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Chapter 546 Top Ten in the County

The imperial examinations were based on routines.

The ordinary science examination sheds used in the county examination are all located in the north and south. There are east and west gates in the south, surrounded by wooden fences, and a large courtyard. The north of the courtyard is the main gate, called "Dragon Gate". Behind the dragon gate is a large courtyard for candidates to set up courtyards.

Wait for your name to be called.

There are three more halls, with an aisle in the middle. The eldest gentleman sits in the west room and faces east for roll call.

If there are many candidates, they will be sorted in advance. There will be paper lanterns in the courtyard, which are easy to see. They will go in one order and enter by roll call.

Huju follows this routine.

But the eldest man in Gu Fengcheng had other ideas.

The examination shed is built to imitate the examination room or above, with independent rooms with partitions.

To show that he, as a great master, attaches great importance to the education of Gu Feng.

But the effect is... no effect.

On the contrary, it also increased the workload of Mr. Gu Feng.

Originally, I only needed to sit in the hall and glance around to see clearly the status of the candidates. If I wanted to appear friendly, I would go for a walk. If I wanted to appear more majestic, I would just sit still in the hall.

After setting up these rooms, he could not stay warm in the room without moving. He had to go out for inspection from time to time. This was the responsibility of the examiner.

The cold weather in Guanzhou makes people unbearable even in February, not to mention that the first month has not yet come out. Mr. Gu Feng slowly walked in the aisle of the two rows of rooms. There was no expression on his face. It was not that he was deliberately serious.

But my face was numb from the cold...

When he reached a certain room, he paused briefly.

In the dormitory where his eyes fell, he saw an examinee using a wooden stick at the end of a broom to stab the roof of the shed with all his strength.

Take a closer look at the roof of the shed.

All the old tiles and wooden boards on the roof of the shed were gone, but a single coat was used to cover the head.

At this time, the examinee stabbed each other with a stick, which actually caused the falling snow to fall, so as not to wet the room.

The eldest man in Gu Fengcheng took a second look and felt that the candidate looked familiar.

After thinking for a moment, I remembered.

This should be Yan Huaiwen and Yan Hushu's second brother, the one named... Yan Huai'an.

Mr. Tian made an agreement with him, and the two exchanged places.

Not wanting to take the county exam in advance, Yan Huaian had no choice but to come to Gufeng to take the exam.

A gust of wind blew in circles, carrying the fallen snow on the ground into the air again, and slapped it towards him as soon as he saw it.

Mr. Gu Feng endured the blow, clenched his teeth, and after walking around for a while, he quickly returned to the hall.

The person below had a look and quickly moved the furnace barrel this way.

Then I poured some boiling water for the elder.

Mr. Gu Feng poured the cup with his left and right hands, and then placed it on the table until both hands became more relaxed.

The servant quickly changed him to tea with a moderate temperature.

"Why don't you do your best in repairing the examination room?"

"To tell you what, sir, it's really not our fault. The snow is too heavy. We've gone up there to clear it several times. We probably stepped on it accidentally...just those two or three places."

Who are the candidates who take the county examination?

Most of them were teenagers in their mid-teens, or young men who had just reached their prime. When they entered the examination room and saw such a situation, their mentality collapsed...

The only one who persevered and still took the exam was... that one.

It is said that the person who came from Huju was Yan Hushu's younger brother.

Despite the requirement for silence in the examination room, the government officials didn't join in much, but the news spread so quickly.

The elder has no intention of pursuing the matter.

It's a difficult and ups and downs test.

Bad luck, no wonder who came.

"See if the charcoal fire preparations are enough. If not, send some." Mr. Gu Feng said slowly.

He admired Yan Huaiwen very much.

This is the so-called love house and bird.

As much as we can, a little care doesn't hurt.

The other skills of the yamen servants may be weak, but looking at the elder's face and understanding the elder's thoughts, one is stronger than the other.

No, Yan Laoer was immediately assigned here.

Not only were they given some charcoal, but also several dry rags.

Let him wipe it.

Others have written it down, but he is still cleaning it up here.

The superiors finally stopped letting snow fall into the room. They poked it from time to time to prevent the snow from settling.

The snow in the room was so unclear that he didn't even dare to light charcoal to keep warm. He was afraid that the snow would melt when the temperature rose, leaving water everywhere. Then how could he write well?

The rag came just in time.

The piece he brought from home was torn into strips during inspection, and he had to ball it up into a ball. It was not very easy to use. He was thinking about whether to take off another piece of clothing...

When he finally wiped the tables and chairs, cleared all the snow from the cell, and lit the charcoal basin...

Finally we can look at the questions.

Not to mention, with such a busy job, he was so focused on clearing the snow and wiping the table that his nervousness was forgotten.

Wait until Yan Laoer sees the question clearly.

My heart felt stable.

"Come out! Dad! Here!" Yan Yu was sitting cross-legged on the bullock cart. When she saw someone coming out, she stood up and kept waving, for fear that her father wouldn't see her.

