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Chapter 336 Confession

The government office has charcoal and silver subsidies.

Usually in winter, everyone would just light a fire pot and put it in the house to keep warm.

This is the first person like Yan Laoer who comes with a stove.

Knowing that something had happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

You must know that the Huju Government Office has been in disrepair for a long time, and if it really catches fire, the loss will be huge.

Whether there is money in the government's accounts, those who work as government officials probably know better than the elders.

But I can't stand the trouble.

Yan Laoer received one wave after another of visitors.

It's not good for people to just sit around. The stove happens to be lit, so sit on the pot and boil water to warm everyone up.

It's quite cold this morning.

Yan Laoer entered the door one step faster than Mr. Tian.

I secretly thought it was very dangerous.

Mr. Tian pointed out the seats to his uncle and nephew, came up and arranged an article, then turned and left.

Yan Laoer was dumbfounded.

You haven’t learned it yet, so why don’t you just make a fuss about it.

"Oh! Every time a new person comes, this happens." A student who has stayed at the county school for the longest time sighed.

Others take it for granted, scratch the surface, and think hard.

Yan Laoer also imitated their example and followed suit.

He learned how to burn ink from Yan Yu. He made a temporary attack and was not very skilled at it, so he was quite in a hurry.

The person next to him kindly said to him: "Don't be nervous, I just want to know how you two are progressing so that I can teach you in accordance with your aptitude.

Even if the article is not done well, it doesn’t matter. I’m just here to ask for your free time to give me some advice.”

"Absolutely, absolutely." Another person echoed: "Among the elders, the elder is the most concerned about my studies. The two new classmates should hurry up. I am afraid that before lunch break, the elder will come over and comment one by one.


Yan Laoer felt like a bolt from the blue!

Papers have to be handed in at noon? Still reading them one by one...

Seeing that no one was talking, the eldest nephew also began to concentrate on writing.

Yan Laoer gritted his teeth, feeling that he could not at least hand in a blank paper.

He vaguely remembered where he had read these two sentences.

Where did it come from?

He flipped through the books in the bookcase one by one.

found it!

Yan Laoer was ecstatic.

Carefully check the original text and copy it to the best of your ability!

Wait until the paper is full.

Yan Laoer stopped.

Put things away neatly.

The scholar next to me was full of admiration: "My dear fellow, you are so thoughtful and talented, you can write so quickly!"

Yan Laoer knew that his old face was hot without touching it.

"So, can you hand it in in advance?"

He cannot be judged with them.

I can't afford to lose that person!

The scholar thought for a while and said: "The autumn grain has been put into the warehouse recently, and the master will probably not go anywhere. If you see his old man's entourage, please let me know and see if you can see him."

Yan Laoer thanked him and hurriedly came out with his 'article'.

Wait for a long time to let him in.

He hesitated again.

He spun around in circles a few times, turned his head, closed his eyes, and rushed in.

Trembling, he placed the paper on the old man's desk.

Master Tian picked up the article and glanced at him as soon as he read the beginning.

Then I read down again, the speed became faster and faster, and I read the entire text ten lines at a time.

Mr. Tian:......

"What does Huai'an mean?"

"Sir, I...I didn't study hard when I was studying. I wanted to go out and play every day. I read it today and forgot it tomorrow. Later, when I got older and became more impatient, I threw the book away and didn't touch it for several years. This is so weird.

When I picked it up, my mind was empty and I didn’t even know what to write...

I am the only one in my family who can't study well, everyone else has good brains, but I am the only one who lacks this strength. I don't even have such thoughts in Qishan Mansion, but when I arrived in Guanzhou, my family had other thoughts..."

Mr. Tian understands.

The reputation of Guanzhou Prefecture is relatively easy to obtain.

There is nothing wrong with Yan Huaiwen's plan.

"Brother, do you know your situation?"

Yan Laoer shook his head repeatedly: "My eldest brother, he doesn't know that I hid it well before. The eldest brother is devoted to his career and teaching in the academy. He is in the town and I am in the village... What the eldest brother is thinking about is that I have been studying for so many years.

, there is always some foundation left.”

He said with shame: "But I just don't have anything left..."

Mr. Tian wanted to laugh when he heard this. He coughed lightly and said, "I see that your words and deeds are not like someone who has no ideas in his mind. You have received some influence."

When Yan Laoer saw that Mr. Tian was not angry, he still responded with gentle words, and said more and more heartfelt words: "You have to pretend a little bit, my brother is a scholar, I should imitate him more or less, so as not to embarrass him.


Mr. Tian considered the person in front of him carefully.

Yan Er is not afraid of hard work, values ​​brotherhood, is good at socializing with others, has a pleasant temperament, and although he is not literate, he is a good director and leader. The reason why Xiaoan Village has settled down so quickly is not unrelated to his support in the village.

Everyone has their own strengths.

Some people are good at reading books, and some people are good at doing practical things.

Yan Er is the latter.

He can understand somewhat of his brother's concerns.

Yan Huaiwen will definitely prosper in the future. If Yan Er just becomes a rich man in the village, it will be fine.

But if you don't have a suitable identity in diplomacy, you will inevitably be looked down upon.

This is the heartfelt love for his brother.

"Huai'an, I would like to ask you, are the books you have read really easy to forget?"

Yan Laoer hesitated for a moment and replied honestly: "Not really, it just has to be memorized several times before I can memorize it, and I have to look over it from time to time so that I don't forget it."

Mr. Tian said "oh", was silent for a moment, and suddenly asked him: "My family is eager for you to gain a great reputation. What do you think of Huai'an?"

Under the elder's seemingly see-through gaze, Yan Laoer whispered: "I also... I kind of want to..."

Although he said he didn't want to, he was an intelligent adult, how could he not know the difference between fame and fame?

"Recite everything you still remember one by one." Mr. Tian said.

Yan Laoer spoke frankly, and felt a little more calm when facing Mr. Tian.

He neatly memorized everything he knew.

Unprecedented fluency.

Mr. Tian asked him for an explanation again.

He memorized this part very awkwardly, and sometimes added some of his own vernacular.

Mr. Tian knew it well.

Don't blame Yan Huaiwen for insisting, it's just stupidity and lack of hard work.

It is indeed true that it is difficult to pick up after leaving it behind for many years.

The best way is to learn from the beginning.

But if he is classified as a Mengtong, after all, he has learned it once before, and he is afraid that his time has been wasted.

Then you can only...

Speed ​​up teaching and increase the workload.

If you study hard, you will achieve something!

Master Tian has made a decision.

He became more and more friendly to him.

"Huai'an, I'll be in peace now that I've come. Since you're here now, why don't you just stay and study for a few days without any worries. If you don't make any progress, I'll go to your brother's place and I'll go talk to you and let you go home as soon as possible."

Yan Laoer's whole face came alive, "Of course that's good, thank you sir."

"My nephew is still in school, so he has to take care of your uncle's dignity. In this way, I will personally take care of your homework in the future. During lunch break, after you go to the office, you come to see me in the office, and I will arrange it for you alone."

This chapter has been completed!
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