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Chapter 211 Busy

"Don't be fooled by me. I asked Master Lu that two of his boys can do my job. It will be done in a while without any trouble. I just need to work at night for a few times. The price has been negotiated, and the work is included."

"Hey, I've already prepared everything, but now you've got your account on it again. That's not the way it's calculated. There's no need to pay for it. I'll pay for it now."

"Auntie!" Yan Yu pulled her further away and lowered his voice: "Can you please lower your voice and listen to me? You also said that this is a small job for them. They can do it quickly. Do you believe it?"

If you don’t believe me, if you have a stove and a kang in your house, there must be a lot of people in our village who follow the trend. They don’t have to do the work, and they don’t have to move the place. They just make money. How convenient!

But your family and his family both work alone. I'm afraid we can't negotiate the salary. Why don't we put it on my family's account first and wait until the end to calculate it together? How many cents can we spare? A copper is money, you say

Is it Bu Gu?”

Mrs. Cui felt like she was floating home.

When he saw Mr. Cui, he let out an ouch.

"How do you think the Yan family's waiter has melon seeds growing on his head? Why is he so clever? No matter how good he is in accounting, our two sons are bigger, and together they can't keep up with her. I don't know who my second brother is.

The children you teach are so good!"

Cui Langzhong raised his eyelids and said, "Is that taught by Yan Er? It's obviously taught by Duke Xiucai. Have you forgotten that all his children study with Duke Xiucai?"

"I said you should not be so blind. As for the Yan family, don't just stare at Xiangjizi. Let the child change a few more copybooks and come back to recognize and practice. If the big dog and the little dog are like the second child,

If you can write and do calculations, can we get more points for your work?"

Mr. Cui tried to convince his wife that her job score was important.

Mrs. Cui said sternly: "You're right, it's a lot of points for writing. You see, the boy from Liang Tongsheng's family doesn't even have to put in any effort, just move the pen, and the points are already there."

There is no need to watch the sky, just come here at noon and before dinner, and write down the medicinal materials dug up in the mountains by each family.

It's also six points.

It's easy for people to earn this kind of money.

If only two dogs learned...

Can't get two six points!

The Boy Scouts are discussing the rabbit problem.

Yan Yu thought that the children would want to kill and share the meat, but she did not expect that these children remembered what she had said before and wanted to raise the rabbits they caught.

It doesn't seem to be a good idea to raise it in any home, and it can easily be misunderstood by adults. What if it is slaughtered and eaten as its own?

The little ones are very careful about their belongings.

They then set their sights on the land where the Yan family planted fruit trees.

"Rabbits can burrow, so they need a cage."

"We take turns bringing them the grass they eat every day."

The children worked together.

After some discussion, we found that raising rabbits is very easy. All you need is a cage and daily delivery of grass.

Yan Yu reminded: "There are also rabbit daddies."

You have to clean them up, otherwise they will stink.

"Whoever's turn it is to feed the grass will get the rabbit cake." Liang Fengnian whispered.

The children nodded.

"Yes, it belongs to whoever feeds it, no robbing is allowed!"

Yan Yu:……

Don't worry, she definitely won't steal it.

She could give up all her share of rabbit cake. Her own home-produced chicken and sheep dung would be enough.

Huh? If you put it this way, her family's ability to produce fertilizer is quite good in the village?

It was discussed that living rabbits would be easier to deal with than dead rabbits, so Yan Yu decided to organize a team building.

I took out part of the dried meat in the boy scout's inventory, added it with today's rabbit, and asked Grandma Rong to help make a big pot of stew.

It's not a lot to distribute to each child.

But this feeling of eating what you earn is really great.

The children all had a great time eating.

Drink every drop of the broth.

Just as Yan Yu expected, the two rooms of Cui Langzhong's house were together, the stove and the kang were alight, and the villagers couldn't sit still.

Many people came to inquire.

Without Yan Yu having to say anything, Mrs. Cui took over the matter and made clear arrangements for them one by one. She arranged the work in sequence, set a time for the work with Master Lu, and put all the bills at Yan's house.

Collecting herbs, preparing them...waiting for time to settle.

Everyone is busy and working step by step.

Each family's house was slowly built, and Cui Langzhong's medicine shelves were placed in the surrounding yards, and the number was increasing.

There is no idle person in the whole village.

Old people who are getting older are either making dustpans or small backpacks.

The latter was ordered by Yan Yu at the request of Li Xuemei on behalf of the Boy Scouts.

Tailor-made backpacks come in different sizes.

The larger ones are for half-year-olds like second-tier and third-tier guys, and the smaller ones are for kids as old as Yan Yu.

Make sure not to miss anyone.

It’s just that the tool I had at my disposal has never been found.

Uncle Qi was too busy. He went to the mountains during the day and burned charcoal at night. He also had to squeeze out some time to build his own house.

Yan Yu was really embarrassed to trouble him again.

I'm thinking of going to the town to explore it when I get the chance.

On this day, two people, one big and one small, suddenly walked out of the woods, leading two sheep.

"This is it, this is the village!" the child cheered happily.

She spent a lot of time trying to convince her brother-in-law.

After finally coaxing someone to come, my uncle wanted to go back several times on the way through the woods. When he got here, he finally saw someone, and his heart dropped and he became happy.

There really was a village, and that family didn't lie to her.

Aunt Rong came over to find Li Xuemei and gestured outside.

Li Xuemei put down the things in her hands and followed her out.

I saw someone coming from the big rock.

"Is it you? Are you... here to sell sheep?" Li Xuemei greeted with a smile.

My eyes fell on the two sheep, and I felt extremely satisfied.

They are all rams and can be eaten.

"Auntie, what your family said last time was to call the sheep..." The child was much cleaner this time, and his appearance was finally visible to others.

It's quite eye-catching, but a bit darker.

"Who are you? Whose family does the sheep belong to?" Li Xuemei asked.

The boy standing next to her looked young. He was fascinated by the house that was about to be completed, and his eyes were full of envy.

"Auntie, this is my uncle, and the sheep belong to his family." The child's attention became more concentrated, focusing on selling the sheep.

"Come here, do the adults at home know about it?" Li Xuemei had to ask clearly. Don't go back and buy the sheep before the adults at home come to find you.

"You know, last time my family sold sheep, my grandma's family knew about it. They also said that my aunt's family were good people and the price was good." The child said sheepishly.

I looked around and didn't see the one who settled the accounts last time. I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Last time, it was quite embarrassing...

Not this time. They came after asking for the price. They definitely couldn't ask for such an absurdly high price of six silver coins.

"As long as you know, let's take a look at the sheep first." Li Xuemei nodded towards Grandma Rong.

Aunt Rong walked over with a smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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