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Chapter 85 Breaking through the Defense

85, break through defense

But everything was in vain. The Red Comet ghost fighter was much faster than them, and Tang Xiao had already predicted all their movements using the force, so it was impossible to surround them.

Less than a minute after the battle started, the situation turned into a situation where more than a dozen planes were following one plane in vain.

In the space station, a Bothan pirate leader shouted angrily: "Who is the other party? Why does he know our coordinates?!"

"I don't know, boss! That person came directly to us when he saw it!" the subordinate next to him quickly replied.

"Get him down as soon as possible! To avoid long nights and endless dreams!"

"No, that plane is too fast! Our plane can't catch up at all!"

"Waste! Let the bombers fire on the asteroid! Don't let him use the asteroid to hide again!" After the pirate leader finished speaking, he said to another subordinate: "Go tell Samir Sahad's people that this place has been exposed, prepare


"Now? That fighter jet will definitely catch up when it sees us escaping!"

"Then let those losers stop me!"

"Boss, all communications have been cut off! We can't send any messages!"

"What?!" The pirate leader's face changed drastically, and the fear of death began to spread in his heart.

Without saying a word, he turned around and ran out of the headquarters and towards the hangar.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he saw a burly body blocking the door!

This man was naked from the waist up, with terrible scars all over his body, and his skin color was as abnormal as that of a dead person. What was even more frightening was that he was also wearing a helmet made of animal bones, and his face could not be seen, only his pair of faint blue eyes.

His eyes were staring at him.

"Boss Samir...Boss..." The pirate leader was immediately paralyzed with fear.

"Anyone who escapes from battle will be punished by death." The man said coldly, and suddenly thrust the short stick in his hand into the pirate leader's body!

Green flames suddenly ignited on the pirate leader's body. He screamed loudly and rolled on the ground, but the flames showed no sign of extinguishing!

After a while, all that was left of him was the mangled, blackened remains of his skeleton.

Samir's cold eyes swept across the pirates in the command center, everyone shuddered and their bodies trembled involuntarily.

"Those who are scared away by a fighter jet do not deserve the blessings of the Moon of Borden. Only those who are brave and fearless can be favored. We only have brave ones here." Samir said slowly, "Even if you are hit, you will be saved."

Shoot down that fighter jet for me!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving only the frightened pirates behind.

On the space battlefield, Tang Xiao destroyed four or five pirate fighters one after another. At this time, the remaining fighters finally realized that the situation was not good. They found that no matter how they dodge, they could not avoid the opponent's lock, and the opponent could be accurate no matter what.

hit the fighter on his side.

crack shot!

Coupled with the obvious performance gap between fighter jets, even if there is a numerical advantage, there is no chance of winning.

The five falling bombers finally woke up. They aimed their guns at the surrounding asteroid belt and bombed fiercely with full firepower.

Proton torpedoes and powerful blasters exploded on the asteroids, and the asteroids were blown into pieces.

During this fierce bombing, two more pirate fighter jets were affected by the explosion, staggering among the rubble flying like countless bullets, and finally were completely engulfed.

But the effect was also very obvious. Two or three asteroids that were blown into pieces in succession seriously affected Tang Xiao's driving. He had to focus most of his energy on destroying and avoiding the asteroid fragments that hit him.

However, he had a countermeasure in an instant and controlled the plane to fly towards the opponent's space station.

The pirate fighter jets never expected that Tang Xiao would show up like this. You must know that the space station also has strict close-range firepower, and with the cover of fighter jets, it is simply a matter of death!

But Tang Xiao had no fear at all. He flew straight over and fired four missiles at a falling bomber in front of him!

The 30-meter-long falling bomber would have been classified as a light frigate according to the classification method of the Fourth Civilization, but it still could not withstand the attack of four Gemini missiles fired from different directions, and the shield was immediately penetrated.

Tang Xiao reacted very quickly. While flying past the bomber, several deadly blaster beams directly hit the opponent's engine!

In the flames of the bomber explosion, the Phantom fighter jet broke through the defense like red lightning and flew straight towards the space station. The remaining Pirate fighter jets followed closely behind.

Regardless of whether they want to shoot down Tang Xiao or escape, they must follow him. Those fighter jets do not have hyperspace navigation capabilities.

Just as Tang Xiao expected, he had just approached the pirate space station. The hidden hatch on the space station opened, and more than a dozen close-in defense cannons fired fiercely from it!

Countless blaster beams were launched, but Tang Xiao was able to deal with the hail of bullets with ease. He had already discovered the weakness of this space station just now - because the space station was built inside an asteroid, this was not possible.

The regular shape makes it impossible for the space station's close defense system to cover all surrounding airspace.

Tang Xiao predicted the firing range of those close-range defense cannons and flexibly avoided them. The irregular appearance of the space station formed his best cover. Coupled with the extremely fast speed of the Red Comet Phantom fighter, those turrets could not turn around at all.

And something even more deadly happened after the pirate fighter planes rushed over from behind!

The close firepower of the pirate space station couldn't keep up with Tang Xiao's fighter jets, but those blaster beams he left behind became the most terrifying killers of the pirate fighter jets!

Because of fear, the pirates in the space station opened fire wildly, regardless of whether they could hit or not. In short, they just fired a burst of fire and then fired.

This is a hardship for those pirate pilots. It was already very hard to keep up with Tang Xiao, but now they have to fly in the middle of the barrage of their own close-defense turrets?!

Several more pirate fighter jets were destroyed by their own firepower. After Tang Xiao closely followed one of the downed bombers and destroyed it with a fierce attack, the morale of the pirate pilots completely collapsed.

"Retreat! Retreat! What type of fighter is this? Why is it so powerful!!"

"Run! This is a spaceship driven by a monster!"

The fighter jets fled in all directions, but where else could they go in the vast universe? The only spacecraft capable of hyperspace navigation in this space station were a few shuttles, and they were strictly controlled by several pirate leaders to prevent the secrets of the space station from being exposed.

But now, this arrangement has turned their space station into a steel coffin!

This chapter has been completed!
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