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Chapter 132: Famous Swords in the World (2)

A famous sword poem, half a volume of Jianghu song.

Yang Guo and the others tasted it over and over again, and felt that one sword poem was already half the world.

"Sir, who are you talking about!?"

The four of them slowed down their horses and walked slowly on the snowy field.

Yang Qingyuan slowly explained the characters in this sword poem to everyone.

Bashan Night Rain and Clear Wind Chasing refers to the two major sword sects of Bashan and Huashan. Bashan Sword School’s 7749 Hands Hui Feng Wu Liu Sword and Huashan Sword School’s Thirteen Qingfeng Swords are the top swordsmanship in the world.

On the sword list of Tianji Pavilion, Gu Daoren of Bashan Sword Sect and Feng Qingyang of Huashan Sword Sect are represented as representatives of the two sects.

Wanmei Chuixue and Bai Yunfei refer to two people. Ximen Chuixue, the master of Wanmei Mountain, and Ye Gucheng, the master of Baiyun City. These two are the peerless swordsmen of the younger generation. Although their martial arts have not yet entered the realm of cave mysticism, their swordsmanship is enough to rival them.

The best master in the world. Ximen Chuixue, the sword comes out to blow snow, the sword comes out to blow blood, extremely streamlined killing moves; Ye Gucheng, a sword coming from the west, flying from the sky, the sword moves are extremely gorgeous.

It is only a matter of time before these two people enter the cave.

When Yang Guo heard about the younger generation of swordsmen, he rolled his eyes and asked, "Sir, who is more powerful between them and you?"

Yang Qingyuan smiled and shook his head, "When it comes to swordsmanship, I can't compare to these two."

Ye Xi and Ye Xi have already developed their own swordsmanship. Although Yang Qingyuan also has extraordinary swordsmanship, in terms of swordsmanship alone, he is still not as good as the two of them.

Yang Guo was also very shrewd and he understood the meaning of Yang Qingyuan's words and smiled.

Guigu Sword Qi Zonghengdao is a sword sect passed down from the ancient Zongheng lineage. Each generation has two disciples, one vertical and one horizontal, each mastering a unique set of swordsmanship.

To attack a skill horizontally with a horizontal sword in order to gain advantage is called 捭; to attack a position vertically with a vertical sword in order to achieve reality is called closing. Those who attack with a horizontal sword are the way of heaven and earth.

Whenever disciples of the Zongheng Sword Sect appear in the world, the two of them must be top masters. Although the contemporary Zongheng has never been born, Tianji Pavilion still ranks them among the famous swords.

The Poison Dragon Sword Covers the Rain and Thunder. Jin Shiyi, the Poison Dragon Sword Master, is known as the Poison Hand Crazy Beggar. He is both good and evil. This person uses the authentic internal skills of the Tianshan Sect as the cornerstone, and the martial arts secrets of the great demon Qiao Beiming a hundred years ago as the backbone, and also adds other good and evil spirits.

The martial arts of each sect are like roof tiles, integrating good and evil internal skills into one body, forming a sect of its own. Wherever it passes, the evil will lurk, and wherever the sword points, it will be invincible.

The word "Fu Yu" in it refers to one of the founders of the Nu Jiao Gang, the "Fu Yu Sword". This man used heaven and earth as his teacher, and created his own unique skill by observing the water of Dongting Lake. He once defeated the enemy with his own strength.

After three sieges by Taizu's army, he managed to keep the Wrathful Dragon Gang intact, and his swordsmanship and martial arts were among the best in the world.

The bright moon in Kunlun and the snow in Wushan refer to the two secluded sects of Kunlun and Wushan, which rarely travel in the Central Plains.

The Three Sages of Kunlun, He Zudao, once nearly overturned the Shaolin Mountain Gate with one sword and one man.

The Wushan goddess Mu Chengxue once discussed swordsmanship with Zhang Sanfeng in Shu.

The following "Canglang Fishing and Returning in the East China Sea" refers to two extremely dashing characters.

One is Shen Lang, the son of Shen Tianjun, the head of the Shen family of a martial arts family, and the other is Li Taibai, a fisherman from the East China Sea.

