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Chapter 195 Road Guide

The first thing Yan Huaiwen did when he arrived at the government office was to clear a road.

"The photo shows Yan Huaian, a villager in Xiao'an, Hujuxia, a border town in this state. He is twenty-three years old, five feet six inches long, beardless, oval-shaped, slightly black, and has no scars. From Huju, a border town, we will go to the second city of Yongning and Gufeng.

Looking for relatives and friends, and bringing local products. The family has brother Yan Huaiwen, his wife Li, and three children. If there is no lead, or if there is a lead but the role is wrong, the neighbors in the store or various officials will take it to where they are.

The Yamen will escort the thieves back to their place of origin for investigation. The transfer will be returned to the Yamen on the day of return. Those who have to go to Ding Yin will have a time limit of three months. This will be approved. The county will charge the seal."

He took up a pen and wrote the date two days ago at the bottom. When he saw that it was correct, he immediately went to find the seal of the great master.

Mr. Tian is an approachable person, and his daily sitting time in the government office is very regular. If his subordinates want to see him, they only need to see him at a fixed time.

Yan Huaiwen successfully met the elder, explained his purpose, and handed over the handwritten route with both hands.

Mr. Tian only glanced at it and nodded secretly.

Yan Hushu and Liang Hushu can get started with official duties very quickly, especially Yan Hushu, who is no worse than an old official.

The citations in this section are very standard, and are the format used as a model for imperial citations. However, when it comes to the specific states, counties, and towns below, there will be some abbreviations. This is simply because the scribes below do not want to waste more words.

He didn't ask why it was the day before yesterday. The road guide was written by Yan Hushu for his brother. It was vague and not a big deal. It was just convenient.

Mr. Tian happily used the seal.

Yan Huaiwen took the road guide back, and Liang Manshan looked over curiously.

When he saw it was a road guide, he exclaimed: "I have been so busy these days that I have forgotten about this matter. But, brother Huai'an often walks out. It is really convenient to have this road guide."

Yan Huaiwen said: "God Blessed that some victims in Gufeng were infected with the disease, so Yongning strictly inspected people entering the city. Although no one in the group of people from Gufeng has been found to be sick, we still need to be careful. You and I would rather be slow."

Some of them need to be examined clearly, before it is too late before they get mixed up with patients."

He gave Liang Manshan one of the two ear-hanging cloth strips that Daya had sewed for him in a hurry that morning.

"This thing is called a mask. It covers the mouth and nose and can prevent disease gas from entering the body."

Liang Manshan tried to put it on, but felt a little uncomfortable in his mouth and nose, but since it could block the disease, it was better to put it on.

He spoke in a dull tone: "Brother Huaiwen is thoughtful."

Yan Huaiwen did not take any credit and said calmly: "It's not me, but my family Tianyou mentioned that my daughter made it crudely, just in case."

The two wore masks.

This caused the surrounding government officials to look for excuses and come over to take a look.

Liang Manshan talked better than Yan Huaiwen, and he had become acquainted with the government officials these days. When delivering meals at noon, a government servant asked, and Liang Manshan told the truth.

Several government officials studied it for a while and decided to let the family get one to wear.

Liang Hushu said it well, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected!

After the foundation of the Yan family's house was laid, the progress was very fast.

Yan Laoer discussed the bathroom issue with Master Lu again.

Master Lu didn't understand the Yan family's decision to open a latrine near the room.

He looked at him with very surprised eyes and was speechless for a long time.

It took a long time before he firmly shook his head.

After friendly negotiation between the two, they finally decided to place the toilet next to the pig pen. The two places share a ditch and are connected to a large pit at the back.

Master Lu persuaded again and again, confirmed again and again, and asked again and again.

In the end, Yan Laoer lost his temper when he asked, and told him the truth: "Brother Lu, let me be honest with you, I also have a plaster square at home, which is probably not as good as yours, but I need to find a level ground and plaster a ditch.

A cesspit or something like that should be enough.

Therefore, in this yard, there are also pig pens, latrines, and courtyard walls... I plan to plaster them all in the future."

Master Lu was stunned when he heard this.

I stuttered for a long time, "What...what...are you telling the truth?"

His first reaction was that his plaster recipe had been leaked.

But that's not right. He has ground two of them into fine powder. From the surface, you can't tell what they are.

Yan Laoer observed his words and knew that he definitely didn't believe it, so he reluctantly reported some information.

Master Lu:......

It sounds better than my recipe.

The reason why he made this judgment was because the number of samples reported by Yan Laoer was more than that of his family...

As for who is better and who is worse, this comparison has to be made in practice.

Master Lu is quite confident in his own recipe. Everyone who builds a house has a recipe and uses similar materials. His house is strong and durable. The quantity used is the key here.

The recipes passed down by the older generation were also adjusted in his hands.

Since someone had a recipe, Master Lu didn't say anything. He just left openings and made them if he could easily make them. For example, he made a slope for the pig pen, or dug a latrine and a manure pit.

Okay, let's put another layer of bricks on it.

The Qi family also has a lot of land, but the Qi brothers work very quickly. Today they dug up all the land and imitated the Yan family's example of carrying water from the river to splash it.

Just wait until the evening to sow the vegetable seeds, and the work of planting vegetables will be completed.

As soon as the three of them had some free time, the first thing they did was to go to the Yan family's land and help clear out the land behind the mountain.

The children in the village had almost picked up the stones, and the three brothers, together with the capable Mrs. Rong, gathered the weeds aside in the afternoon.

Lighting a fire to burn the grass, Yan Xiangheng took his cow and turned the ashes into the ground.

The three of them followed the ox cart to the river to transport water several times.

Before evening, the last piece of Yan's land was cleared.

Yan Yu tapped her lower back.

Really, she only has one thought now.

Get her a bed, she wants to lie down!

This field will be sown tomorrow morning.

At this point, the work in the field is over.

The rest is up to Grandma Rong.

Yan Laoer delivered the charcoal ordered by the brick factory, which cost three hundred kilograms, and received eighty-four cents worth of broken silver.

Ke Ding Ke Mao, just right.

He stopped by several other brick factories.

He got another order for two thousand red bricks and one hundred kilograms of charcoal.

This further strengthened his determination to develop customers.

He thought that as soon as the work in the field was finished, he would start running to Yongning.

Why travel to Yongning?

Hey, isn't the price in Yongning high? When the market in Yongning is saturated and it can no longer be sold, he will turn around and develop Huju. As for Gufeng, he will definitely be ranked last.

He was sick, so he didn't want to go over there and join in the fun.

When Yan Laoer returned to the village, he found that the work at home was completed one day earlier than he expected.

Yan Yu Xiaoer ran over to chat with him.

When Yan Laoer heard that it was a good friend who helped, he gritted his teeth and insisted on letting the three of them eat at home.

Yan Yu was trembling with fear beside him.

I keep calculating in my mind whether there is enough meat and vegetables at home.

Li Xuemei pulled Grandma Rong aside and told her very straightforwardly that these three were big eaters and were particularly good at eating...

Grandma Rong nodded, indicating that she understood.

Then he wrote on the ground: Queen, don’t worry, I will make arrangements.

Li Xuemei quickly wiped it off with her foot.

This chapter has been completed!
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