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Chapter 91 I want you

91,I want you

In addition, more than 10 airborne blaster cannons and 20 proton torpedoes were found in the weapons depot. The entire cargo hold of the Lancer was filled to the brim.

Later, under Tang Xiao's instructions, the three T-850s worked together and actually removed the main engine of the space station and stuffed it into the cargo hold as well.

This is very important, because the most important thing for the Fourth Civilization now is to integrate with the Galactic Republic. They currently lack the most basic understanding of the Republic, so they must collect things from the Galactic Republic from all aspects.

And their computers and operating systems are naturally very critical.

After returning home with a full load, Tang Xiao sent a message to the mastermind of the mothership on the way, asking him to notify Clement and tell her to be prepared. People from the Interstellar Banking Association might visit. The main purpose is to prepare the mothership for combat at any time.

Be prepared, the air force consisting of Phantom fighters and Hammer-class frigates must be on standby at all times.

When necessary, the Hammerhead-class cruiser that has not yet been repaired can even be thrown out and used as a firepower platform.

After getting confirmation from Qi Jian and Wharton, Tang Xiao got another good news from Feng Yongwang. The SCV prototype is undergoing actual machine testing. If it goes well, it is expected that the SCV will be put into use within a few days.

Mass production.

After simply finishing the decision-making work they needed to arrange, Tang Xiao and Cunte went straight to the planet Tatooine.

The spacecraft entered the atmosphere of the Tatooine planet and passed over the land full of yellow sand. At this time, it could be seen that the Tatooine planet was not peaceful. In a wasteland, several assembled fighter jets were bombarding ground targets.

There was an indiscriminate explosion, and there was billowing black smoke over Mos Espa Port.

At the same time, the Lancer's sensors also detected a large amount of higher-than-normal heat energy reflection, which indicated that an intensive gun battle was taking place in Mos Espa Port. Only the firing of a large number of blaster beams would be detected by the spacecraft's sensors.


Even on the far side of the horizon, a huge shadow can be seen patrolling - there is no doubt that it is a battleship!

There is only one possibility for a warship that can patrol the Tatooine planet in Hutt space - a Hutt warship!

Tang Xiao's brows furrowed. The chaos caused by Yuri Orlov last time seemed to be getting worse now, and it actually alerted the Hutt warships. This shows that the highest authority of the Hutts - the Hutt Grand Council (The Hutt Council)

Grand Hutt cil) has intervened in the dispute here!

The spacecraft landed in a spaceport in Mos Eisley, and they took Samir Sahad, who was sealed in a carbon clot, towards the residence of Hego Damask II here.

The originally bustling streets of Mos Eisley are now much less crowded, and most of the people still walking on the streets are extremely tough and armed men.

Of course, that also includes Tang Xiao and his group.

Having just experienced a great battle, Tang Xiao and the others exuded a terrifying aura of being kept away from strangers. The mottled bloody clothes on their bodies, the bloodstains that reached their calves, and the assault rifles on their backs all told the people around them that

They had just returned after taking countless lives.

Moreover, the three T-850s were damaged in previous battles, and their bionic skins were in pieces, revealing the skull-shaped metal endoskeleton underneath, which could even scare people into having nightmares at night.

Wherever these people passed, the mercenaries and bounty hunters on the road stepped aside to make way for them, and no one even dared to look at them.

Arriving at the door of Heige's dark building, medical robot 11-4D greeted him, "The master has been waiting for you for a long time. He should be in the study. Mr. Tang Xiao, please come in. Please give me this carbon clot."

Come and deal with it. Oh, others please rest outside."

Tang Xiao and Cunt exchanged glances, and then walked into the dark building alone.

As soon as he entered the building, he heard someone talking inside. The sound was very unique, like a duck talking with a subwoofer.

"...Mr. Heige, I swear this matter has nothing to do with me! I just asked those people to smash a few bars. Who knew they were actually eyeing the Bangta Night racing competition!"

"This is not important anymore, Gadula. What is important is that I am very disappointed in you. Because even though I have continued to support you in the past ten years, you still cannot control the situation on Tatooine, even for a day."

No." Hei Ge's voice sounded.

"Please give me another chance, Mr. Heige. Now, now! The Hutt Grand Council is very dissatisfied with the riots on Tatooine. At this time, as long as we can move around with the Hutt Grand Council, we can definitely put their anger to rest.

Transfer it to Jabba. I am familiar with Oruba from the Hutt Grand Council. I don’t need too much funds, 1 million credits is enough..."

Heige directly interrupted Gadula, "That's enough! Haven't you seen the situation clearly? Gadula. You have failed! Tatooine will never belong to you because of your stupidity and impulsiveness.

This is the best excuse for Jabba! He has already started an all-out war with you, you can handle this matter yourself, I will not care about it anymore."

"No! Wait a minute, Mr. Hego! If you don't care, my property on Tatooine... Mr. Hego..." Gadula pleaded urgently.

However, Hei Ge directly closed the communication without any explanation.

When Tang Xiao walked into the room, he only saw a fat Hutt holographic projection flashing away.

"Are you here? Very good, very good..." Hege Damask II did not look back, but he had already learned of Tang Xiao's arrival.

"I have brought him alive. Where is my reward?" Tang Xiao responded coldly.

"So, what do you want?" Hege turned around and looked at Tang Xiao with interest. In his opinion, the fact that Tang Xiao kept asking him about remuneration meant that he cared very much. If he cared too much,

, then there are spiritual opportunities to take advantage of.

"My colony in the Endor galaxy needs sufficient resources to develop." Tang Xiao said straightforwardly.

"It's no problem to help a colony. But...what can I get from it?" Since Tang Xiao wanted something for himself, then the matter was easier to talk about, and Hei Ge's expression became arrogant.

"Then, it depends on your investment." Tang Xiao smiled slightly.

"Hehehehe... investment? I have made countless investments, which have allowed me to have my current status and wealth. But this time is different... this time, what I want is you, Tang Xiao."

A flash of red light flashed in Hege's eyes.

"Me?" Tang Xiao took a deep breath and began to concentrate, using the Force to protect his mind and prevent Hei Ge from detecting any clues. "What do you want me to do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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