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Chapter 542 Secret Plan

542, secret plan

The outer ring of the Milky Way, Hutt space, and the planet Tatooine.

"...As I said, I would be very grateful if you could open the channel for us. The Galactic Republic is very ambitious, and they will not let us take action in the outer ring. Only by truly uniting can we protect our interests.

." Count Dooku said very sincerely in the holographic projection.

"The war between you and the Galactic Republic has nothing to do with me, Count Dooku. If I open the waterway for your fleet to pass, it will be regarded as an act of war by the Galactic Republic. We Hutts have never wanted to participate in a war."

The special lady Gadula Besadi was lying on the large and soft sofa, enjoying the service of several female slaves.

A female Falin slave took a bunch of grapes that are a specialty of the Dawn Planet, peeled off the peels one by one, and then put more than ten grapes into Jadula's mouth. Jadura tasted the delicious food happily, lazily.

Looking at Count Dooku in the projection.

After defeating Jabba and becoming the new overlord of Tatooine, she truly enjoyed the benefits of power. Look, since yesterday, the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Sheev Palpatine, told her in a low voice that he hoped the two sides could cooperate.

After that, Count Dooku came again today.

Seeing the two most powerful people in the galaxy bowing down in front of him, Gadula felt secretly happy.

The current batch of female slaves was sent by Count Dooku. It didn't matter to her whether they were beautiful or not, but they were indeed very well-behaved, which made her very satisfied. In fact, she really wanted to agree to Count Dooku's request, after all, what was given here

More practical, but Alok Besadi on the Hutt Grand Council strictly ordered her not to agree to the demands of either party.

This makes Gardura a little strange, because she knows that Alok Besadi has some secret dealings with the Dawn Planet, but the Dawn Planet is obviously from Count Dooku's side?

Gadula-Besadi didn't want to think about these complicated political games, or it would be useless for her to think about them. It was better to have a good attitude here and watch Count Dooku and others bow their heads in front of her, which was also a kind of enjoyment.

"I solemnly promise that if we can defeat the Galactic Republic, the Confederation of Independent Systems will legally recognize the Hutt's rule over the Hutt space and be willing to support the reconstruction of the Hutt Empire." Count Dooku continued.

I don’t like hearing these big things, Gadula thought to herself, and spit out a grape seed stuck in her mouth on the face of a female slave. She smacked her lips and said slowly

: "That is all for the future, Count Dooku. I reiterate that the Hutts will not join the war, and your fleet is not allowed to pass through any hyperspace channel in the Hutt space. Whether it is the Republic or the Independence

The Galactic Confederation.”

"Your tolerance for the Republic may one day lead to catastrophe..." Count Dooku sighed and shook his head, seeming to feel sorry for Gadula, "If the Republic behaves rudely to you, please inform

Give it to me and I promise to stand by you no matter what."

Look, both Dooku and Palpatine spoke so nicely. Gadula felt very comfortable, but sleepiness also came with it. She waved her short hand and said vaguely: "Then

That's it, it's time for me to take a nap."

"Then, I won't disturb your rest, dear Lord Gardula." Count Dooku saluted with a smile, and then closed the communication.

Gadula had just slept for a while when she was woken up by someone, which made her extremely angry, but when she saw the person clearly, she swallowed back her anger.

Magtan-Scar, the leader of the Scourge, is also the leader of the powerful military force that now protects Tatooine. No matter how stupid Gadula is, she knows how all of this happened to her, and she will never dare to provoke him.

One of them is Magtan Scar, her boss Alok Besadi, and the extremely mysterious... Angel of Death.

"Burka the Hutt, I remember he has been on our planet Tatooine before. Where has he gone now?" Scar Magtan asked directly. When he spoke, the scar on his face twisted like a bug.

The movement, coupled with the inherently fierce appearance of the Bosa people, makes people shudder even more.

Since the death of Scar's brother, Bradrick Gravel, the Scourge, led by Magtan Scar, has become more ferocious and terrifying. Anyone who dares to provoke them will basically have their bodies found the next day.

They will be hung outside the city of Mos Eisley, and now hundreds of corpses have been hung outside the city.

And the powerful land-based aircraft carrier Gardulla has long become a black legend in the Tatooine desert. Since defeating Jabba the Hutt, no one has seen this magnificent ship again.

A masterpiece of military industry, but the story belonging to this aircraft carrier has been circulating...

For example, because a certain settlement dared to oppose the rule of Gardula, it was plowed to the ground overnight. The scene was a sea of ​​​​fire and there were countless huge track marks. There are at least more than 20 versions of this story.

Having said that, this terrifying power has never belonged to her, Gadula.

Thinking of this, Gadula pulled himself together, drove away the female slaves, and asked: "Mr. Scar, what are you doing with Burka?"

"Of course you have something to do with him. He is wary of other people. You should come forward and ask him to come out." Scar said.

Gadula nodded, and the etiquette robot next to her quickly took a communicator. She spoke arrogantly into the communicator in Hittite: "Burka! Come over to me from where you are hiding!"

Judging from the folds of his skin, the Hutt in the holographic projection should be young. At this moment, he was holding a large bucket of fine wine and drinking heavily. After taking a big sip of wine, he said: "I am currently doing a business.

Dear Lord Gadula."

"How dare you disobey my order!" Gardula was furious. She felt that she had lost face in front of Scar. "Now, get out of here right now!"

"I am currently in Nar Shadda, Master Gadula. This is to ensure safety." Burka waved his short hand and said, "Of course, if you are interested, you can also join."

"Say, what's the business?" Gadula's expression darkened.

"I got a special logistics record, and a very special term...'Extractor Project'. I have put the things on the black market in Nashada...The highest bidder gets it," Burka said.

"What's the use of a logistics record? If it's 200 tons of spices, it might still have some value." Gadula couldn't understand it at all.

Burka smiled slightly sarcastically: "No, the value of this record is equivalent to 20,000 tons of spices."

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