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Chapter 509: War breaks out (Part 2)

509, war breaks out (Part 2)

Capital of the Galactic Republic, Coruscant.

The best hospital in Coruscant has been surrounded by a large number of military police. Surrounded by these military police are several luxurious hover cars. Those who can ride in this kind of vehicles are all rich or expensive, and the fact is true

So, many senators came to the hospital this time.

Among them is the most powerful person in the Galactic Republic - Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.

Outside the intensive care unit, Palpatine and many other congressmen stood there. Whether it was just pretending or sincere, everyone was sighing and frowning.

A moment later, a doctor came out with several medical robots, bowed to Palpatine, and then said: "Your Excellency, Speaker, Senator Amidala is out of danger. After surgery, the fragments in her body have been removed.

It was taken out and the fractured part has been re-fixed. Now she has been put into a bacta tank for recovery and it is inconvenient to visit."

You have to take off your clothes to soak in a bacta tank, so it's really inconvenient.

"Is she awake?" Chancellor Palpatine asked eagerly.

The doctor shook his head, "She has some brain damage, so she hasn't woken up yet. I'm not sure when she will wake up."

Palpatine sighed, "The Separatists are so cruel that they can kill people at the gates of Coruscant! Have you caught the murderer?"

The Sheriff next to him lowered his head and replied: "Not yet, Your Excellency Speaker. But a merchant ship happened to pass by when the attack occurred, and some videos of the time were captured on the surveillance camera. We can confirm that the spacecraft that attacked Senator Amidala was a slave.

No., this is the ship of bounty hunter Jango Fett."

"I thought I heard from Obi-Wan Kenobi that the last time he tried to assassinate Senator Amidala was Jango Fett?" Palpatine asked.

"Obviously, the Jedi Order has failed in its duty once again!" A congressman next to him snorted coldly.

"It can't be said that the separatists are plotting something on the planet Geonosis. The eyes of the Jedi Order should be there. Just now, Master Windu brought a large number of Jedi Knights to the planet Geonosis, so we

The Jedi Order cannot be blamed, even if Senator Amidala has indeed paid the price now." Palpatine's words were a bit strange.

"This is undoubtedly a war conspiracy by the separatists! We can't continue like this! We must come up with a plan!" Representative Ask-Ak said loudly.

"If we pass the Military Creation Act now, it will give the separatists an excuse to launch a war. From the perspective of the Republic, we can only act preemptively. Moreover, I don't think if we vote now, this bill will

Passed." Alderaan Councilor Bail Organa said.

Palpatine secretly clenched his fists. He knew that the reason why the "Military Creation Act" could not be passed was because of the obstruction of the new ring congressmen headed by Francis Underwood, and later by Parde

Opposition from the peaceful MPs led by May Amidala and Bail Organa.

Now it seems that because the political impact of this idiot Newt Gunray's request to assassinate Padmé is greater than he imagined, it is no longer possible for the "Military Creation Act" to be passed through formal means.

Fortunately, although he failed last time, Jango Fett still completed his mission very well this time - shooting down Padmé's spaceship. Although Padmé was in good condition because of the Naboo Royal Shuttle,

She saved her life due to safety, but being unconscious she could still give Palpatine many opportunities.

He sighed again and said: "I don't recommend overstimulating the Separatists, but now the problem on the planet Geonosis must be solved. Who can stand up?"

Deputy Speaker Mas-Ameda said: "It is too late to wait for a parliamentary vote at this critical moment! There is another way, we can grant emergency ruling powers to the Speaker, so that the Speaker can issue instructions immediately

, build an army and launch an attack! However, the power of emergency ruling is not trivial, and no one among the members dared to propose this motion..."

Councilor Ask-Aker echoed: "We need a councilor with enough authority and courage to lead us and take this step bravely!"

"Who can do it?" Palpatine asked rhetorically.

Everyone around him fell into silence. Palpatine intentionally or unintentionally glanced at the acting member of the Naboo planet and the Gungan Gar-Jar Binks, and specifically made him pay attention to his gaze. Jar-Jar

-Binx lowered his head and avoided looking at Palpatine.

"Maybe the separatists are worried about the threat posed by Senator Padmé Amidala, so they want to assassinate her again and again." Deputy Speaker Mas Ameda said.

"Forget it, let the parliament continue to vote. Anyway, the Republic has a deep foundation and is not afraid of any trouble caused by the separatists. It is just suffering for the planets on the edge of the middle and outer rings... I am really worried about the planet Kali and the planet Naboo.

, the tragedy of Malastar Planet will happen again and again." Speaker Palpatine shook his head, turned and left.

Jar Jar Binks seemed to be touched, lowering his head in deep thought.

Bail Organa sensed that something was not right in the atmosphere. He wanted to say something, but looked around, shook his head slightly, and sighed without trace.

The next day, the Jedi Order sent new information again.

In the holographic projection, Anakin Skywalker said eagerly: "Robots! The entire underground of the planet Geonosis is a factory, a huge factory! Countless robots and various war machines are being produced in the factory!

The Separatist transport fleet is loading a robot army!!!"

The communication did not last long before it was covered up by the intensive gunfire and explosions.

War is imminent!

Under this situation, Bail Organa had nothing to say. Congressman Amidala was not here, and the leaderless peace faction members did not know what to do for a while.

At this moment, Jar Jar Binks, who had been thinking hard all night, stood up. He came to the parliament and publicly proposed the initiative, "In view of the fact that the actions of the separatists have now crossed the red line of war, they are hesitant."

To no avail! Therefore, on behalf of the planet Naboo, I formally propose a motion to grant emergency ruling powers to the Speaker of the Galactic Republic, Sheev Palpatine!!"

The power of emergency adjudication is stipulated in the constitution of the Galactic Republic. When the Republic is in crisis, in order to avoid the inefficiency caused by the huge bureaucracy, the power of emergency adjudication can be granted to the Speaker at his discretion, allowing him to bypass the Parliament and issue instructions on his own.

It even includes some directives that violate constitutional regulations.

The granting of this power is equivalent to giving the speaker immediate and supreme power, allowing him to even act arbitrarily - just like an emperor.

Proposing this bill at this chaotic and urgent time is undoubtedly a bomb! For the peaceful members, the statement of Jar Jar Binks, who temporarily replaced Senator Amidala as the acting member of the planet Naboo,

That is the statement of Amidala himself!

In this case, what is there to hesitate about? Since the leaders of the parties have already expressed their stance, they all followed suit and seconded the motion!

The members of the Loyal Committee who had been waiting for this day immediately began to push for the completion of this bill. With the cooperation of many chess pieces that Palpatine had arranged in advance in the council, the bill was passed later that day!

Speaker Sheev Palpatine was officially granted emergency ruling powers by the Senate!

"As I said before, I was yearning for peace at the last second! But the separatists did not give me this opportunity. Even now, I am still pursuing peace, but this does not mean that I will give up self-defense! Urgent

Judgment power is a supreme power and a supreme responsibility! I will use this power carefully and exercise this responsibility to bring peace and unity to the Galactic Republic!! And I solemnly promise to solve the problem of separatism.

After the crisis, I will voluntarily give up this power and return everything to the parliament!"

In Sheev Palpatine's solemn oath, he gave the order——

Establish an army and formally establish the Grand Army of the Republic!

At the same time, Master Yoda immediately went to the planet Kamino, leading an army of 200,000 clones that was ready, and set off directly!

Target: Planet Geonosis!


[Easter Egg Chapter Attached Picture 1: Jar Jar Binks formally submitting the bill to Parliament.]

This chapter has been completed!
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