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Chapter 447 The Battle of Sword Qi (Part 1)

Yang Qingyuan walked to the stone statue of He Yuanxi and bowed.

"It was not my intention to disturb my seniors, so please forgive me!"

Then Yang Qingyuan came to the stone wall behind and knocked lightly. Although the sound was not abnormal, Yang Qingyuan's spiritual sense already realized that the back was empty!


A dragon roar sounded in the cave.

The shock of stealing from Hong Qigong was unleashed by Baili, and he hit the stone wall with his palm.

Although Yang Qingyuan's palm skills are not as good as his sword skills, there is still no problem when he starts to crack mountains and rocks!

The Dragon Subduing Palm struck the stone wall with force, and the stone wall shattered, revealing a hole in the smoke.

In order for Linghu to break through the stone wall, he needed to repeatedly hit it with rocks, but Yang Qingyuan had already created a wide passage with one palm.


Yue Buqun felt that he had been shocked as many times in the past few days as he had been in the past year.

I never expected that there was a cave in the Hezu Cave that I had just thought about.

"How did Scholar Yang know that there was such a cave here?"

Of course Yang Qingyuan cannot say that he has read the original work!

"The Thirteen Swords of Qingfeng are the top swordsmanship in the world. Its understanding of wind is beyond the imagination of Master Yue! Coupled with the method of Kanyu and Qi of our Taoist lineage, we naturally know that there is a secret here!"

Taoist priest Yang Qingyuan is online again!

In fact, even if Yang Qingyuan didn't know the cave here, he could still find it by relying on his keen sense of wind.

“Let’s go in and have a look!”

Yang Qingyuan popped out a ray of true energy and lit a handful of torches. He could see in the dark, but Lin Xuemin and Zhou Zhiruo could not.

As soon as Zhou Zhiruo stepped into the cave, she stepped on something foreign. Then she took a closer look! There was a skeleton lying under her feet. This scene was really horrifying.

Although Zhou Zhiruo is a little cautious, she is just a little girl after all. She will naturally be shocked when she sees such bones!

"Brother Qingyuan, could this place be someone else's cemetery?! But this skeleton is lying down like this? Look at it, it doesn't look like it was buried by someone!"

Yang Qingyuan did not answer directly, but said vaguely: "I don't know either! You'll know when you go in and take a look!"

As he spoke, Yang Qingyuan handed the torch to Zhou Zhiruo and leaned down. The clothes on the skeleton were already rotten, but the two axes that fell beside him shone brightly under the light of the torch.

Yang Qingyuan picked up an axe, held it heavy in his hand, and weighed it. It weighed about eighty kilograms. Looking at the cave, there were also cuts made by sharp axes, and the whole cave was filled with traces of axe cuts.

"He was supposed to be imprisoned in the heart of the mountain, so he chopped the mountain with a sharp ax in an attempt to break out of the mountain. However, he fell short and died of exhaustion just a few inches away from the cave. It must be bad luck!"

Yang Qingyuan led everyone towards it. Being able to open such a passage with his two axes, regardless of martial arts, his perseverance alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Moreover, Yang Qingyuan had just tried it, and the stone on the mountain wall was by no means ordinary. It was extremely hard. With his cultivation in the Cave Mystic Realm and the power of the Dragon Subduing Palm, he was able to shake open the mountain wall. If it had been an ordinary rock, it would have turned into stone long ago.

So obsessed with fans!

After walking a few feet and turning to the left along the corridor, a huge stone cave appeared in front of us, which could accommodate a thousand people. There were seven more skeletons in the cave, sitting or lying, with soldiers beside them.

Blades. A pair of iron tablets, a pair of judge pens, an iron rod, a copper rod, one seems to be a lightning blocker, the other is a three-pointed two-edged sword full of wolf teeth, and there is also a weapon

It looks like a knife but not a sword, and looks like a sword but not a sword. Based on Yang Qingyuan's extensive knowledge, this seems to be the weapon used by people in the Ming Cult before.

Looking at these scenes, Yue Buqun seemed to have thought of something, but did not speak.

Some long swords also fell next to these weapons! Yang Qingyuan picked up one of them and saw that this sword was shorter than ordinary swords, but the blade was twice as wide, making it feel a little heavy to hold.

"Xueshi Yang, this is the sword of the Taishan Sect!" Yue Buqun explained while looking at the sword in Yang Qingyuan's hand.

Yang Qingyuan nodded in agreement. He had read almost all the books in Zhi Gexie of the Hanlin Academy, so he must have this knowledge.

Light and soft, they are the weapons of the Hengshan Sect; some have curved blades and are one of the three types of long swords used by the Hengshan Sect; some have no sharp edges, but have extremely sharp tips, and are the weapons of the Songshan Sect.

; Slender and light, this is the standard long sword of the Huashan Sect.

Different sword shapes correspond to the different styles of swordsmanship in the Five Mountains.

"But a sword is a sword. There is no difference between a copper sword and an iron sword. Creating different forms of swords based on the characteristics of swordsmanship can improve combat effectiveness in the short term, but in the end it still falls behind!"

