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Chapter 431: General Grievous, Birth

431, General Grievous, birth

Time goes back two months to the planet Geonosis.

A pair of ferocious eyes with vertical pupils suddenly opened, and the eyeballs moved slowly, looking at everything around them.

Medical robots, bacta tanks, robotic arms, doctors, and... Geonosians.

Raising his hands, what he saw was a pair of robotic arms. Although unfamiliar, they were very flexible. There was no delay at all from the signal transmitted from the brain to the action of the robotic arms.

And almost at the same time, countless scanned data appeared in his eyes, and everything around him was analyzed in detail.

A Geonosian man with a cane came over and spoke in Geonosian language. The translator immediately translated the language, "Are you awake, General Grievous?"

"I am...what happened?" Grievous lowered his head and looked at his body. This was a body wrapped in a cold body, but he could feel his beating and hot heartbeat underneath his body.


"Your operation was successful, General Grievous." Archduke Bogle of Geonosis walked over with a cane and said, "We used the most advanced biomechanical technology to create this for you.

Body, this can ensure that you have extremely powerful power, enough for you to destroy all Jedi Knights!"

"Jedi Knights..." Grievous repeated the term, and he felt a surge of anger welling up. "They plotted to assassinate me and shot down my spaceship... I... want to kill them! Kill them."

All of them!!"

Bogle-Inferior looked at Grievous's reaction with satisfaction and said in Geonosian: "It seems that your memory has recovered well. Now, you can go see your leader."

"Leader? No! I have no leader!! No one is qualified to lead me!" Grievous roared.

"He is the one who gave you a new life. He funded you and gave you such a powerful body. At the same time, he is wise and decisive, and is a great leader." Another voice came from outside the door, only to see

Thornhill came in.

"I know you, Thorn-Hill, co-chairman of the Interstellar Banking Association," Grievous said.

"Of course you know me, because before you were attacked by the Jedi, you were our collection agent. You should still remember it, right?" Thorn Hill's smile was a little cold. He stepped aside, and behind him were 4

An IG-100 guard robot holding a high-voltage electric cane, "Remember these robots? This is a guard robot specially designed and manufactured according to your requirements."

"I...remember. These stinky, useless robots!"

"Very good, then let's go and meet your future leader, Count Dooku." After Than Hill said that, he took Grievous and walked outside. He didn't dare to leave the TVs.

The guard of the IG-100 guard robot is worried that Grievous will suddenly remember something and crush his neck.

However, this did not happen. Grievous followed the two quietly until they came to Count Dooku.

"I'm glad to see that you survived in the end and are willing to obey my command." Count Dooku's words were still full of contempt.

"You are Count Dooku..."

"That's right. In the next period of time, I will train you to make you stronger enough to tear your enemies into pieces." Count Dooku said.

"That's right, my enemy... my sworn enemy! Uh-huh..." Grievous felt dizzy. He subconsciously wanted to cover his forehead, but then there was a collision of metal palms.

Hearing the sound of the metal shell and a sense of emptiness, he said, "That's right... Jedi Knight!"

"That's right." Count Dooku nodded to Archduke Bogle and Thorn-Ciel with satisfaction.

Two months later, Grievous stood before Count Dooku with a respectful attitude.

"Your training has been completed very well, Grievous." Count Dooku said, "I have taught you all the seven styles of lightsaber swordsmanship. You...have enough power to kill a Jedi.

A warrior now."

"It's not enough. I want to become stronger." Grievous's voice was muffled under the cover of the metal shell.

"Your training will continue, but I no longer have time to spend time with you. You may still have a few years to hone yourself, while I will have to plan something beyond my personal abilities...

For example, a powerful force that can rival the Galactic Republic." Count Dooku said, unzipping his clothes, taking off a lightsaber from his waist and handing it to Grievous.

This is the green lightsaber of Jedi Master Seve Dias, who was killed by him before.

"This lightsaber originally belonged to an old friend of mine, and now I give it to you. You can use your own weapons to tear the Jedi Knights apart!" Count Dooku said with a proud smile.

Grievous took the lightsaber, but said nothing.

Count Dooku smiled contemptuously again, "This is an unparalleled gift, especially for a... robot. So, if you want to express your gratitude, it is not inappropriate at this time. Hahahaha...


After saying that, he turned around and left without waiting for Grievous to answer, and walked away with a chuckle.

Grievous raised his hand to examine the lightsaber in his hand, pressed the button, and the pair of vertical pupils under the metal shell became ferocious.

Whoa!! The green lightsaber blade popped out instantly, "I..."

Grievous's voice was like that of a demon. He suddenly rose up, his figure was unimaginable, and he cut off the head of an IG-100 robot next to him with a single stroke of the lightsaber in his hand.


Realizing that they were under attack, the IG-100 robots also picked up high-voltage electric staffs to resist, but the lightsaber in Grievous's hand was like a poisonous snake, opening and closing at extremely fast speeds and at tricky angles. If a Jedi

The samurai present will definitely be surprised, because this is the fourth of the seven sword techniques of the lightsaber, Ataru!

"...Robot!!!!" Grievous roared angrily, his voice echoing in the empty hall.

As the sound disappeared and there were a few bangs, the remains of the IG-100 robots scattered piece by piece and rolled to the ground.

In another room, Count Dooku knelt on one knee. In front of him was the projection of Darth Sidious in a black cloak. "My Lord, Grievous's training has been initially completed. We have

Wipe his memory and transfuse him with Seve Diaz's blood."

"However, our experiment failed. The blood of the Jedi Master did not give Grievous the ability to communicate with the Force, but his powerful physical functions and firm will made up for everything. He has forgotten those meaningless past, and now

Grievous, his glory and nobility belonging to the Kali demigod, has been overshadowed by a cold heart of revenge and unparalleled rage."

"Under that indestructible shell is an extremely powerful general and great strategist. He has no sympathy and no fear, including death! In the foreseeable future, he will lead countless people

The robot army will tear this rotten..."

"Galactic Republic!"

This chapter has been completed!
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