Yan Laoer hasn't come near yet.

Yan Yu couldn't wait to ask: "Dad, how are you? Are the test questions difficult?"

"Haha!" Yan Laoer's face glowed with confidence: "It's not difficult at all, I can keep silent."

He said proudly: "Kang Da, I remembered your words and counted them twice. The number of words is over six hundred and less than seven hundred. Don't worry, I definitely didn't write too many words."

Kang Yinli nodded with a smile: "Then this situation is settled."

Yan Laoer has a problem. Others are mumbling and can't write. He is good at writing, but the test is not based on the number of words. The first test of the county test is the main test, and the whole paper cannot exceed 700 words.

"Dad, why did you take off your clothes? Is it hot inside?" Yan Yu asked doubtfully.

"Speaking of this, my dear, my father almost failed the exam!" Yan Laoer put on the sheepskin jacket on the oxcart, rode directly on Sanbao, and threw himself on Sanbao's back regardless of what others saw.

Sanbao started to heat up automatically, and Yan Laoer hummed softly because of the warmth.

"Dong Weng looks exhausted. Let's go back to the inn first and let Dong Weng rest." Kang Da suggested.

"That's right, dad, let's talk about it when we get back."

"...Good guy, my heart was so cold at that time! I just thought, isn't this a bad thing? It's all snow, the tables and benches are all white, how can I take the test? I can't even put down the paper."

Yan Laoer had a good time cleaning up when he came back. Apart from being a little tired, he was otherwise fine.

Behind Kang Da's back, he secretly whispered to his daughter, and during the exam, he took a bite of fire toad meat strips.

The effect is immediate!

Immediately the coldness disappeared, and the burning sensation spread from the throat to the stomach.

Not only does it ward off the cold, it also refreshes you!

"Thanks to your dad's stable mentality, it took me a long time before everyone else started to lay out the paper and grind the ink. But as soon as I started writing, oh! That's completely different!" Yan Laoer said with a beaming expression: "If I start writing, I will have a lot of trouble.

God's help, the words seemed to be queuing up in my mind, popping out one after another. I just wrote and wrote without stopping at one breath. What do you call this? This is called finishing it in one breath!"

"Dong Weng, can you still answer the question silently?" Kang Yinli asked.

"Yes!" Yan Laoer was extremely confident this time.

After Kang Yinli read his answer sheet, he nodded to the father and daughter who were looking at him.

"Dong Weng must pass this scene."

"Dad, you are so awesome!" Yan Yu cheered: "It's written on the bulletin board. There are four exams in Gu Feng. Originally, the exams were to be held on the same day and the next day. Now time is tight and everything has to be advanced. The results will not be released tonight.

, there will also be a sign posted before entering the venue tomorrow.

Then let’s hurry up, Dad, don’t waste time, hurry up and prepare for tomorrow’s show!”

"Oh, I just passed the first test of the Tongsheng test. It makes you happy. This is nothing. Your master and your uncle both said that I am almost the same as the Tongsheng test. This is all normal performance..." Yan Laoer

Smiling so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits, he added: "But you're right, hurry up and prepare for tomorrow. By the way, waiter, don't forget to give dad a few more rags..."

Yan Laoer never used the rag again.

After a try, his name was indeed on the list of suspects.

The second round of tricks has not left the scope of the Four Books, but the third and fourth rounds are all directly copied from the original questions in the arithmetic book.

Yan Laoer’s answer should not be too easy!

The seats kept advancing, and he was lucky enough not to encounter any more troubled seats.

Until the final incident.

Yan Huaian's name is impressively among the top ten in the county list!

"Sixth!" Yan Laoer was dizzy: "Xiaoer, did you see it? Your father and I got sixth place in the exam!"

He muttered to himself in a daze: "It turns out that I am the sixth child..."

"Daddy, daddy! Don't be stunned. Let's go back quickly. Mom must not be able to wait any longer. She has to send a message to uncle. I'll go there myself!" Yan Yu was very excited and couldn't stop talking:

"I don't know how big brother is doing. He must be fine, hahaha! Let's go quickly. I'll go to Huju to pick up big brother and stay there for two days. Dad, what do you want to eat? Cats in the forest are flying in the sky. As long as you say

, as long as it exists, your daughter will get it back for you. We have to celebrate and celebrate. This is the first step to victory, but it is definitely not the last step. Oh! Dad! Why am I so happy! Haha! I am so happy!


Yan Laoer came back to his senses and looked at his daughter who was so happy that she looked like a little fool.

He also giggled.

"That's right, go home quickly and make your mother happy too."

Seeing the father and daughter returning home like an arrow, Kang Yinli hesitated to speak.

Logically speaking, the ten people before the county exam should go to visit the county magistrate.

It’s okay not to go. After all, Dong Weng’s situation is special and he is only here temporarily to take the exam.

Top ten in the county, which is good, but...

He also truly felt the difference between the Guanzhou Trial and other major palaces.

