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Chapter 1,112

Although Yang Qingyuan used the Taoist method of Nine Heavens to Respond to Yuan Thunder to frighten San Ahu's mind and make his defenses exposed, he also used the Nine Yin Sutra's soul-moving method mixed with other martial arts to briefly control San Ahu's mind.


But this divine soul technique is not perfect after all, and San Ahu is also a master of the Fa Tianxiang Earth Realm. In just a few dozen breaths of effort, San Ahu was freed from the control of Yang Qingyuan's soul-moving technique.

"What kind of magic did you use!?"

After San Ahu got out of his mental trap, he became extremely wary of Yang Qingyuan and did not dare to look into his eyes again.

In a daze just now, he felt that he had completely lost control of his body, like a puppet on strings, allowing others to manipulate him.

"Evil magic?! Ha!" Yang Qingyuan sneered, "Is there any magic in this world that is more demonic than the blood river magic?!"

Regarding magical martial arts such as the Soul Transferring Technique and the Beiming Divine Technique, some people indeed call them demon techniques. The reason why they are called demons is that these martial arts transcend their understanding and are not some evil magic that is harmful to nature.


And these blood river magic techniques are practiced on humans and unborn fetuses... it is no longer a question of whether they are weird or not, whether they are strange or not.

There are always some people in the evil ways who say that there is no good or evil in martial arts, it all depends on the person who uses it.

What nonsense is this? Right is right and evil is evil.

Ordinary thermal weapons, like genetic weapons and biochemical weapons, kill people, but the latter have no bottom line and no morality.

This is what the Blood River Sect's evil arts are like.

"Okay! You've said everything you need to say, now it's time for me to send you on your way! ... Road to Huangquan!"

Monsters like San Ahu and the Blood River Sect should go to the eighteenth level of hell and enjoy themselves.

San Ahu's figure swayed, leaped three feet away, and then roared towards the master of the cave, "You promised me, and I said, you won't kill me! You swore to Grandpa Azu


The head of the cave looked at San Ahu and felt that he was quite innocent.

"I swore! But it's not me who wants to kill you now!" The leader of the cave felt baffled. Although he was very angry, he strictly abided by the oath he made to Grandpa Zhuge and had no intention of killing Ah Hu.

"You just promised me! You and your people won't hurt my life either!" San Ahu looked at Yang Qingyuan with extreme vigilance in his eyes.

Yang Qingyuan glanced around innocently and spread his hands, "Did I say that?!"

Liu Wangshu gently played with the Tai'a sword in his palm and shook his head lightly.

Zhuang Xiaomeng was even more direct, "You didn't!"

On the contrary, Tie Youxia didn't react. In his impression, Yang Qingyuan seemed to have indeed made a promise to the Wuhou Feather Fan just now!

"You obviously promised!" San Ahu was anxious. If Yang Qingyuan was going to break his promise and get fat, then there would be absolutely no way for him to survive today.

If Yang Qingyuan hadn't changed to a master today, he would still have tried to find a way out with his own Qinggong.

But Yang Qingyuan's Qinggong, which he had just witnessed, was hard to match.

"You swore to Grandpa Zu, how could you break the promise!?"

Yang Qingyuan couldn't help but laugh, "I'm not from your southern Xinjiang, and Prime Minister Zhuge is not my ancestor. Although I respect the Prime Minister as a person, I don't believe in you like you. The Sanqing Tianzun we believe in as Taoists is...


"..." The chief of the cave on the side just nodded secretly. What Yang Qingyuan said makes sense. He is not from southern Xinjiang.·

"You!?" San Ahu was so angry that it was difficult to speak complete words. Yang Qingyuan, this thief, bullied others too much!

"Evil thief! Come here and die!" The sword energy at Yang Qingyuan's fingertips was like thunder in the clouds, hesitating in the dim light.

San Ahu had already observed his surroundings before taking action. Liu Wangshu and Zhuang Xiaomeng were already in a pincer attack, one behind the other.

Fortunately, the people in Twelve Cave had no intention of taking action, otherwise he would have been completely lifeless today, which is a great blessing among misfortunes.

But the problem now is misfortune, he is too unlucky!

The siege of Yang Qingyuan, Zhuang Xiaomeng, and Liu Wangshu can no longer be said to be a narrow escape, but ninety-nine deaths... a lifetime.

San Ahu, his pupils gradually turned red, "My surname is Yang, I can use the method of blood river to walk out of the path of law, heaven, elephant and earth, and I can fight my way out today!"

Before he finished speaking, San Ahu rushed towards Yang Qingyuan. A faint blood red appeared on the palm of his right hand, which contained the indestructible blood river evil energy.

"Hey, I even taught you the Blood River Divine Palm! It seems like the Blood River Sect Master treats you well?!"

The sword energy at Yang Qingyuan's fingertips completely turned into the power of thunder.

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Temple turns into thunder!

Taoist secret art, Five Thunder Zhengtian Jue!

Yang Qingyuan's whole body seemed to be vibrating with the sound of thunder. He did not dodge or avoid it, but just faced it with a palm.

The most evil Blood River Divine Palm meets the pure and most righteous power of Heavenly Thunder!

With just a slight touch between the two, violent fluctuations of vitality broke out. With Yang Qingyuan and San Ahu as the center, powerful shocks swept away the surroundings.

Where the two people landed, within a radius of one foot, the bluestone slab on the ground sank by more than two feet, as if someone had cut a piece out of thin air.

However, Yang Qingyuan didn't give San Ahu any chance to breathe. This full palm fight made San Ahu's blood boil, but he couldn't calm down, and Yang Qingyuan's quick attacks followed one after another.

Yang Qingyuan used the Dragon Subduing Palm technique in combination with the Five Thunder Zhengtian Technique. His movements were like the roar of a thunder dragon, and the lightning of the angry dragon all over his body flickered uncertainly, just like the thunder of the Nine Heavens that transformed the Heavenly Lord into the mortal world.

What is even more shocking is that two Yang Qingyuan have appeared in the eyes of everyone. It is impossible to distinguish with the naked eye which one is the real body and which one is the phantom?!

Of course, this is not a clone technique. Experts in the field of heaven and earth can still judge which Yang Qingyuan's true body is based on the flow of heaven and earth energy.

But San Ahu, who was at the center of Yang Qingyuan's offensive, couldn't do it!

Whether it was the roar of the dragon from the Dragon Subduing Palm or the suppression of his five senses by the flashing lightning, it was difficult for him to identify Yang Qingyuan's true identity.

San Ahu was already in a quandary to deal with one Yang Qingyuan, let alone two.

San Ahu only thinks that the two Yang Qingyuan are real. It is rumored that there is a unique martial arts in the Central Plains called clone transformation. Only those who have reached the peak of martial arts and have a special temperament can practice it.

This no longer sounds like human martial arts, but more like heavenly magic.

As time went by, San Ahu only felt that the thunder was getting stronger, the thunder was bursting, and the shadow of the light dragon was everywhere. It was obviously a one-on-one battle between the two sides, but San Ahu felt like he was being besieged.

This is the martial arts that Yang Qingyuan created by combining his peerless light skills, Five Thunder Zhengtian Jue, Dragon Subduing Palm Power, Wind and Thunder Yiqi Palm!

If it is perfected, it will be able to transform the three pure states with one breath!

This chapter has been completed!
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