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Chapter five hundred and eighty third

The night sky before dawn presents this kind of satin blue that is difficult to express in words, which is dazzling and charming, and brings a rare tranquility to the body and mind.

But everyone knows what is behind this tranquility!

When the first ray of morning light broke through the night, the horns of the Mohe army began to sound and the war drums began to vibrate.


"Dong dong!..."

The sound of the horn echoed throughout the land of Sanjin.

The beat of drums beat in the hearts of the Jinyang defenders.

The earth began to tremble slightly, and the Mohe army began to gather in formation!

Nearly 80% of Mohe's army was assembled at the east main gate. Beside the city wall, Wang Zhaoxing, who had not slept all night, gently wiped the tip of his iron spear. This cold iron spear had been with him for many years, from the time of the Dragon Cavalry Forbidden Army.

From the beginning, it accompanied him from birth to death, but after days of bloody battles, this iron gun was already scarred!

Wang Zhenwei walked to Wang Zhaoxing's side and said, "Dad, the Mohe people are about to attack the city!"

Father and son are the first team today!

Wang Zhenwei clenched the cold iron spear in his hand. It was the first day of the day and he was already blocking the gap in the city wall.

Xiang Shoucheng, Yang Dayong...all the Zhou army generals woke up under the early morning sun.

A new day has come again!

But this may also be the last day of their lives.

After several days of bloody battles, all the elite soldiers in Jinyang City had been killed or injured, and the remaining people could not stop the attack of Mohe's elite soldiers at all.

Yu Yanyi woke up from his desk. A cup of warm water was already prepared beside his desk. The scent remaining in the room made Yu Yanyi know who had done it.

After walking out of the room, the sun shone down, accompanied by the sound of the horns and war drums of the Mohe army.

Yu Yanyi, Zhao Tianlin and other troops walked to the edge of the city wall together. All they could see was an overwhelming mass of Mohe soldiers and horses gathering. The blue, white, red, and yellow military uniforms announced the identity of this Mohe army's vanguard.

That was the Eight Banners Army under Prince Nurhaqing of Moheqing.

Although the Mohe army also injured 90,000 people, most of them were soldiers and horses of the small Mohe tribe and soldiers and horses of Nurhaq's political enemies.

The truly direct Eight Banners Army officially joined the battle yesterday!

Although the Eight Banners Army is not as "completely invincible" as the Mohe people boasted!

But it is indeed an elite division with extraordinary combat power, which cannot be resisted by the second-line reserves in the city.

"Everyone, today you will die for the country with me, an old man!" Zhao Tianlin has no fear of death at all. He is already over eighty years old and has no regard for life or death.

Tao Jin, the strong general of the Longwu Army on the side, smiled freely.

"Old General Zhao, the general is a rough man, but he remembers a poem by Marquis Yang that appeals to the general's taste. He only understands that if you die for your country on the battlefield, there is no need to return your body wrapped in horse leather."

"General Tao is right. We are all licking blood with our swords. We have long thought of this day!"

If the earthen jar is not broken outside the well, the general will inevitably die in battle.

Those who can stand here today are not people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!

"Hahaha, okay, then I, an old man like me, will wield the sword again!"

The youngest general on the side, Xiang Shoucheng, was also bold and unruly. A long and narrow scar on his face that had just healed made him look like he had gone through many years of life.

The original playboy completed his transformation during the Jinyang defense battle.

The moment his father died in battle, he was no longer the second generation who could be protected by his father's shadow.

During these days of bloody battles, Xiang Shoucheng not only made great progress in his martial arts, but also achieved brilliant results. No fewer than a hundred enemies were killed by the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in his hand, including three centurions and a thousand captains.

He took the lead five times and repelled the Mohe soldiers who attacked the city wall. Due to his meritorious service, he was promoted to General Zhonglang of the Jinyang garrison.

"Generals! Don't rush to talk about your ambition to die for your country! Generals, haven't you read the Jianghu storybook?! When our bloody battle with the Mohe people was about to reach its limit, the war drums of the Tiance Army sounded and the battle flags fluttered! Yang

Hou's army arrived in time, attacked us from both sides, and annihilated the enemy! This is what it says in the script!"

Although he said this, Xiang Shoucheng also knew that this was impossible, and there was a hint of ridicule in his words.

The generals also burst into laughter when they heard this!

Even Yu Yanyi, who had always had a calm face, also showed a smile.


While everyone at Dongzhengmen was chatting and laughing, a soldier from Dongzhaomen felt his eyes blurred, and then wiped his eyes in disbelief.

At this moment, Dongzhaomen only had less than 5,000 Mohe soldiers and horses to contain them. The same was true for the other seven gates. The main force all gathered at Dongzhengmen for the decisive battle.

But this soldier saw that at the far end of the horizon, there seemed to be a black tide coming, approaching continuously.

Except for the Eight Banners Army, the Mohe soldiers all wore khaki military uniforms. These were obviously not soldiers and horses of the Mohe Army.

The soldier lowered his head and looked at the armor on his body, which was also black.

