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Chapter 310 Uncle VS Dad

As soon as Yan Laoer finished telling the rumors he heard in Yongning City, the three brothers of the Qi family came to see him.

They had an appointment to go into the mountains, and the three Qi brothers were all looking forward to it. They finally waited for Yan Er to come back, but there was no movement. The three of them couldn't wait any longer, so they came to look for him.

Yan Laoer said hello to his brother, then left with the three brothers from the Qi family.

Of course, before leaving, I went into the house and lingered for a while.

Let the cat show him a clear path.

Yan Yu was left wanting to cry.

As if he had finally caught her, her uncle took out a new book.

I have never taught that kind of thing before. Without any warning, I started teaching immediately.

Yan Yu was shocked!

I really want to say that it is not the time for class now, but in front of her uncle, I have to say that Yan Yu is a coward just like her father.

The parents were so powerful that she didn't dare to resist.

In fact, looking at the uncle's eyes, it was really hard not to do what he wanted.

It's like I can see through your skin, flesh and bones, and there's nothing you can hide from.

After finally making it to the intermission, Yan Yu helped her uncle bring tea and water.

I also took the opportunity to rest.

"Is there anything unclear?" Yan Huaiwen asked.

Yan Yu shook his head and nodded again.

"Come one by one."

"Uncle, why should I study the Analects of Confucius?" She murmured softly: "I don't take the imperial examination either..."

Yan Huaiwen: "The words of the sage are every word, and the principles are all contained in them. You must understand them with your heart."

Yan Yu is not stupid, and her uncle's words cannot deceive her.

If she really wanted to understand the words of a sage, would it be necessary to teach her like this? After all, she has been studying for more than ten years. She can clearly distinguish whether it is for increasing her knowledge or for the imperial examination.

"Uncle, I am a woman and cannot take the imperial examination." Yan Yu did not give up fighting for herself.

How can you give up? The imperial examination is a huge pit!

The Analects of Confucius is just the beginning, there are many more great books to follow!

Yan Huaiwen took a sip of light chrysanthemum tea.

"At your age, what would you like to do if you didn't study?"

Yan Yu:……

Stock up on food and build high walls!

Stay at home with peace of mind.

Can I speak of this ideal? I’m afraid my uncle will glare at me if I speak out.

"Uncle, it's dad who should study, not me."

I'm sorry, Dad, Dabao will be filial to you in the future.

"Your father and I have our own arrangements," Yan Huaiwen said.

Seeing that the waiter looked a little angry, he thought for a while and patiently explained: "Master Tian is going to Gufeng after the festival, and I will go too, but Master Tian will not stay long and will return in a few days. By then,

Let your father and eldest brother go to Huju County to study together until February next year."

Yan Yu rolled her eyes and asked, "Uncle, have you told dad about this?"

Yan Huaiwen smiled and said: "Not yet. It's not too late to tell him later."

He obviously realized that Tianyou was seriously tired of studying, so he planned to postpone it for a few days. It would be best to inform him before he left so that he would have to go.

When I got to the county school, Mr. Tian was in charge, and even God's blessings could not change the situation.

Yan Yu wanted to laugh, but held it back.

You can't be unkind.

What a miserable dad.

No, she, a caring little cotton-padded jacket, needs to be ventilated in advance.

When Yan Laoer came back from the mountain with a full load and hunted two wild boars, he heard the bad news immediately.


He pointed to his nose: "Me? And Heng'er, we two together? Will the lord give us two places?"

What a bolt from the blue!

Yan Yu acted like a good girl thinking about you, took her father's big hand, and sighed with emotion: "Dad! It's hard for you. My uncle has made up his mind. In order to prevent you from violently resisting, he decided to tell you in a few days.

With your news, it seems that he has really made up his mind this time, and he also said that you must study at least until February next year. Think about what February next year will be, it’s a child test!"

Yan Lao Er felt like he was mourning for his heir: "Your uncle is determined to let me take the exam and go home as a boy, but how can you deal with it? Dabao, your father is half a bottle of water. Don't others know that you don't know? Hurry up and help me think of something."


"Dad! I've thought about it seriously. You can't escape." Yan Yu said seriously: "While Uncle He Tian is going to Gufeng, don't even think about following him. Just make up for your lessons as soon as possible.

I've thought about it for you. If you can't memorize it, you can just say you forgot it. If you don't write well, you can write it slowly, but if you don't know how to read it, it won't work. Let's hurry up and read through those few books first."

Yan Laoer was in a state of confusion, but he was someone who had gone through something. He asked suspiciously: "Dabao, is this all your uncle's idea? Didn't you add more firewood?"

Yan Yu said sternly: "Dad! How could I do such a thing! Think about whether I am kissing you or my uncle, of course it is you! Besides, I have no place to interfere in what the uncle decides. Mr. Tian

Two places were actually given, tell me about this, do you think God wants you to go?"

She said seriously: "I want you to take the exam and come back as a child student. You will be respected everywhere in the future, but I will definitely respect your wishes more. We talked about this last time. If you don't do it, I will

Have you never mentioned it again? Dad, how can you not believe me?"

Yan Laoer quickly coaxed his daughter: "Dad is wrong. Daddy is wrong. Isn't this a rush to mess up the formation?"

Yan Yu patted his hand and said seriously: "Dad, since you can't resist the imperial examination, then try to accept it!"

Yan Laoer ran out to find Luo San to kill the pig.

I heard that I would go to the woods to burn charcoal in the evening.

Yan Yu understood her father, but couldn't accept it for a while, and was afraid of revealing his clues in front of her uncle, so she had to hide outside for a while.

Naturally, she wanted a good and considerate girl to carry the portioned pork home with her eldest brother, and then help Grandma Rong with her eldest sister to clean the pig offal and add it to her braised soup pot.

The two pig pancreas should be made into fragrant pancakes as soon as possible while they are fresh.

Fortunately, they had done it a few times and gained experience. In the evening, there were many familiar round balls in the Yan family's yard.

Aunt Rong made dinner, and Yan Yu packed some more and went to the woods to deliver food to her father and uncle Qi's family.

"Did your uncle ask me?" Yan Laoer asked.

"Why don't you ask?" Yan Yu brought out the steamed buns and vegetables and handed him chopsticks: "But I said you received another order for charcoal today, so the uncle didn't suspect anything."

In just two hours, Yan Laoer went from high-spirited to such a sad look.

"Dabao, I've thought about it, my arms can't twist my thighs, dad... go!" Yan Laoer's tone was full of grief and anger.

"Isn't it just embarrassing? I'll just go. Anyway, dad is too thick-skinned to be afraid of this. It's your uncle's people who are being embarrassed.

After a while, everyone in the city will know that your uncle has a brother who is not familiar with anything. He has been studying for more than ten years, but he can't memorize anything. Reading the book is like reading a book from heaven. In other words, he can't understand anything.


Yan Laoer broke the jar and said, "Let people laugh at you!"

Yan Yu:……

The uncle who is determined to get his younger brother to pass the imperial examination VS the father who is about to start messing up

Which side will the balance of victory tilt to?

This chapter has been completed!
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