The other four people present were all majoring in swordsmanship. Yang Qingyuan's words were really shocking, especially to Yue Buqun and his wife, they were thunderous.

The five people continued to walk, and saw a large rock protruding from the mountain wall on the right a few feet above the ground, which seemed to be a platform. Under the large rock, there were sixteen characters carved on the wall: "Five Sacred Sword Sect, shameless and obscene, incompetent in combat, plotting to harm others."


At this point Yue Buqun can be completely confirmed!

This was the place where the masters of the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the ten elders of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect had their final battle.

Next to the sixteen large characters, countless small characters were engraved, all of which were curse words such as "despicable scoundrel", "extremely shameful", "imbecile", "cowardly", etc. The walls were filled with curse words.

Yue Buqun hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Scholar Yang, this place should be the place where my senior of the Five Mountains Sword Sect had a decisive battle with the ten elders of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect."

There was no trace of surprise on Yang Qingyuan's face.

"I guessed this just now. This matter is recorded in the court files!"

Yang Qingyuan said this with the intention of beating him up. As expected, Yue Buqun felt happy when he heard this. Fortunately, he told the truth, otherwise Yang Qingyuan might have deducted points!

"At that time, the Ming Sect split, and some of them established the current Sun and Moon Sect! At that time, the imperial court was quite wary of them. After all, they were the remnants of the Ming Sect. It was not until the merger of the Sun and Moon Sect and your Five Sacred Sword Sect that the imperial court gradually let go of them.

Be wary of the Sun and Moon God Sect.”

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Although Yue Buqun is deeply scheming, but in the world, his level of thinking about things is ultimately lacking.

"Why is this?!"

"The imperial court is afraid that the Sun Moon God Sect's ambitions are not in the world, but this battle shows that the Sun Moon God Sect's ambitions are only in the world!"

Yang Qingyuan even felt that this was done deliberately by the first generation leader of the Sun Moon God Sect.

While annihilating the Wuyue Sword Sect, he also expressed his attitude to the court!

The imperial court was afraid of Mingjiao people with political backgrounds, but the imperial court was still very tolerant of ordinary Jianghu sects!

Since the Sun-Moon God Sect is committed to the Jianghu, the imperial court will not attack it too deliberately, and will turn its attention to the Tongzhou Association, which poses a greater threat.

Yue Buqun was also a smart man and immediately understood the meaning of Yang Qingyuan's words.

Lao Yue suddenly felt that his ambition was so small! A leader of the Five Sacred Mountains would be enough!

Zhou Zhiruo on the side raised the torch and looked at the stone wall, and saw a line of words engraved on it: "This is the sword technique of Fan Song and Zhao He breaking Hengshan." Next to this line were countless human figures, one for each group of two human figures.

One wields a sword and the other wields an ax. A rough estimate suggests that there are at least five or six hundred humanoids. It is obvious that the axe-wielding humanoid is trying to decipher the sword-wielding humanoid's swordsmanship.

Next to these human figures, a line of writing suddenly appeared: "Zhang Chengyun and Zhang Chengfeng have mastered Huashan's sword skills."

Although Yue Buqun said nothing, Ning Zhongze couldn't bear such arrogance.

"The rats of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect are really bold and arrogant. Although the swordsmanship of our Huashan Sect is not unique in the world, it is still subtle and mysterious. How dare these two thieves say it is 'completely broken'? Really the ignorant are fearless!


When Ning Zhong took a closer look, he saw that although the graphics on the stone wall were simple, they did have their own unique features.

Facing the "Feng Lai Yi" move in Huashan swordsmanship, the patterns on the stone wall are clumsy but contain an endless and endless meaning.

Although the move "You Feng Lai Yi" has five back moves and the changes are complicated, the man's stick seems to contain six or seven back moves, and it actually includes all the subsequent changes of "You Feng Lai Yi"


Let’s look at the next move, “Green Pine to Welcome Guests”, which was also broken by the master of the stick technique by attacking the lower plate.

The person who created the image is very familiar with the essentials of this move. When he saw the five sticks coming in human form, they were extremely sharp. Although they were just five short lines on the stone wall, each line seemed to hit hard.

On Ning Zhongze's leg bones, the stick techniques on the mural are extremely versatile, and they were created to break the Huashan sword technique!

Countless Huashan sword techniques were broken, which made Ning Zhongze feel slightly moved!

Is Huashan's swordsmanship so vulnerable?!

Yue Buqun didn't notice the beads of sweat on his wife's forehead at this moment. He knew that when she saw Huashan's swordsmanship being broken like a demonic barrier, she let out a loud shout filled with true energy.

"Junior sister, wake up!"

Ning Zhong, who was originally trapped in the Huashan swordsmanship, only woke up from a dream when he heard her husband's voice!

"Senior brother, what is this?!"

Yue Buqun knew what Ning Zhongze wanted to say, so he patted her shoulder and interrupted her.

"Junior Sister Demon Barrier! Please note that I, Huashan, am an airbender!"