This question...this question...

I won’t go into the arithmetic problems in the next two games.

Are the first two games too simple?

There is also this arithmetic question... Although the candidates are relatively young, and the county examination mostly focuses on the Four Books, many candidates may have never touched a book on arithmetic, but using the original question, Mr. Gu Feng really understood it.

According to custom, the top ten candidates in the county examination must come to visit the grand master one by one.

The elder will also give you some words of encouragement, and most likely will also give you money.

Even if one of these ten people can continue to take the exam, it is a meritorious political achievement of his education. If the chronological review is not successful, he will be promoted to the first level.

Nine people came and went.

Mr. Gu Fengcheng waited hard for the tenth person to arrive.

He compared them and identified the person who didn't come.

It was Yan Huaian who ranked sixth in the county examination.

Mr. Gu Feng was relieved immediately.

Said to himself: "It turns out to be him!"

He thought for a moment and then found out the reason why he couldn't come.

Yan Huaian took the exam temporarily, probably because he was embarrassed to take his bonus.

Thinking about it this way, he felt regretful.

Mr. Tangtang Gu Fengcheng, is he short of this little money?

He had read Yan Huaian's test papers. The first two tests were correct and the last two tests were correct.

It can be described as quite satisfactory.

It should be that the test questions were too simple and he was unable to demonstrate his true level.

Master Tian's student, Yan Hushu's younger brother...

If he is selected as a scholar, even if it cannot be counted as his contribution to Gu Feng, there is no harm in making good friends in advance.

What's more... he has other thoughts.

The little thought in Mr. Gu Feng's mind came up again.

I thought that if all the uncles and nephews of the Yan family could pass the exam this time, then the Yan family... would be one of three talented people!

Yan Huaiwen was such a talented and talented official. Some people just took a fancy to him and rushed to get married with his family without waiting for him to win the election.

No, he couldn't wait any longer.

By the time Yan Huaiwen becomes the Master of Juren, it will be too late!

Yan Yu pulls the roe deer to Huju.

She thought her eldest brother’s county exam was fine, so she just went through the celebration process.

Unlike Gu Feng, Hu Ju took five exams.

Four and five games are actually arbitrary, and the examiner, the grand master, has the final say.

Yan Yu came at the right time because he had to take this exam.

Today is the day the crime occurred.

"Brother? Have you passed the exam? What position did you get? Tell me quickly!" When Yan Yu saw Yan Xiangheng, he jumped off the sledge and rushed over.

Yan Xiangheng turned around and saw her running towards him.

A smile overflowed from his eyes.

Before Yan Xiangheng could answer, Yan Yu saw it.

"Wow!" she exclaimed, her eyes widening: "Brother, you got first place in the exam, you are first place! The county's chief criminal!"

She was full of joy: "Brother, you are so awesome!"

When Yan Xiangheng saw everyone around him looking at him, he felt a little at a loss and his ears began to turn red.

Busily pulling the waiter to leave quickly.

After running back to his residence in the government office, Yan Xiangheng let go of his sister's hand.

Asked: "Didn't you go to Gufeng with your second uncle? Why did you come here? Is... my second uncle finished the exam? How did you do in the exam? But you passed?"

Yan Yu then told his father's grades.

"The eldest man in Gu Fengcheng gave two original arithmetic questions. Dad is familiar with them. The first two are also easy. Haha, dad got sixth in the exam. We are all happy!"

We are talking about the female family members of the Yan family represented by Li Xuemei.

One's own family knows one's own affairs.

It was not easy for Yan Laoer to pass the exam. They didn't even dare to think about getting into the top ten.

Yan Yu sighed: "Thanks to those two math problems, otherwise even if dad could pass, it wouldn't be so easy."

Her father actually showed confidence in the exam and was very interested in the next exam and looked forward to it.

He also made bold claims, saying that if the ratio remained the same, half liberal arts and half liberal arts, he would still be able to survive the end!

"Dad told me to pay more attention to arithmetic, and I will probably have more problems like this in the future." Yan Xiangheng said to Yan Yu seriously: "Don't forget to tell your second uncle when you go back, so that he can have an idea."

Yan Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, brother, Uncle Kang said the same thing, my father can save it."

"Yes, brother, I'm here to take you home." Yan Yu looked at the room. The father and son lived together and kept it very clean.

In addition to the necessary things for daily life, there are also many jars and jars piled up.

She lifted the roe deer off the sledge and went to look at the large vat at the door of the room.

"Brother, what have you and my uncle been eating recently? The meat in this tank has not gone out!" Yan Yu muttered dissatisfiedly.

I turned all the meat out of the vat and inspected it to see if it was damaged. I was relieved when I saw that it was still hard and showed no signs of melting.

Yan Yu simply dug out the big vat.

After cleaning, lay it over again with a layer of meat and a layer of snow.

Stuff every corner.

What a mess.

Finally, I put in half of the roe deer that I had packed up at home.

This chapter has been completed!
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