In the great Zhou Dynasty, water virtues were respected, and the robes and armor were black!

The hand of this Jingzhou Preparatory Army soldier holding the spear trembled slightly, and he wanted to shout, "Reinforcements are coming!"

However, his throat lost his voice due to excessive excitement at this time.

This scene took place on the city wall of Dongzhaomen. All the soldiers were looking at the black tide in the distance!

In addition to being unbelievable, it is still unbelievable.

The war started yesterday, and everyone knew that Jinyang City could no longer hold on.

The fire of hope in my heart has also been extinguished.

But the scene before them once again ignited the fighting spirit in their hearts.

Not knowing where it was or who it was, I finally let out the hopeful feeling in my heart and shouted, "Marquis Yang is here!!"

"Marquis Yang has arrived!!"

"Reinforcements are arriving!!"

Everyone in Dongzhaomen was shouting and roaring!

Gradually, the sound moved from Dongzhaomen, towards Dongzhengmen, and then towards the other six gates of Jinyang.

"Marquis Yang is here, reinforcements are arriving!"

Now that I heard that Marquis Yang came to support me, my entire army was in tears!

On the city wall of the east main gate, the generals looked at the retreat of the Mohe army and cheered.

The news is being passed on, and throughout Jinyang City, both soldiers and civilians are shouting and cheering, venting their joy of surviving a desperate situation! No one will choose to die if they can live!

The wind and dust are blowing from all sides, and the army is calling for three Jin Dynasties to move!

On the city tower, all the generals could see that among the black waves coming from the sky, a Chinese military flag with the character "Yang" in it was dancing in the wind.

Veteran Zhao Tianlin's right fist also hit the masonry of the city wall heavily.

Yu Yanyi's face was as smooth as a lake, serious in speech and expression, and there was also an excited smile on his face.

Yang Qingyuan is here!

Yu Yanyi took the telescope made by the general from one of his subordinates.

Before the black wave in the sky, there was an elegant and handsome young man, dressed in black and with a jade pendant hanging from his waist. When everyone saw this person for the first time, they would definitely think that he was a handsome young man with outstanding literary talent.

He should appear on the battlefield, so that the bright spear in his left hand, as bright as blood jade, seemed so inconsistent.

The young master raised his spear. The black-armored cavalry immediately stopped their galloping momentum and ordered and prohibited them. They were so strict!

In the twenty-third year of Yong'an, the dark night of August 13th has passed. Today is August 14th, and tomorrow will be August 15th, the festival of Mid-Autumn Festival reunion.

The entire war situation in the Northern Territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and even the national destiny of Mohe and Houjin, will be decided here and now.

But many people didn't realize it, thinking that the Zhou army had just arrived for reinforcements, and the outcome was yet to be determined.

At least that's what Nur Haqa thinks.

His most elite Eight Banners Army is still there, and he still has 100,000 cavalry.

The morning breeze blew by, and the four-color and eight-color flags beside Nurhaqi moved and rustled in the wind.

In front of the 100,000-strong army of the Mohe Army, a middle-aged man wearing a blue satin embroidered cloud and blue dragon armor was surrounded by the nobles and generals of the Mohe tribe.

Nurha Chi, a hero and powerful official of the Later Jin Dynasty, was also the commander-in-chief of the Battle of Tumu Fort.

Although the Zhou army's reinforcements had arrived, he still did not feel that he had lost.

The sudden arrival of 30,000 Tiance Army cavalry in Jinyang was indeed beyond Nur Haqi's expectation. But this also showed that Monk Wanyan Chen had blocked the main force of Zhou Ting's reinforcements.

What can these 30,000 Tiance troops achieve?!

Even if he is attacked from both sides, he still has more than 100,000 spirits riding on him.

Looking at Yang Qingyuan with 30,000 Tiance troops roaming in front of the dragon cavalry formation, Nurha could not help but chuckle. Of course he had heard of Yang Qingyuan's reputation, but people were like this, always feeling that what they heard was false.

"It seems that Zhou Ting really has no general who can fight, and such a young boy came to help him, and he looks like a scholar dressed up!"

Nurha's words caused everyone in the formation to laugh.

Nurha's toothy face also showed a smile, and at the same time he gently moved the horse's head, and the curly green-maned horse snorted while pawing its hooves.

After a while, he will use the scimitar in his hand to chop off Yang Qingyuan's head in public, letting him know what a real cavalry is.

If the Eight Banners are less than ten thousand, they will be invincible if they are full of ten thousand.

Now he still has more than 60,000 Eight Banners elite cavalry. Counting the rest of the troops, there are more than 100,000 cavalry. Yang Qingyuan's 30,000 cavalry can win?!


At the top of Jinyang City, Yu Yanyi and other generals were all paying attention to the movements of Yang Qingyuan and his Tiance Army.

Xiang Shoucheng, who was the least experienced, looked at the cavalry formation in the distance and couldn't help but ask.

"How many reinforcements did Marquis Yang bring?"

"Thirty thousand!"