Yue Buqun said to the cracking method on the stone wall, "There are various patterns carved on the stone wall, indicating that all the unique moves of the Five Mountains Sword Techniques can be broken. However, the Five Mountains Sword Sect has enjoyed a great reputation to this day and has always existed in the martial arts world.

Isn’t it true that the swordsmanship is only superficial? Swordsmanship naturally has its own inner strength and mental skills to match it. If the sword moves are accompanied by strong inner strength, how can the sword moves be so easy to break!?"

Ning Zhongze, who was originally a demon, was also awakened by the words, "Yes! Yes! The reason why the founder of our sect laid the foundation for the authentic martial arts of our sect for thousands of years is to use Qi as the body and the sword as the function; Qi is the

Master, the sword is the slave; Qi is the link, and the sword is the eye. If you fail to practice Qi, no matter how strong your swordsmanship is, it will be useless."

Zhou Zhiruo and Lin Xuemin on the side also nodded. The views of the founder of the Huashan School are indeed true!

I have to say that Lao Yue still has some experience in refining qi! In the original work, he once broke Lu Dayou's long sword with a flick of his sleeve, and Yang Guo was fed the Bodhisattva Snake by Brother Diao in the sword tomb.

She Gu, who had mastered the art of epee, was able to do this when facing Guo Fu.

While Yue Buqun and his wife were talking, Yang Qingyuan showed a smile on his face, here he comes!

Then someone came from behind without warning.

"A fool's opinion!"

Everyone turned around and looked through the firelight, only to see an old man with a white beard and a green robe, a depressed expression and a face like gold paper, standing behind everyone.

"You can't master swordsmanship yourself, so you come up with some crooked theory based on qi! You know, the moves are dead, but the person who uses them is alive. No matter how wonderful the dead moves are, you will never be able to defeat them.

If you know how to survive, you will inevitably tie your hands and feet, and you will have to be slaughtered."

"Who are you?!"

Yue Buqun had already guessed the identity of the visitor. The only old men in Huashan who could make him blind were Mu Renqing and Feng Qingyang. He knew Mu Renqing, but his memory was blurred only about Feng Qingyang's appearance.

Since it’s not Mu Renqing, who else can it be if it’s not Feng Qingyang!?

But even if he knew it, Lao Yue couldn't point it out. Once it was revealed, even if Jianqi separated, Feng Qingyang was still a member of his uncle's generation, so he would inevitably be tied up!

Feng Qingyang did not directly answer Yue Buqun's question, but continued,

"There are countless idiots in the Wuyue Sword Sect. They think that if they master the sword moves passed down by their masters, they will automatically become masters. Hehe, he has read three hundred Tang poems by heart, and he can recite them even if he can't compose them! He has read them well.

It's okay to write a few limericks about poetry, but if you can't come up with your own ideas, can you become a great poet? What's the use of just practicing swordsmanship?! You are rigid and don't know how to adapt. The way of swordsmanship is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and you can do whatever you want.

.If you can’t practice kendo well, it’s your fault that you’re not good at kendo!?”

If you have trouble going to the toilet, can you blame the ground under your feet?!

It’s not surprising that Feng Qingyang has such an attitude. The battle between Huashan Sword Qi is the inextricable knot between Yue Buqun and Feng Qingyang!

During the internal fighting in Jian Qi, Feng Qingyang was deceived by the Qi Sect to go away to a foreign country to get married. After arriving, he found out that she was just a brothel girl pretending to be a brothel girl. As a result, Feng Qingyang missed the duel between the two Jian Qi sects, causing Jian Qi to lose his temper.

Zong was defeated.

When he returned to the Huashan sect, he saw that the situation was over. Feng Qingyang felt deeply guilty, but the overall situation was decided, and he was unwilling to go on a killing spree, which made the Huashan sect unheard of in the world.

From now on, I will no longer get involved in the disputes between rivers and lakes.

Seeing Yue Buqun belittle Jianzong like this today, Feng Qingyang couldn't bear it!

"Yue Buqun, since you said you are a master of airbending, why don't we have a fight to see who is the master of airbending, or my swordsmanship!"

Yue Buqun suddenly felt that this senior of the Huashan Sword Sect was a bit shameless. You, a peerless swordsman in the Dongxuan realm and one of the thirteen most famous swords in the world, want to fight with me, a Yuanhua realm!?

Doesn’t this bully honest people?!

Feng Qingyang knew what Yue Buqun was thinking, "I don't put pressure on my realm, I only use swordsmanship. If I use the slightest bit of true energy, I lose!"


Yue Buqun carefully thought about the conditions proposed by Feng Qingyang. Now he has received the Thirteen Qingfeng Swords given by Yang Qingyuan. Although he has not mastered it, it is of great benefit to his original swordsmanship.

Moreover, he has also achieved some success in the Zixia Magic Skill. Even if Feng Qingyang’s sword skills are superb, what’s the use if he can’t use his internal energy?!

In such a comparison, I have the advantage!

"Then let me teach you your clever tricks!"

Yue Buqun said, "You can't use it here! Let's go and compete outside the cave!"

Feng Qingyang snorted coldly, and left the cave as his body changed.

This chapter has been completed!
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