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Chapter 637 Ahsoka Tano

637, Ahsoka-Tano

"All-army assault! I will capture Crystal City within today!" Worm-Lotham sat on his command vehicle transformed from an ATT armored assault tank and gave the order angrily.

He understood that this was his last chance.

He put all his armored forces on top, and a large number of NR-N99 Persuader-class robot tanks charged wildly along the central main road of Crystal City. The Octupala three-legged robots followed closely to provide fire support. In the end, more than 500

All Vulture robot fighter planes are concentrated on this battlefield to provide air cover for his legions.

In the sky, groups of Vulture robot fighter jets and Republic V-19 light fighter jets were strangled like crazy, and fighter jets were shot down almost every second. On the ground, B-1 combat robots advanced in an array, firing continuously at the same time, like raindrops.

Explosive beams poured into the defenders' positions in Crystal City.

The Republic clone troops and the Christoph Sith militia troops jointly guarded the shaky position. There were a total of 30,000 clones and more than 800,000 Christoph Sith militia guarding Crystal City.

Those militiamen actually don't have much use other than hiding behind bunkers and firing randomly without daring to take risks. But on such a battlefield, it's better to have one more person who can shoot than none. Because it's pressure from the front.

There are too many robots coming over!

The clone troopers are always the first to arrive at the position, and always the last to leave. They often enter the fortifications first, build a preliminary line of defense, and then let the militia troops enter to prevent the fortifications from being repaired in a mess.

After the robot army rushed over, they had to cover the evacuation of the militiamen who were basically in a state of retreat when faced with the endless wave of robots.

Just fight and retreat, relying on the dense high-rise buildings in Crystal City for defense.

But the robot army was completely rude this time. If Worm-Lotham had some scruples before and did not directly fire on civilians, now with his order, the robot army has entered a complete killing mode!

As long as there is a place where someone might be hiding, a dense burst of rockets will be fired immediately. As long as it is a building blocking the road, it will be completely plowed. Whether it is a refugee camp or a shelter, as long as it blocks the marching route, it will be destroyed.

At this time, Anakin Skywalker finally arrived on the battlefield.

He piloted a fighter jet over Crystal City and cooperated with the home defense air force of the planet Christophsis to fight against a large group of vulture robot fighters. After opening a gap, he landed in the planetary capital of Crystal City.

Modise, Prime Minister of the planet Christophsis, no longer knows where to seek refuge. Only a few generals from the Home Defense Command and clone commanders are left here to direct the overall situation.

"How is the situation?" Anakin strode into the command center and asked.

"General!" A clone commander came over and gave him a military salute. Anakin knew this man. His name was Rex, an immigrant captain of the 501st Legion.

When Anakin saw him, he nodded heavily and said, "I feel relieved when I see you come back alive from the planet Tes."

"This is our duty," Rex said.

"How is the war going now?" Anakin asked directly.

Rex replied: "To be honest, it's not good. The separatist robot army is attacking like crazy, and there are too many of them. This morning alone, we retreated 7 kilometers. Now we are setting up on the front line of the Commercial Plaza

The new position has a group of buildings with uneven heights, which is very suitable for the deployment of our three-dimensional firepower."

"What about the self-propelled artillery?" Anakin asked.

"Currently all we can use is a batch of AZ-7 self-propelled artillery. We have established three artillery positions here, here and here, but these positions were all bombed by separatist fighter jets this morning and have not yet fully recovered.

." Rex marked on the holographic map.

Anakin thought for a while and said: "It's not enough to defend blindly. We must take the initiative to attack. We must first destroy the separatist armored units." He stared at the holographic map and began to think about strategy.

At this time, another clone soldier came over and said: "General, we have just received news that a group of reinforcements have been sent from the rear! They are now landing at the central space port of Crystal City."

Anakin said: "Very good, with the addition of this mobile force, our plan is more likely to be realized! Let's go to the space port first."

After saying that, he walked out quickly.

Another clone commander asked with some confusion: "I'm sorry, if I heard something correctly just now, it seems that General Skywalker didn't say what he had planned?"

Rex picked up his helmet and said with a smile as he walked: "He said it was an attack plan."

When I arrived at the space port, I saw more than a dozen Republic-class shuttles landing. When the scale of transportation was not large, the Galactic Republic generally would not use the precious Cheer-class assault landing ships, but would use this although only one

80 meters long, but more flexible and lower cost transport ship.

Some clone soldiers are getting off the spacecraft and directing the engineering machinery to transport various materials from the transport ship. In addition to the 1,000 clone soldiers, the reinforcements sent this time mainly include some ammunition supplies and 50 AZ-7s.

Light self-propelled artillery.

"Well, although there are not many people, these self-propelled artillery are very helpful for us to stabilize our position. A stable rear can make our attack more convenient, and I can't expect more..." Anakin said from an officer

He took the list in his hand and signed it.

At this time, a little Toruguta girl came over, came to Anakin, and asked cautiously, "Excuse me, are you Teacher Anakin Skywalker?"

Anakin glanced at her and said nonchalantly: "Oh, you are mistaken, you are Obi-Wan's new apprentice, right? I heard him say it, because my training is over. But now he is not here

Here, we are fighting in space."

"Well, I think I'm not mistaken, you are my teacher." The little girl said very seriously, "My name is Ahsoka Tano, Jedi apprentice. Please give me your advice, teacher."

Anakin was startled, and then he looked at the little girl carefully. She was thin and had healthy light brown skin. She looked only 13 or 4 years old. On her head were the striped tentacles unique to the Toruguta people.

Soft tentacles hung down from her temples like a wig, and there was indeed a lightsaber hanging on her waist. He cried out, "How is it possible? The Jedi Order must have made a mistake! They should accept a new apprentice.

It’s Obi-Wan! How could it be me!”

Ahsoka said: "I'm pretty sure I'm not mistaken. If you have any questions, you should ask Master Yoda. Because this was arranged by him personally."

"This is impossible! When the war here is over, I will personally go back to the Jedi Order to confirm. Also, why would a child like you, who is not fully developed, come to the battlefield!?" Anakin was obviously unwilling to accept this.

An apprentice who looks like a jerk.

Ahsoka was offended and said loudly: "If I remember correctly, you are not much older than me! In short, I am your apprentice, and this matter is settled, Tianxingzi!"


[Easter Egg Chapter Attached Picture 1: Ahsoka-Tano.]

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