Coupled with the successor of Gongsun Jianwu, who was famous for his sword dance, these thirteen people represent the highest level of martial arts swordsmanship.

Yang Guo asked curiously: "Who is the opponent in the last sentence about Jian Hongchen? Who is it talking about?"

"Count yourself how many people I just mentioned?"

Yang Guo recalled that there were indeed thirteen people, "Then why is there another sentence at the end?"

Yang Qingyuan shook his head. Although Yang Guo was talented, he was still young.

Tianji Pavilion Tianjizi has always been arty. Since it is written in the structure of seven rhymes, how could it be possible to stop writing after only seven sentences? One sentence must be added to ensure the completeness of the poem.

"Are these thirteen people the most powerful swordsmen in the world?"

"Appearing in the sword poems of Tianji Tower does not mean that their swordsmanship is really unparalleled in the world. My senior brother's sword-wielding Taoist Amu, the senior Bei Mingzi of Tianren Sect, the Shepherd Sword Immortal of the ancient South Vietnam country, They are not inferior to the thirteen people on the list, or even better. These thirteen swords are just the result of Tianji Tower’s comprehensive consideration.”

Yang Qingyuan concluded with one sentence.

Shen Bao and Xiao Tao were okay, but little Yang Guo on the side was fascinated. After hesitating for a while, Yang Guo said.

"Sir, can you teach me martial arts?"

After hearing Yang Guo's words, Yang Qingyuan's expression did not change, but he smiled secretly in his heart, and the fish took the bait.

"Why do you want to learn martial arts?"

"In order to be a great hero, be able to defeat the strong and help the weak! Act chivalrously and do justice!"

Yang Guo rolled his eyes and said righteously.

"Walking chivalry and doing justice?! What kind of chivalry is being done? Whose righteousness is it fighting for? There is nothing wrong with helping the weak, but why should the strong be hoeed?"

Yang Guo was confused by Yang Qingyuan's question.

Isn’t that what is written in all Jianghu dialect books?! Since then, it is no longer the standard answer to fight against the strong and support the weak, and to act chivalrously and righteously.

Is this also wrong?

Yang Qingyuan has always had reservations about chivalry and righteousness in the arena. There is an essential difference between the so-called chivalry and righteousness and being brave in the face of justice.

Acting bravely is only an act of self-defense or emergency avoidance in an emergency.

In fact, this kind of behavior has nothing to do with right or wrong. It is just a response to an emergency. However, it is different to act chivalrously and help the weak.

From the perspective of a third person, what qualifications do you have to judge good and evil, right and wrong, right and wrong.

"This question is very simple, but also very complicated. You can think about it slowly and tell me the answer when you have the result."

Yang Guo scratched his head, "What do you mean, sir!?"

Yang Qingyuan smiled, "Silly boy, do you still call me sir?!"

Yang Guo's eyes suddenly lit up, he turned over and jumped off the horse, and then knelt in front of the horse, holding a water bag in both hands, "Master, please bow to me!"

Yang Qingyuan reined in the horse, then used his true energy to take the water bag in Yang Guo's hand, "There is no tea today, so I will use water instead of tea. After drinking this water, you will be my disciple!"

After saying that, Yang Qingyuan took a gulp of water, and then used his true energy to help Yang Guo, who was kneeling in the snow.

"Get on the horse first! Let's talk on the roadside while driving."

When Yang Guo heard this, he immediately mounted another horse.

"You must know that my master was born in Wudang and is the junior disciple of Zhenwu Dao Master Sanfeng Zhenren. From today on, you are my second generation Wudang disciple!"

"Wudang?!" Yang Guo exclaimed, even a young man like Yang Guo knew the name Wudang.

He is the leader in the world of righteous martial arts and the largest sect of righteousness in the world.

Yang Guo didn't expect that his master had such a background.

"You are a lay disciple, and I will not give you a Taoist name for the time being. Your surname is Yang Guo, and the first name will be changed to it! Your name was given by a real hero, and you will not change it as a teacher. Today, I am a teacher. Let me give you another nickname!"

Yang Guo looked at Yang Qingyuan expectantly, he was dissatisfied with his original name.

"Let's call it Mao Gong!"

This chapter has been completed!
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