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Chapter 413: Forced Peace

413, mandatory peace

After closing the communication with Tang Xiao, Kanidi sat on the ground exhausted, leaning against the wall and drinking heavily.

He understood that this conflict was inevitable.


The memory that was deeply engraved in his mind and that even the long hibernation could not erase echoed in his ears again...

"General Canidi! Imperial agents raided our space station and planted bombs in residential areas! They demand that you withdraw your troops immediately and stop attacking the fortress!"

"No! I am a soldier! The mission given to me by my motherland is to capture the fortress and open the door to the heart of the empire!"

"General! Your wife and daughter are inside the space station! Imperial agents kidnapped them and hung them in the square!"

"...If I withdraw my troops here, what is the meaning of the deaths of the thousands of soldiers who have sacrificed for this battle? The whole army obeys the order! Attack! Attack! Attack with all your strength!!!"

"...General! Stop fighting! The agents of the empire are torturing your wife and daughter! They claim that for every soldier who dies in the fortress, a piece of flesh will be cut off from their bodies!!"

"Tell them that I'm sorry for them! I'm a bastard! I'm a fucking bastard! Once I capture the fortress, I will die to apologize! Inform the entire army to continue the attack!"

"General...stop it. The federal president personally ordered the entire army to stop attacking. We...have negotiated peace with the empire..."

"Asshole! Let's talk about peace now, where will we place the tens of thousands of soldiers who died in battle!! No matter! Keep fighting!!"

"General! News of the peace talks has been notified to the entire army, and some troops have begun to retreat..."

[Good news! After five years of war, the Federation and the Empire have finally reached a consensus. The contradiction between the people of the Federation and the Empire is not irreconcilable. In the days to come, we will build a civilized and harmonious world together...


"Here, as the President of the Federation, I award you the highest-level Medal of Merit. If it hadn't been for your bravery and putting enough pressure on the empire in the fortress, the peace talks would not have been possible. You are the fighting hero of our Federation.


"...Fuck you fighting hero!!" Bang!!

"Ah! He dared to hit the president! Catch him quickly!"

"As a veteran who survived the war, I, Canidi, will fight for the rights that our veterans deserve! The federation cannot hide everything! We must organize a march! We must go directly to the Presidential Palace for a demonstration!"

"Volgograd-Kanidi, you beat the president in public and tried to gather a crowd to rebel! Your crime should have been sentenced to life imprisonment, but because of your status as a combat hero, you are now transferred to be the logistics director of this mining area.

Spend the rest of your life here.”

"You have become a stain on our federation! All your deeds will be deleted. From now on, you will no longer exist in the history of the federation. From the beginning, you were just the logistics director of a mine.


"General Canidi!"

"General Canidi!"

"Sir! Sir!"

Volgograd-Kanidi opened his eyes suddenly and found that he was still lying in the communication room, with an empty wine bottle thrown next to him, and his adjutant was shaking his shoulders anxiously, "Sir! Sir!"

"What...what's wrong?" Canidi rubbed his painful temples, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Four hours have passed since the Airu people issued an ultimatum to us!" the adjutant said, "We always thought you were negotiating with the Airu people here. It took a long time before we felt something was wrong, so we came in to take a look..."

"I actually slept for 4 hours...bastard..." Canidi staggered as he tried to stand up, but slipped and almost fell down again. The adjutant quickly helped him.

Suddenly an idea flashed in his head, "Wait a minute, what did you just say? What ultimatum?"

"Four hours ago, the Airu people issued an ultimatum to us! They required us to evacuate all spaceships within 48 standard hours. Otherwise, let the governor of Dawn Planet explain to them personally." The adjutant said eagerly.

"That bastard Tang Xiao will never care about this matter! If this matter comes to him, he will only send a fleet over... to make things worse..." Canidi said, covering his forehead.

"But the Airu people are so aggressive, I'm afraid they themselves don't want to do anything good." The adjutant said with some excitement: "If they want war, then give them war!"

Canidy suddenly became as angry as a lion. He grabbed the adjutant by the collar and roared loudly: "Do you think fighting is a game? Do you think fighting is just playing house?! You are counting in the office.

Behind every number of casualties there is a grieving mother, a sad wife, and a lonely child! How much do you know!!!"

The adjutant didn’t know the courage he needed, and he also yelled at Canidi: “We are the fourth natural disaster!! Our ancestors have experienced three natural disasters to get to where we are today! Why should we be afraid of war? We should embrace it

War, enjoy war! Then grow and become stronger in war!!"

"Then if you have the ability, go to the front line with your own gun! Go and witness death! Go and witness what real war is!!"

"If I have the chance, I will go! All I need is a word from you!" After the adjutant shouted these words, he calmed down a little. He stepped back and made a military salute, and said: "Although it is presumptuous, this is indeed my idea.


After saying that, he turned around and left the communication room.

Volgograd-Kanidi swayed, held on to the wall and walked out, muttering: "No! You can't start a war like this..."

He came to the office and said to the adjutant who was already waiting there: "Send an order to the entire colony to exercise restraint! No matter what, there must be no conflict with the Airu people!"

"But sir! The Elu people have already gotten into our faces!"

"Did they shoot? No, then restrain yourself! Do you hear me?" Canidi said.

"Sir, I don't think this is the right decision." The adjutant looked worried.

Canidy walked up to the adjutant, put his bearded face close to the tip of his nose, and said fiercely: "Listen! Before Tang Xiao replaced me, I was the highest officer here! So, my decision,

That’s right!”

Canidi's decision was quickly conveyed to the entire Black Corner City colony. Almost every member of the pioneer group cursed after hearing the decision. But they had no choice. Canidi was indeed the highest officer here. On the Dawn Planet,

Before someone with a higher status next to him speaks, his words are commands.

This chapter has been completed!
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