When Yu Yanyi said this, he didn't even look back.

He was the Minister of War of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and he knew the structure of the Zhou army best. There were five banners for the commanders of the various battalions in Yang Qingyuan's army, indicating that there were five battalions of men under Yang Qingyuan's command.

The Tiance Army is fully staffed, and the Ministry of War inspects each army every year. This cavalry is under the banner of the Tiance Army's Dragon Cavalry.

The original number of Youlongqi was 7,000, and the leader was Cao Xueyang, Marquis of Pingyang.

After the Battle of the Northern Territory, Youlongqi selected the elite cavalry from Tiance's army to expand to 30,000, totaling five battalions.

This is Yu Yanyi's professional ability as Minister of the Ministry of War.

Listening to Yu Yanyi's answer, the generals on the city wall were slightly silent.

Veteran generals such as Zhao Tianlin and Tao Jin had actually roughly estimated the number of soldiers and horses under Yang Qingyuan's command, although they were not as accurate as Yu Yanyi.

When Xiang Shoucheng heard this, there was a hint of worry in his tone, "Thirty thousand people!"

Thirty thousand cavalry, this is an unsettling force for one man.

Although he had 30,000 fine cavalry, he was facing the Mohe Army's 100,000 cavalry after all!

Yang Qingyuan rode out of the central army on a yellow horse and came to the front of the army.

But he is not here to fight against generals.

After claiming to be in the late Tang Dynasty, there were almost no battles between generals.

Of course, he didn't ask Nur Haqi to come forward to answer. What qualifications does a mere barbarian vassal king have to compete with the county princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty?!

Besides, the two sides have nothing to talk about. All they need to do is capture the thief alive and hang his head in the North Tower.

Yang Qingyuan gently patted the yellow BMW that sat down!

Chenghuang immediately understood his master's intention, turned his horse's head, and faced 30,000 Tiance Army soldiers!

A sharpshooter in Mohe's army saw Yang Qingyuan with his back to them and he was still wearing armor. He immediately thought that if he could shoot him, then the Zhou army's reinforcements would naturally collapse without a fight!

As soon as he thought of this, the man immediately drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot out an arrow.

No, not one arrow, but eleven arrows. There is more than one person in the Mohe army who has such an idea.

But when these eleven arrows flew ten feet away from Yang Qingyuan, they were all cut in half by the innate invisible sword energy.

A total of twenty-two and a half, falling ten feet away from Yang Qingyuan.

Ignoring the small actions of the Mohe army, Yang Qingyuan faced these 30,000 Tiance soldiers. He wanted to mobilize before the war.

These 30,000 Tiance troops rushed all the way and defeated Monk Wanyan Chen's thirteen formations in a row, causing more than 4,000 casualties.

Nowadays, the Tiance Army Youlongqi are no longer just the Tiance Army Youlongqi. There are still 5,000 Tabai Camps who have been incorporated into the army by Yang Qingyuan.

Until now, they have not had a good rest. Every time they rest with their horses for an hour before fighting again.

Horses sleep in alternating cycles, and only one and a half to two hours a day is enough.

But people can’t!

But even so, in the eyes of the Tiance Army cavalry, Yang Qingyuan could see a tired but undying fighting spirit.

This surprised Yang Qingyuan slightly. He originally thought that these soldiers were approaching their limit, but he didn't expect that they were still in a state of excitement.

The current Tiance Army's physical strength is only half of what it was at its peak, but for Yang Qingyuan, half is enough!

The breeze blew the cloak behind Yang Qingyuan. Although his voice was against the wind, the clear voice could clearly reach the ears of every Tiance soldier.

"Houjin is a small country with small barbarian tribes in Mohe, but they dare to burn, kill, loot, massacre my cities, and kill my people in the northern border of our Celestial Empire! Today is the time for us to wash away the defeat in the northern border and rebuild the power of our Great Zhou Army!"

"No matter how much you say today, it's meaningless. We can only fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Thirty thousand Tiance troops roared in unison, shaking the sky, in response to their commander.

Yang Qingyuan's prestige among this Zhou army has reached its peak!

Although these are the soldiers and horses of the Tiance Army, there are currently 120,000 people in the Tiance Army who have witnessed the legend of Yang Qingyuan's horse trampling ten thousand troops.

Yang Qingyuan's reputation in the Tiance Army has even surpassed that of Li Chengen to some extent.

"Blood debt must be paid with blood! I am invincible!"

Yang Qingyuan raised the spear in his hand and shouted!

Thirty thousand cavalry troops responded immediately.

"eye for eye!"

"I am invincible!"

Nobles Nur Haqia and Mohe, who were still laughing just now, looked slightly embarrassed!

Unexpectedly, Yang Qingyuan ignored them and started fighting!

Who gave you the courage?! Liang Jingru?!

At the same time, in the formation of Tiance Army, drums were beating! It was as if a huge heart was beating, and this rhythm was even guiding everyone's heartbeats.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Yang Qingyuan pointed his spear straight ahead!

Daotong! Open!

God forbid! Open!


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