frowned, if he had one.

"What did you see?" he asked.

"Defenders, there are dozens of warships and an armed space station," the operator said.

The navigator also said: "According to the navigation data, this planet is... the station of the 114th Escort Fleet of the Galactic Empire... It mainly performs the task of destroying nearby pirates... I think it is not good for us to provoke them. It is better to send an asylum request.


"What's the name of this planet?" Orega asked.

"Uh...it's called Haruun Kal, Master." The navigator replied.

"My lord, we also saw the defenders. However, these defenders felt very strange." Another Dark Templar warrior also said.

"There are no defenders." Orega said coldly, "Launch the detector. Prepare the shuttle. I'm going to go check it out myself."

"Yes." The operator nodded and pressed the button to launch the detector.

"Is it an illusion? My lord." the Dark Templar asked.

Orega shook his head and said: "Yes and no. This is an extremely powerful spiritual barrier that covers almost all areas around the planet. People who come into contact with this spiritual barrier will have hallucinations. I can't imagine what happened.

What kind of existence can create such a powerful spiritual barrier, but according to my judgment, this is probably the planet itself."

"If this is the case, then the planet may be very dangerous." The Dark Templar said.

"But maybe there are different void rules in this universe hidden here. If I can get this power, I will be invincible in this galaxy!" Orega's tone was greedy.


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