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Chapter 616 Dookus Disciple

616, Dooku’s apprentice

"Extractor? Planet Cronte?" Tang Xiao frowned.

Count Dooku's arrangement is a bit strange. Is it possible that he is colluding with Darth Sidious to kill Severance Tann, an extremely powerful general?

Although there is no direct description of Severance Tann's original plot, there are still many doubts about the death of such a super famous general at the beginning of the war, which made Tang Xiao have to guard against it.

But Count Dooku then said: "The secret of the extractor was captured by General Tann, and she deserves to enjoy such an honor. Once we overcome the problem of the extractor and allow this technology to be applied to our battleships, then

We will gain a greater advantage. As a reward, after completing the research and development of this technology, I will directly open it to the Dawn Planet."

Tang Xiao imagined many possibilities, but he never expected that Count Dooku was more generous than him and was actually willing to share this technology!

You must know that even within the Federation of Independent Systems, technology is not shared among political, economic entities and corporate giants. They can provide products to each other, but they will never provide technology.

Count Dooku's move is equivalent to directly giving the Dawn Planet a super technology worth at least tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of credit points!

What exactly does he want to do? Is it because of the death angel? It is still difficult to tell.

Countless thoughts flashed through Tang Xiao's mind, but he still immediately made the expression he should have now. He stood up from the sofa with a flattered look, "Count Dooku... this

It was really too heavy last time and I couldn’t bear it..."

"You are sincerely fighting for the new order of the galaxy. This is enough." Count Dooku smiled, "It's just that I hope General Tann will put more effort into developing this project."

This condition cannot be refused, nor can it be refused, otherwise it would be with ulterior motives. Although Tang Xiao had doubts in his heart, he still nodded with a smile and said: "Thanks to your kindness, our Dawn Planet will definitely fight for the sake of the Confederacy and the freedom of the entire galaxy.

Fight to the end!”

After Tang Xiao left, Count Dooku sat here alone and pondered for a long time. It wasn't until his communicator rang that he stood up and walked over to connect the communication.

The person who sent the communication was a secret intelligence agent. He whispered: "...I have been observing the target for a long time and confirmed that she is a suitable candidate."

Count Dooku nodded and said, "What is her current condition?"

The intelligence agent said: "She is a Dathomir, who was adopted by the Ventress family on the planet Rattatak, and should have received training as a Jedi Knight. She is already a member of the Ventress family on the planet Rattatak."

One of the warlords, she became the people's fighting hero because she ended the civil war. After that, she didn't know what she went through, gave up her power, became a bounty hunter, and often fought in the planet's arena. Although I

Her force power is very superficial, but she can also feel her powerful potential."

Count Dooku nodded again and said: "Don't alert others, I will come to the planet of Ratatak in person."

Count Dooku's Geonosian solar sailship landed in a spaceport on the planet Ratatak. Count Dooku hid his figure with a brown cloak and came to the largest arena on the planet, including

The next lounge awaits inside.

After waiting for a while, his intelligence officer did not arrive, but Count Dooku was not surprised at all. He just came to the huge window of the lounge and looked at the arena below.

When he first arrived, he had seen the propaganda. Today's duel match would be a brutal wheel battle, and the person standing at the end would be the final winner and the king of gladiatorial battles on the planet Ratatak.


At this moment, a young woman is standing quietly on the field. Her complexion is pale and her expression is sinister. What is very conspicuous is that her head is bare and barren. Twelve lines are tattooed on both sides of her bald head. There seems to be something special about it.


Although this bald head is very impactful, this young woman is still full of exotic charm. Her well-proportioned figure is in sharp contrast to this bloody and violent arena.

She held a Z-shaped double-edged scimitar in her hand, holding the middle of the Z. Such a weird weapon could only be used with super skills, otherwise it would hurt herself.

It seems that this is the target, Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku stared at this woman with a scrutinizing gaze.

As if aware of it, Asajj Ventress suddenly raised his head and glanced here, with a sneer appearing on the corner of his mouth.

The opponent in front of her, a Gamorrean holding a pointed sledgehammer, seized the momentary flaw and rushed forward with a howl. His body was almost as big as three Ventresses, and the heavy pointed tip was as big as

The hammer was swung by him like a tiger and the wind was blowing.

However, in the next second, Ventress appeared beside him, and the Z-shaped scimitar in his hand flashed across him, causing the Gamorrean's huge pig's head to fall off.

Next, Asajj Ventress defeated more than ten gladiators in the arena, including robots, Niktos, Twi'leks, and finally a giant with an unknown race who was more than 3 meters tall.


After easily defeating and killing all the gladiators, Asajj Ventress returned to the lounge amidst the cheers of the audience.

Count Dooku had already seen what he wanted to see, and was leisurely waiting for her arrival.

The door was opened, and a head was thrown in first. Count Dooku glanced at it, and it was his intelligence agent.

"Are you the one who has been hiring people to spy on me?" Asajj Ventress walked in with a sneer. Unlike her exotic and hot appearance, her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, ruining the scene.

A sense of beauty, "I have been keeping an eye on him for a long time, and I didn't send him to death until he called you over. Otherwise, do you think that such an ordinary person has the ability to find out information about me? Huh, one point.


"So, you are no longer an ordinary person?" Count Dooku asked with a smile.

"That's right!" Ventress's expression became ferocious, "You know nothing about my power! I am the master of the dark side of the Force, I am the Sith Lord! Tell me your purpose, and then I

I will give you a happy death!"

Count Dooku laughed out loud, "Hehehe, so you are a Sith Lord? Then... who am I?"

Before he finished speaking, the crank-handled red lightsaber was already drawn out in his hand.

Asajj Ventress was horrified when she saw this, and quickly drew out her own lightsaber, which was a green and a blue lightsaber. She saw that Count Dooku did not attack immediately.

Then he shouted loudly and rushed toward Count Dooku as quickly as a cheetah.

The lightsabers of the two collided like lightning. Ventress's force had already fallen to the dark side, but she did not know how to use the force of the dark side. The lightsaber made of natural Kyber crystal in her hand was not very good.

Compatible with her dark side power, she was forced back by Count Dooku.

"You have great potential, but you are the one who knows nothing about the dark side!" Count Dooku nodded with satisfaction, suddenly raised his hand and struck Ventress with a powerful force lightning!


[Easter Egg Chapter Attached Picture 1: Asajj Ventress, behind her is the bounty hunter Deqi.]

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